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Status Replies posted by Lestat

  1. Hey guys, did someone share anything besides コワイクライ from xaa-xaa here on MH? For some goddamned reason, when I search their name, even in kanji, NOTHING comes up. plz haaalp

  2. Hey guys, did someone share anything besides コワイクライ from xaa-xaa here on MH? For some goddamned reason, when I search their name, even in kanji, NOTHING comes up. plz haaalp

  3. I wish I know how to write reviews ;~; Someone teach me <3 Haha

  4. Will never hear ????ゃ??り??彼女.

  5. Will never hear ????ゃ??り??彼女.

  6. Ever since I quit WoW I've been searching for a free game that'll fill the gap and help me I can't stop playing Neverwinter

  7. wow IE10 really sucks: >open 10 new tabs >close them all >wait a second >IE OPENS THEM ALL IN NEW WINDOWS??

  8. Happy birthday freesia!

  9. Catching up on my Dragon raising. I know I go at my own pace (snail`s pace), but I am coming along. Just got a sick new Thunder Style, but I need to level up, which I never do.

  10. my erection for Fallout 4 is out of this world

  11. Do you ever just

  12. People always say 'just find new friends' like it's the easiest thing in the world...

  13. Extreme metal plug theme set for today! I know a few of you who aren't plug regulars are fans of the genre so why not try it today? Link: https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  14. Extreme metal plug theme set for today! I know a few of you who aren't plug regulars are fans of the genre so why not try it today? Link: https://plug.dj/monochrome-heaven

  15. "Your PC was making a noise so I pulled this big cable out of it and it stopped!" — My stepdad, everyone.

  16. I refuse too upgrade too a ps4 I won't don't judge me ._.

  17. I feel like I am cheating now.

  18. How do you all feel about it when your friends remain friends with the people who have absolutely belittled you, lied to you about a lot, talked about you behind your back, and simply treated you like trash? Every time I see these people interacting, my heart just sinks.

  19. Why are starwave PVs always so blue? Are they filmed underwater? Fish-kei best-kei.

  20. My sister is marrying in less than two weeks and I am developing all sorts of physical issues. Why is this happening now?

  21. Oh god I think I threw up a little.

  22. Photos of food are disgusting.

  23. 蜈蚣 is somewhat of an 'O.K.' track on the new single, but other than that it goes straight in the bin together with RAVEN and アプリオリ.

  24. 蜈蚣 is somewhat of an 'O.K.' track on the new single, but other than that it goes straight in the bin together with RAVEN and アプリオリ.

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