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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. When is someone going to cover wish damnit!

    Luna Sea's "Wish"?

    If that's what you mean, SID already did (but I think the song really doesn't fit Mao's singing style :( )

    I'm pretty frustrated that we can't really buy stuff from Japanese iTunes from US without using a Japanese iTunes card and a fake Japanese address :x

    edit: omg nevermind, thank you so much @platanity for uploading XD

  2. Samples are available on Japanese iTunes, btw.

    Moran's take on Illuminati is pretty cool.


    here, too.

    EDIT: Illuminati and Mirai Kouro sound very interesting imo

    Good job Moran and Blu-Billion

    Kinda disappointed with Amber Gris atm

    Thanks! I feel like audio quality is a lot better than iTunes ones, or is that just my volume?

    Yea Blu-Billion's cover is interesting. ADAPTER.'s is pure fun. Still haven't listened to Moran's, too afraid to spoil it >.<

    I'm surprised people like Megamasso's cover, I feel like the chorus especially is kinda weak (-_-) I mean the original song is already pretty exciting, so they can't really go wrong, but it's not comparably awesome like NoGod's, Merry's, or Mix Speaker's covers in the 1st Crush!, and not even close to being as entertaining as BugLug's.

    9GOATS doesn't sound like themselves, they should have covered... "Dress"

    And I just don't understand why amber gris decided to do that. They could have easily rocked the shit out of it, but they didn't, whyyyyyy?????!!! D:

  3. Yea, so I was just reading it over and over again trying to understand the details of the announcement. I don't understand the whole "suddenly lost contact" thing (O__O) . It's like, he didn't even "leave the band", he was just suddenly... missing? Weird... stuff... I'm confused. (Well, Lamia's blog has disappeared).

    But the good thing is they're still playing live shows, so still functioning, just need a new drummer... right?

    Also, I wonder when their new guitarist waka would make a blog (or has he already? I wouldn't know, haven't been checking for a while).

  4. - all KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND singles

    whoa, yea you should be proud of that :D

    Plastic Tree - hide and seek

    Plastic Tree - Traumerei

    (both before re-released, yeah, they were out of print and expensive)

    Merry - Nu Chemical Rhetoric (DVD)


    All 6 singles, with most of the trading cards (although it was almost purely by luck that I found 5 of them in Closet Child, but no regrets). Now that I've collected all 6, I can line up the CDs to form a whole face, lol

    Jiminy Cricket - Paradox

    Jiminy Cricket - Iro no Nai Himawari

    Nothing quite as exciting as following a new band

    Fatima - Exit (found it used and signed for someone named Nagisa)

    SEX-ANDROID - Heisei Kotonakare Shugi! (got it signed at an in-store event... although something embarrassing also happened)

    TAFUCA - Snow Drop

    The Clash - London Calling (25th anniversary with behind the scenes DVD and released demos)

    Copeland - You are My Sunshine (special edition with DVD)

    Three One G records - This is Circumstantial Evidence (compilation live DVD)

    Three One G records - Release the Bats (compilation of their bands doing The Birthday Party covers)

    The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower - Love in the Fascist Brothel

    Copeland - In Motion

    ^ just because I've loved them for 6 years

    Wait until I finally get Moran's "Element" and "Mokka no Nukarumi", Chemical Pictures' "Praparat", and Fatima's "Noble King Snake" and "SSB" singles, eventually... then I would be extremely proud (*__*)

    Speaking of which I came across Fatima's "Downer" going for like Y5000 in Closet Child. I was afraid of accidentally knocking it over, it should be in a glass case.

  5. savage_garden-_album_cover1.jpg

    I was like 11 when it came out. And I loved it.

    Hey there's nothing to get embarrassed about, I was also into them when I was 10, (I have both this and Affirmation on cassette tapes). Listening to their stuff again these days, of course I'm not as impressed as I was then, but at least they don't appeal exclusively to teeny boppers and much much better than Good Charlotte or Avril Lavigne.

  6. Well, considering I started buying CDs when I was around 11, there are too many I've regretted buying. Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, Papa Roach, Blink 182. Gaaahhhhh D:

    Those aside, I quite regret buying Bright Eyes albums, I got sick of them pretty soon, overhyped I tell you.

    Also Ben Kweller's "Sha Sha", because it's pretty boring besides for a few songs.

    I kinda regretted buying Cursive's "Domestica" and "The Ugly Organ", but recently I kinda got into them again so that's ok, except I actually like their later albums better.

    Let's see.. I was also into Thursday for a while and got 3 CDs, but I haven't been listening to them for many years, guess it just kinda lost appeal.

    I also regret buying Thrice's "The Artist in the Ambulance", I kinda bought it just to listen to more bands in the same scene. Also Belle and Sebastian, because I got bored of their same old same old pop stuff pretty quickly.

    I have quite a number of the Cure's CDs, but I never really got into about half of them, and many of their albums that I like better I actually never bought.

    The Mars Volta's "De-Loused in Comatorium", it might have sounded cool at the time, but it's actually really tame and got boring. Their later stuff are probably more interesting, but I still haven't gotten into them.

    Sparta's "Porcelain", man, I totally did not expect that sound. I thought it would sound like "Wiretap Scars", but even "Wiretap Scars" turned out to be not all that good.

    Also my Ben Folds CDs, again, same old same old pop got me bored.

    New Order - "Waiting for the Sirens' Call". Their era is over, why bother.

    Yah, I'm sure there are many more to mention. As for Jrock/VK stuff, I got into them when I was more experienced with CD buying, and I heavily downloaded stuff before I bought the CDs, so I have different reasons to regret buying them.

    MERRY - "Seishun Neurosis"

    I regret this because I could have bought "Japanese Modernist / R-246" instead from the same shop (in Hong Kong). Both songs in "Seishun Neurosis" (excluding the little bonus in the end) are in "Modern Garde", but "R-246" would have been a nice B-side addition to my collection :(

    Fatima - "Kesenai Ame/Muchi na Inochi e"

    Because I still haven't opened in, and it's not rare. I still love the single, but in terms of collectible value, it's not much :S

    ジュリィー - "Identity"

    I quite like Jully, but I guess I just don't like them THAT much to spend that much money on a CD

    東京ヒーローズ - "twinkle"

    Because Tokyo Heroes have released better stuff. But I did get a poster from buying this single. I'm still afraid to open the poster, just in case I want to sell it but accidentally damage it or something.

    Waive - "HURT."

    I like Waive, but this isn't my favorite album. I should have bought one of their indies compilations instead if I were to spend that much money.

    cali≠gari - "≠"

    So far this is the only cali≠gari CD I've bought. Considering how much I like some of their other albums better, I could have spent my money better.

    Amber bullet - "Over Dose" (digital)

    I think "UNDER COVER" and "Zetsubou no Cantella" was their peak (oh such a passng peak that was), but I was curious about their stuff, so I decided to support the band. Whatever, it was like $3.

    Yeah, but the good thing is, overall, I'm still happy with the VK CDs I "regretted" buying, unlike my older CDs that I really have gotten over.

    Faith No More - Who Cares a Lot?: The Greatest Hits

    so you regret purchasing FNM album? :o

    Wikipedia says they're credited as a big influence to nu-metal. I would regret supporting a band that helped drive that sack-of-shit genre as well :/


    aww not all nu-metal is that bad... ok it's mostly bad, but it's just the fans who are making them worse than they actually sound

  7. I pretty much grew up with Asian/Japanese stuff since I started reading manga in 1st grade (or maybe even earlier before that since I lived in Asia), so my most weaboo moment was walking around in platform boots when it's not con, but that was college freshman year, so all is forgiven *relieved*

    I was more n00b in middle/high school, but that wasn't weaboo because I was into obscure indie/hardcore/punk rock. Oh how I would fit in right now if I were still into those stuff.

  8. My parents still lol when they hear Japanese music coming out of my room. They're like "haha, is that Japanese?". And I'll be like, "err.. I've been listening to Japanese music for 4 years now, why do you even have that reaction anymore?" (-_-)

    But I think they're fine with it, especially because before I was really really into punk/hardcore/noise rock that they understand even less.

    At least as long as I don't tell them how much money I spend on CDs (.__.; )

    As for friends, I think it makes it more difficult for me to join the conversation when we talk about music, but I'm just not into new Western music anymore in the first place, so it's not really because I listen to Japanese music. But I haven't exactly converted anyone either.

    My parents make snide comments and ask me if I'm going to get a sex change.

    Lol, good thing my parents haven't been exposed to the VK gayness (because I'm in college). However my friends have seen my infamous wall of tranny posters, and they just think of it as another one of the weird stuff I'm into, lol.

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