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Posts posted by Ikna

  1. Found another band by accident...




    Now it's not as terrible as Romancia, but I don't really like it. Somehow the chorus feels very displaced, like it doesn't blend or fit with the rest so well.


    Oh and there's also Sada's solo project. I think it is a tiny bit better than Romancia's stuff and I can tolerate Sada's voice more... but still crap.


  2. Okay... so they were also cutting a corpse open (as can be seen in the PV)  and stained themselves with it's blood? Or am I making this up? XD


    Anyway... one thing that Visual kei was for sure in the past: fucking illegal XD

  3. I was going to start naming off PVs that looked like they were filmed and directed by VISUAL TRAP but here's an Italian wikipedia page that lists a bunch of them. :D


    So yep, there's those La'Mule and Dir en grey PVs and also another I had suspected like SHIVER's PV HYPNOSIS but surprised to not see THE PIASS or anything from KEY PARTY like NeiL's DEEP ETERNAL and NOi'x FLOWERS. I guess with THE PIASS you can kinda tell that the production quality is slightly lower. I wonder if the list isn't accurate, probably not.


    Either way, that's kinda cool. Also seeing bands on there I had no idea had PVs like HYSTERIC BLAME and Vasalla had a PV for D.N.A?? Wuuuuuut!


    Thanks, I already wanted to say something about the Piass and how much they remind me of La'Mule. It's funny (but logical) how the similiar looking bands alle ended up with similiar band concepts and videos. Guys with neon or bright dyed hair in ripped and bloody clothes with lots of bandages and fake blood were the thing in the late 90s.

    That nictine PV especially has so much in common with La'Mule's curse you almost think it's the same band or they are related.


    I like NéiLs's Platina/Platinum. Just because the boys look so cool in it. When I was watching Shiver's PV I was amazed at the quality- until then (a short time after I came in contact with the old bands) I mostly knew good quality PVs from newer visual kei bands and Dir en grey. My first PV from an old school band was Madeth gray'll's Parasite *lol* And that was rather trash... It's really a shame that Shiver are no more. They had an awesome sound and look.


    Yeah, I have to agree... Key Party bands really had the best PVs, considering they were just indie visual kei. I'd be interested about that Vasalla PV too.


    Speaking of Laputa, I discovered the band through their PV for jakou. I was hooked immediately and thought that everyone looks so badass with their black coats XDD And I love Aki, he is beautiful. Of course with bigh 90s hair, he looks even better.



    I am afraid this thread will explode with 90s and big hair nostlagia. Unfortunately I can't contribute more new stuff, as I am not so interested in modern visual kei. And I agree that Dir en grey's newer PVs somehow have less budget. I can't explain their dropping quality otherwise :/


    And is that "visual kei today sucks balls" thing starting again? We already had this topic in other two threads. I think a discussion about it suits the Old vs. New Vk more than this one...

  4. @ Hyura


    Well... we both like the old stuff and La'Mule. Guess we could be soulmates XD

    I just thought I write a bit more not only to back up my claims and opinions, but also because this topic is very interesting. Once I'm into writing stuff about such a thing I can't stop with "storytelling"... Also that's why we have this discussion forum. We discuss thigs and that means people will just have different opinions and see things differently. I don't like the thought of not reacting what others have said and just smashing youtube video links in every post. It's more fun when there is an actual conversation.


    Btw, thanks for the info about Visual Trap. Now I know why I like all these PVs, since most of them have been made by Visual Trap. i like the way they do the videos.

    I also enjoy watching Kuroyume's early PVs. I feel 親愛なるDEATH MASK is quite similiar to 十字架との戯れ in the way it is cut and shot, it may even be the origin of all those fast, chaotic and totally crazy visual kei PVs.


    Let's not forget this wonderful 90s gem, aka were Kyo got his inspiration from ;) Not the most excellent video of the band, but it's iconic:




    And there's also Sick from 1994. I was watching that today and thought about Kiyoharu's children... what do they think when they see this PV with their father dancing in a dress with fake boobs? "Daddy, you have been a walking piece of fanservice"? lol, sorry, I am thinking too much about such things.




    I like Pierrot's PVs very much too. My fav is Mad Sky. It's a wonderful combination of visual kei craziness and surrealism and I love the setting so much. It's very well done (but so are really most of the band's videos)


  5. ^I like that Luna Sea song. Their old songs never get too old X3


    1. 記憶の配分 - DIE-ZW3E

    2. 堕胎者の葬列 - Sadiesmarry

    3. Re-birth - Rentrer en Soi

    4. Search for... (Voiceless) - Syndrome

    5. A Ballad For Morgaine - Strange Boutique

    6. Show Zone - KeiL

    7. 夢浮月 - Karma-Shenjing

    8. 妖精 - Missalina Rei

    9. Unlearned Man- 黒夢

    10. パラサイト - Madeth gray'll


    Lol, that list's oldschool as hell

  6. Ehm, I don't really know how I am lecturing you when I am just stating my opinion and give my thoughts about the topic? Sorry if I happened to write so much text because I was inspired to write more about what I think about it and that my english skills make my wording appear like "I "have no sense of humour" >_> I didn't even say anything against you, so what's the issue?

  7. Well... I think Kagrra, were the first band to start mixing traditional elements with visual kei. They already did this lightly when they started out as an oldschool band called CROW. Miyavi was still in Dué le quartz back then, if I remember correctly.
    I don't think either that traditional elements are overused, at least not in visual kei. I guess you can get the impression that it is because some japanese bands like to put a bit of their local melodies and instruments into songs, but that doesn't really qualify as folk or traditional japanese music. It would just have the same effect as american rock bands using some country elements in their songs or German groups having a bit folk/Volksmusik qualities...


    Let's not forget that visual kei comes from Japan, so having a bit of influence from the music and fashion of your home country isn't so unlikely for them.
    In my opinion the non-japanese music trends, most who started to become a fad in the US and european countries, are much more annoying. I am not saying that all western music sucks and is a bad influence (it sure is not! We have some great artists and musicians), but Metalcore, Nu-Metal, Techno-Pop and other related things that are trendy now are much more overdone in Vk by now. This type of bands outnumber all the traditional and folky visual kei bands easily.


    I guess we have different opinions on D's work also. But at the moment their music videos really stand out. I am not a fan of action honestly. In visual kei PVs it would maybe even be out of place. That now depends on your definition of action, Umi_Niwa. I also think Ds PVs are really more about the fiction and portrayal of their current song or band concept than the band and Asagi. He is just the main protagonist. That's not so different from Malice Mizer's PVs and that's why I like them.

    Your video can have good effects, nice visuals and put the band into the spotlight, but it is all about balancing. As I have said: overdoing in one category, especially the special effects, can ruin everything.


    It's right that this is not a visual kei-only issue. I think music video's have lost a lot of creativity not only because of new technologies. But the big era of music videos is over, I guess. MVs aren't that important to a musician or group as they have been back in the day when music channels liek MTV prospered and still played mainly music. We live in very different times. The internet made things cheaper, more accessible and faster. Music videos just don't appeal so much this day, where I can just download the songs I like to have, store it on two or three devices, where I have another 10 thousand music files. Music videos are nice to look at, from time to time. But the impact isn't the same. I  the past people went crazy for the Michael jackson videos you mentioned, My mum even owned a VHS with the full Thriller MV plus Making off and the casette wasn't cheap. How many people would pay over 20€ to get a VHS with one single music video today?
    Today PVs are simply what it says on the tin: promotional videos. Nice to look at and they should make people eager to buy the single or album or the special edition which comes with the vid. But most PVs can't really stand alone for themselves anymore.




    I wanted to put Vidoll's Chocoripeyes too, but forgot XD
    It's actually funny how Kisaki's label made a transgression from super low-budget, cheap and crappy handcam videos during matina times to Undercode's decent and funny PVs in the early days... and then followed the trend of other labels with their generic "band poses around with lots of closeups and nice effects" videos.
    Okay, Phantasmagoria's vids weren't masterpieces either... especially Kami Uta, which is a good example for CGI-overload. Vidoll's first PVs were rather meh, typical late matina style. But during Undercode they had such nice PVs... I also like Fstein to M. Doesn't really have a story at all, but the style is so reminiscent of early 2ks visual kei videos when they were heavily inspired by Dir en grey's freaky videos like Zan. You had those fast cuts, gory scenes and the topic of insanity or mental breakdowns. Kinda miss that.


    Well... Kagerou's early PVs remind me of that, but their later ones are good too. Not typically Visual kei as they started to grow out of it at the end.


    This one has the typical Zan-inspired freakiness plus fast cuts and singer Daisuke being weird.



    In that Pv I like the setting.



    The band also had a few landscape PVs too that I like. Can't find a decent quality of Zetsubou ni sayonara, but that video features an urban setting and I just like the way it is made.

  8. I agree with Arithmetica. Sure, there have been tons of bad PVs back in the day as well... I'd say the difference in awfullness lies in the technology. In the 80s and 90s the crappiness was thanks to low-budget, lack of talent and the movie being shot with a cheap cam. Today the equipment may be better- but an overdose of CGI and computer effects can ruin it and make the video look cheap too.


    I like D's PVs for being a good example what good PVs are made of: great scenery, lovely details and great costumes. Most of their PVs tell stories as well so it's not just the band posing around. I could compare D to Kiryu too considering that most of their PVs or outfits are colourful (maybe not as vivid and flashy as Kiryu's). I really like the way they work with different concepts with both music, video and the visuals (clothes). In my opinion that's what visual kei originally was all about and when a band fails at that their PVs might not be so interesting (at least to me).



    I totally agree with anyone who says Dir en grey's PVs are fantastic. Though I can't really get myself into the music videos they have been producing a while... I don't know why, but their recent PVs didn't fascinate me as much as their older ones did.

  9. Okay, I don't really care for Kamijo and his related bands today, but that preview... i like it. And not just because Mana appears in it (though I assume his presence may be contributing to the fact that the song sounds very much like Malice Mizer?).

    That cinema voice however is giving me the crêpes, lol.

  10. I think many old visual kei bands had nice PVs (except low-budget indie groups... I just say AZALEA's Horobi no niwa PV).


    Malice Mizer not only had very beautiful theatralic live perfomances, their music videos were very nice too. Regardless if it's the Gackt or Klaha era.



    And I love how the PVs have were all about the band, but they have been put into the spotlight different than today. With lots of posing and showing off your fucking cool, big hair *lol* Doesn't really have a concept or story, but I miss these facial expressions and dance moves. Modern visual kei can't really pull that off.



    Speaking of annyoing green screen... PENICILLINs remake of Romance is full of it and it is terrible. The original PV was dozen times better.

  11. Dada's so pathetic... although I think his fangirls/fanboys are even more embarassing, especially when they try to defend their idol's attention seeking behaviour. "Leave Dada-sama alone, bitches! He has done nothing wrong, you are just mean to him!!"
    I hope Dada will finally realize how much of a joke he is nowadays and put an end to this band.

  12. I don't like or hate them, I don't really care about them, honestly. I can see why people might be offended by them. I am not offended by them, though I'd change mine when I can (I guess you have to reach 500 or 1000 posts?) because I like customizing.

  13. I like NéiL on your list. Awesome band from the good indie label key Party (and for me the best era of vkei). Love Daisuke's voice <3


    1. Stab the Creature - Schmelz Cure

    2. 倖福だった日々 -  √eight

    3. Suspiria - Gods Take Dust

    4. 鬱 - NEGA

    5. Sleep My Dear- Sleep My Dear

    6. Slay- BAISER

    7. たべっこどうぶつ - Kenllre

    8. 冷たき旋律 - Ruellia

    9. MACABRE -揚羽ノ羽ノ夢ハ蛹- - Dir en grey

    10. Cold Blood- AION


    Hard to decide, what I like on that list.. at first I would have said Baiser, but then I remembered how much I loved macabre. Miss old school visual Dir en grey. Macabre is such a good album.

  14. Lol, Baldriantropfen. Die habe ich bei meinem Haustiger noch nie probiert (dafür aber Katzenminze). Ich überlegte mir schon öfters, solche zu hölen... sollen ja sehr effektiv sein.
    Aber ich glaub ich würde mich damit auch volltröpfeln, damit mir alle Katzen der Stadt sprichwörtlich zu Füßen liegen. Also danke für den Tipp XDDD

    Und das erinnert mich auch gerade daran, dass wir am Land waren und ich dort drei Katzen begegnet bin und ich habe mit allen geknuddelt und geschmust X3 Ich liebe Katzen auch. (ernsthaft: wer nicht?)



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