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About Valicious

  • Rank
    Hyde's Pimp
  • Birthday 12/30/1986

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    New Mexico, USA

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  1. I really need a job, I hate feeling like I'm doing nothing with my life. I'm so sick of being dead broke all the time, and barely scraping by- sometimes by sheer luck- every month. I have a 4-year university degree in business admin and marketing, I've applied for hundreds of jobs, had many interviews, and always am given BS reasons (often contradicting themselves) as to why I'm not a good fit. After nearly two years of this, I'm starting to feel rather worthless.

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    2. Valicious


      The amount of effort that goes into RarezHut is similar to a full-time job, but it's not viable as a replacement for a full-time job. The income from RarezHut is what lets us barely survive, but it won't do more than that unless we drastically raise prices. (which we won't as a big part of why we do all this is to benefit the community)

    3. vanivani


      I'm sorry to hear that. A lot of people with college degrees nowadays seem to not be able to find work. Hope you can find something, even if it's an internship to get your foot in the door.

    4. Valicious


      Already did an internship for 6 months. I was put in charge of "everything internet"

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