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Dark Kinma

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Status Updates posted by Dark Kinma

  1. Gears of War 4, FF 7, Dishonored 2, Uncharted 4, Doom.... wow this E3 is awesome !

    1. Tetora


      Last Guardian and Shenmue, also Dreams, Dark Souls 3, ReCore, etc.. Good stuff.

  2. Today CDJ impresse me, because they shiping my order with 2 day advance.

  3. suxx suxx suxx, new last fm website suxx !

    1. Minami


      FFFUUUUUUUU ... i even cant scrobble new songs and add pictures

  4. Can't say why, but I start to appreciate what last.fm become ^^ !

    1. togz


      Yeah it's not so bad afterall

  5. How add covert art on new last.fm ? someone knows ?

    1. Lestat


      You can't do that yet.

  6. MY Fps of the years : Rainbow Six : Siege !

    1. Tetora


      For me : MGO in First Person view, hehe. Also, what was up with RAW tonight, we need Cena, Rollins, Orton and D Bry back badly.

  7. I will start my 黒百????影 collection !

  8. Happy New Years M-H !

    1. CAT5


      Same to you!

  9. Hope we can keep this pink color after this stupid sunday =)

    1. pinkmakona


      Same. We NEED to keep the pink names going or at least mine.

  10. Interested to discover ジャックケイパー so hope CDJ will have their two first release ^^

    1. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      i like them too . i saw their live on youtube so cool

  11. have TRUST my in CrowN !!

  12. At 2,000 posts, I stop myself, closed my hell mouth, cute my goddamn fingers, building an igloo, go looking of Cody Lundin... maybe, i supposed...

  13. `Cody Lundin fan club`

  14. Don't Give Me A Shit About My New Alive.

  15. We are The Shield of justice!

  16. 明る??Regret by LOCUS is a good song ^^

  17. Faintest Hope my melodic deathmetal band revelation's 2013 <3

  18. have TRUST in my CrowN !!

  19. Feedback: Purchased some flyers from klahasama. Have receive it in few day (4 exactly) all in good condition. It's a very good affairs. Come back for take other flyer.

  20. no help, no return, it's all over!

  21. Feedback: Purchased some flyers from klahasama. shipping fast, all in good condition. It's a very good affairs. recommend her.

  22. It's just about シノ.

  23. Return of Nadir's members, that make me happy for the rest of day...month...years...

  24. hide and seek with myself

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