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Everything posted by Corronum

  1. Corronum

    I need it like air. It is weird how I keep reading about all these musicians that claim to be retiring and then keep on releasing new things....
  2. Corronum

    I don't even give a shit who he's teaming up with I'm just glad Dada's doing something relatively productive. A shame there's no Sea of Blood on that list though. I really loved that song.
  3. The cheesiness of it all is what makes me want more. I'm a sucker for stereotypical goth shit.
  4. Yeah, I found that out right after I asked. I have no idea how shopping services work and am without a credit card right now, so I guess this one won't be happening unless someone's nice enough to upload it.
  5. I'd like to know this myself, actually...I usually order from CDJapan but I can't even get this guy to come up on the searches.
  6. Corronum

    They're in dire need of more love. I keep thinking they've fallen off the face of the earth because I never see anything about them.
  7. Corronum

    I only started liking them a few weeks ago, and that was because of a growing attachment to Metis Gretel. Sui's voice is a little higher than what I usually go for, but it's great as long as it's not a ballad. Favorite songs are Angelica Jewelry and Sabbath
  8. Corronum

    I honestly thought these guys fell off the face of the earth...Good to know I was wrong.
  9. Corronum

    Sui had some real promise, I think. I hope this isn't the end of him. :c
  10. Corronum

    I actually have lyrics for Egoist and Divine Punishment that my friend translated for me. If I can find where I saved them, would you like me to send them to you? As for Slave Zone, I have scans of the single, just no knowledge of being able to translate/romaji-fy them, otherwise I'd ask for those lyrics too XD
  11. Corronum

    I'd like to find the lyrics to "Say", "Rulia" and "Lazy Noisy" I know these are kind of old songs, but I can't seem to find the singles anywhere. I'd prefer kanji or romaji, but any form is fine. Thank you very much in advance <3
  12. Corronum

    Hahaha, knew it wouldn't last. Girl's End is nice though. Very different from your typical VE fare.
  13. Corronum

    Looking forward to it, as always. He hasn't disappointed me yet.
  14. Corronum

    Yeah, I was still gunning for a remake of Kumo-Onna...Le sigh. we'll see how long this lasts.
  15. Corronum

    OMG so excite! I thought they dropped off the face of the earth after Zeitgeist. Shows how much I follow music anymore XD;;;
  16. Corronum

    Not gonna lie I am EXCITED beyond belief at the idea of a reworked Kugutsu. Better start camping out to preorder this beauty~
  17. Corronum

    A...session band? This ought to be interesting. I wish I could see them
  18. Corronum

    With special guest keyboardist: an actual tarantula.
  19. Corronum

    That's a damn shame. The last song they put out that I heard, Freakshow, was so good too. But knowing Dada, this isn't going to last.
  20. Corronum

    I may have only followed them casually, but it's a real shame to see them go...Maybe this'd be a nice time to look into LAREINE.
  21. Corronum

    Would anyone happen to have the kanji or romanji lryics to either Kiss for Salome or Stigma? I'm looking everywhere for scans but it seems the album has disappeared into obscurity. Any help would be appreciated
  22. Corronum

    Boy, I wish I could see that...
  23. Corronum

    I also think the remake of Red Carpet Day was....weak, as was said about the original. Kamijo's vocals just don't sound as inspired or as sinister. In the original, the vibe I got was "Ha ha! I'm a wicked bloodsucker, God is useless" and in the remake I got more of a "I live off of blood, so what?" That initial first set of lyrics [verse? forgive my lack of terminology knowledge] punched me in the face in the original, but the remake it's just sort of...there. Ayakashi and Rose were amazing, so that, so far makes up for the disappointment that was Holy Grail. Still like Rhapsody, though.
  24. Corronum

    Wow, I thought they disbanded eons ago. Oh well, no loss.
  25. Corronum

    I could scan my Vampire Requiem case with the kanji lyrics in it if anyone's willing to do a romaji translation?
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