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Lestat last won the day on March 18 2016

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About Lestat

  • Rank
    Kisaki's Courtesan
  • Birthday 05/03/1993

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  1. I am so pissed off right now with how Europe got treated by B7Klan during Kamijo's tour, seeing the US are treated like gods with the personal cheki with Kamijo whereas we had to stand in groups of 30+ where half of the people weren't even visible.

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    2. Tetora


      Ah I see, well it is good that you did what you could. Since they seem to have brought Kamijo in the first place AFAIK, I hope people aren't making them look bad, but I also hope they do end up taking feedback to heart. Sometime's companies listen but don't try and show it since they are afraid that once they show they gave in fans will start demanding more and more.

    3. whitegrey


      Ok, my perspective might be pretty off/biased since I've been working with Torpedo/B7K for quite a while (but have stepped back from doing so 1.5 years ago due to personal and financial reasons) - you might take into account how 'many' concerts/tours would have been in EU if they wouldn't have been around the last 10 years (for example)... Often it's also a matter of the location, the road-plan/schedule, the local promoter... Can't tell if anything has changed in gener...

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