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Everything posted by Corronum

  1. Corronum

    I laughed waaay too hard at this. It's so sad, but so true. Good to see new things from Art Cube again, regardless.
  2. Corronum

    I never thought I'd see them in white. It's almost blinding.
  3. Corronum

    Last band, huh? That's disappointing. I think he should have just stayed solo. He was somewhat better off that way.
  4. Corronum

    Ah, even if I'm the only one that cares about them, I'll still look forward to more information. I was wondering what was going on with this group
  5. As much as I like GPK, Witch on Flames was not my favorite remix. The PV...wow. This is why I can't stop following Velvet Eden. This sort of badness is just hilarious.
  6. Corronum

    I knew BLOOD wouldn't last. The fact that Kiwi seems to be driving off vocalists like the stench of hell is hilarious. I never liked SaTaN, but I might give it another shot. I might just surprise myself.
  7. Corronum

    Given Shaura's track record with bands, I'm not surprised either. To be honest, their releases weren't anything special anyway. I only ever liked the song Deep Love.
  8. Corronum

    Just heard the sample, now I can't wait for the album <3
  9. Corronum

    Wow, live-limited? They must really not want anyone else to hear their music at this point. That's the second live single I've heard about since CHAIR FALL--er, sorry, "CHAIN ~FALL INTO YOU~"
  10. Corronum

    Seconding the request for both songs.
  11. Corronum

    Webshop and live only? I guess I don't need it that much...it did take me a few listens to like the other two, after all. Maybe it'll be uploaded somewhere later.
  12. Corronum

    The vocalist from The 69 Eyes is Jyrki 69 =)
  13. Corronum

    Oh hey, my top three favorite vocalists! As soon as I saw this topic, I immediately thought of Kira and was going to answer accordingly XD; I love his voice so much. ;___; Wish he was doing something new. I think GPK -could- count for a low-voiced vocalist. He goes pretty deep in some of his songs. Maybe Dada too... I've always preferred low-voiced vocalists, so this is definitely going to be a favorite thread for me.
  14. Corronum

    Again, thank you so much! I really wasn't expecting a reply to this. I thought I'd never find them
  15. Corronum

    I couldn't be happier. This happened just when I started to fall away from v-kei. There still seems to be hope. I'll look forward to their future.
  16. Corronum

    I've been a huge fan of Kaya since his Schwarz Stein days. It's hard for me to pick out a favorite song, as I have waaaaay too many. I loved what he did with Isola way back in the day, too...actually, there's not a lot of his stuff that I -don't- like. ^^; He was also amazing in concert. Best Anime USA ever.
  17. Looking forward to the new album! I heard a couple of demos a week ago and enjoyed them greatly. Kalm and Dada really do make an amazing pair.
  18. Corronum

    Looking forward to it.
  19. Corronum

    I think I'd be dying right with you if that happened. I'm already so excited to see something new from Kaya, and to have a combination of his style and guitars? It's definitely like a dream come true (even if I'm not the biggest Hizaki fan. : < )
  20. Corronum

    Would anyone happen to have these lyrics? I've been looking for them for a while...Thank you in advance.
  21. Corronum

    Aaahhh, I couldn't be more excited about this! I kept wondering when they were coming back. I can't wait to see more of them!
  22. Corronum

    Buck-Tick - Kyouki no Dead Heat
  23. Corronum

    I couldn't agree more. I knew for a fact they weren't coming back anytime soon.
  24. Corronum

    I'll always prefer Juka to Seth (though I like him a lot more now after listening to more Art Cube), but I'm still looking forward to this. I've already long since given up on Malice Mizer. That dream is dead.
  25. Corronum

    Awwww, no! I was just starting to really get into them, too. D: This always happens, I swear...
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