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Posts posted by ficsci

  1. I'm surprised myself, but Creature Creature's "Phantoms" just doesn't make it to the list (maybe I just need to listen to it more...?)

    And as I thought, I just hadn't listened to it enough. It tends to take me some time to really appreciate stuff that I end up really liking for a long time. This album is amazing, adding it to the "best of" list.

  2. My parents rarely ever say anything about sex (my dad just doesn't, period), so when my mom does.............. okay I'm not even going to put it out there. Talk about repressed.

    But it was rrrreeeeaaaaall weird going to a sex toy shop with my sister. It surprised me that she was pretty open about it since we were raised by the same parents and all.... I couldn't say anything the entire time (-_-;)

  3. No, I'm quite proud of having the same ethnicity as Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and Stephen Chow, even though I wasn't born in the same place as them. And I'm proud that my great grandparents had the guts to migrate some place else with better opportunities, even though they had to face racism. But I sure wish that I had been born in a developed country so that I don't have to worry trying to find ways (ahem visa) to keep my ass in one. But I like rock & roll and living in Asia, because I am Asian and I had been raised in a more Asian than Western way (even if that's kind of questionable because I went to an American middle & high school... in Asia, man I'm so culturally confused), so that wish could also be "I wish I had been born in an Asian developed country where there's some awesome rock & roll". There aren't that many of those, to be honest with.

    I think people who are citizens or permanent residents of developed countries should be more grateful of their status. If you want to do things you like in life that might put you in the risk of becoming somewhat broke, at least you still won't be as broke and at a dead end as some other people in the world.

  4. Hey Pandabear

    Thanks for the recommendations. Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear with my question. I'm sort of looking more for scenes with bands that are still just starting & figuring out what they want to sound like, not for ones that have been around for 10-ish + years and are now the big names in alternative rock. I have listened to a lot of the bands you mentioned above before I got into jrock (mid-2000s, until the bands I really like in the hardcore/noise scene broke up). I guess I'm asking this because I want to know what sort of rock music the younger musicians are playing and whether there will be some kind of "new" style emerging in the near future (you know like when math & metalcore got big was several years ago).


  5. What software do you use when you compose for a rock band? That is, if you're showing the work to someone else who'll be playing it.

    I don't have Mac and don't want to spend a lot of time fussing over the computer, so I just use Guitar Pro. But the midi playback sounds like crap. Would that be too janky to present the composition to a guitarist? (even though the notations are all there)

  6. I have a question to everyone living in US

    Is there a rock music scene that is still flourishing in US in the present day? When I mean "rock", I mean pretty hard, heavy, head-banging stuff (sorry that's kind of a vague description but I dunno how else to specify rock ROCK for people who love guitars and shit vs. "rock" that doesn't make people go FUCK YEA \m/(>.<)\m/). It seems that just 5 years ago there were still quite a number of hardcore & punk-type bands that were doing pretty exciting things. But ever since many of them got older and/or broke up, even though I've been living in Chicago, in the past few years I haven't discovered younger bands that are doing stuff in a similar spirit.

    I'm guessing that the answer is likely to be "yes, there is a rock scene". Am I just missing out on American rock music scene because I don't bother looking into the hipster scene? (Let's not talk about the ones who are making noise without knowing even a bit of music theory). Or is it because I'm living in Chicago and not in LA or New York? I wonder what kind of music are musicians my age (early 20s) making these days... or at least those who aren't Japanese lol.

    I'd like to know, thanks.

  7. my favorite this year

    cocklobin - Iris

    ^ At first I liked only the latter half of the album, but later I realized how good the first half is too. cocklobin is my favorite band this year.

    Dolly - トロイメライ

    ^ I can't help but find many parts of the album very touching, don't know how to explain, but they managed to get just the right sound this time to hit a weak spot I wasn't quite aware I have. Plus "Suisai Palette" remake is just beautiful (T.T)

    DEAD END - Dream Demon Analyzer

    ^ I have so much respect for this band because of this album. It's one of the coolest things I have ever listened to.

    DIMMDIVISION. - A Day in the PanoraMagic

    ^ I almost forgot that this was released in 2012. Listened to it to death.


    ^ It's cool, as Liphlich typically is.

    I'm surprised myself, but Creature Creature's "Phantoms" just doesn't make it to the list (maybe I just need to listen to it more...?). Also Plastic Tree's "Ink" (it's pretty good, but unlike "ammonite", it doesn't have as much momentum as an album). I really like and listened a lot to the god and death stars's "Tonight is the Night", but it's still not epic enough to be on the list. Ayabie's "Answer" is pretty fascinating, but I can't bring myself to listen to it again.

  8. c'mooooon no 'the dark'? fuck my luck, my favorite songs are never featured on bands dvd releases, NEVERRRR

    I think that's because it was written by Shinichi, but he already left (maybe they don't play it live because of copyright/royalty stuff). Correct me if I'm wrong about who wrote that song.

    I want this DVD (o_o) *starts counting money*

    And what is that ?

    Iris解説本「TO WEEP FOR LOVE」

    価格\2,500 (in tax)


    1st Full album [iris]のメンバーによる曲解説本

    機材や歌詞や曲 そのこだわり抜いた全ての全貌がここに。


    It's a book that explains their full album and such

    And it has a DVD documentary of the recording, which is the only thing I want from it... (T_T)

  9. "アシノシル(acinocill)" members:
    Vo.芥(akuta) (ex-Administrator)
    Gt.shia. (ジミニークリケット(jiminy cricket))
    Gt.千歳(chitose) (ex-レミング(remming))
    Ba.野中拓(nonaka taku) (ケミカルピクチャーズ(chemical pictures))

    I'm so happy he's still around X)
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