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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. ^ wait... if you get stitches, wouldn't it be because you need to get stitches? Especially if your dominant hand gets hurt, won't you need it even more?

    I got a job interview from a fashion designer I really want to work with

    I'm so scared shitless (O_O;;)

  2. Every time I'm quite seriously attracted to someone, he's always at least one of these:

    1. Gay. I have a gaydar, and that gaydar is in the form of intense attraction. I've complained too much about the one guy I actually really fell for, so moving on...

    2. Already has a GF/BF(?). Duh, of course someone else got to him faster.

    3. Hardcore Korean. That means, the guy will not consider a non-Korean as a potential GF. He probably doesn't even have a non-Korean friend.

    Basically, so far all I've found are disappointments, just really unlucky.....

  3. I just realized that now there are quite many porn actors who are my age....................................

    It's like that awkward moment when you're the only person with no sexual or even romantic experience in the room... yea.... (.____.)


  4. Errr... they're burnt out after making several consecutive releases and touring? Or maybe they landed their butts on an annoying record label and they're trying to get out of the situation somehow.

    I've mentioned it before, but I think when VK bands announce they're on hiatus, it often doesn't have any difference with an American band NOT saying they're on hiatus (or not saying anything at all) but still not touring/releasing/recording for an extended amount of time anyway.

    (It's like when K-pop artists say they're making a "comeback", which means that they're making a new release. While in American pop music term, a "comeback" is when an artist starts doing stuff again after get out from rehab/jail time/motherhood lifestyle/hospital/hermit lifestyle/abyss of drama)

  5. I'm single, but this is nothing new

    It's a 21-year-old problem in my case (-_-;) That's if you don't count the horrible "date" in middle school (involving 10+ friends tagging along because I was too damn scared) and "going out" with my good friend who later told me he's gay.

  6. Lol @ Photitos XD

    Err, how about Monochrome Haden... (^^;)

    I think Vontography would be great if your target customers are acquaintances or neighbors, because that makes your business sound approachable. Actually I think it could work too if you're aiming for doing more.. er.. "high-end"(?) type of business, as long as you write the label "Vontography" in some real classy font/graphic design work. At least for the non-European me, it makes me think of high fashion, lol (^^)

  7. Iced mocha. I'm not used to taking caffeine, so I'm too hyper now to do actual work (-_-;)

    EXO-M vol. 1 - MAMA (mini album)

    mmmmamamamamama toothpaste YYEAAAAAAAAH! syphilis, catalyst, and some newminos and dominoes. moghulist, moghulist, give me your ovarieeeees...

  8. So the other day I was telling my sister about how I've been really digging cocklobin's music lately. She doesn't listen to music much, never heard of VK. When I told her the band name, I couldn't help but be all awkward after I said "cock---" XD XD XD XD XD XD And then she couldn't really hear what I said so I ended up saying it even more awkwardly, like "Err... you.. know... like to cock your head... cock--And THEN THAT BIRD 'ROBIN'... cock-robin... yeah..." Yes, I rushed right into the '-lobin' part XD XD XD XD

  9. yesterday was the worst day of my life... i really think i should give up

    on school... <_< i can't fucking do it anymore...people are just pissing me off

    even more... my fucking grandmom doesn't think im trying in school... ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!




    Don't give up :( It's okay to just do things your pace. Try to enjoy the parts that you like about it, and ignore the parts that bother you (the annoying people, the nagging). I know it's a lot harder than it sounds, and I too have had my share of getting neurotic over it (and on top of that, nagging Asian parents who think I shouldn't even make friends and just study all the time). But at least just stick around to get all the diplomas/credits and useful experiences that you can get, because they'll help you in the future even if you may not realize it right now.

  10. I don't, but sometimes I like to entertain the thought that it's true. Or rather I would like to experience it, that could be interesting. But if I do experience it, I might just think that I probably got a stroke that temporarily distorts my brain functions, and thus my perceptions too.

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