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About Valicious

  • Rank
    Hyde's Pimp
  • Birthday 12/30/1986

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  • Location
    New Mexico, USA

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  1. There's a ton of CDs we can import for 714 yen, anybody wanna hop in on the big order we're placing?.  714 yen gets any of the 150 yen CDs shipped to us in the US.  (then you just pay for shipping from New Mexico)  http://sellinglist.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/user/purepons?ei=UTF-8&s1=cbids&o1=a&slider=0&b=151

    1. -NOVA-


      omg i gatta go thru this list

    2. -NOVA-


      Well i went thru the list omg the amount of stuff i want xD ill send you an email :)

    3. Valicious


      For items beyond the first, we'll do a 100 yen/item discount as well~

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