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Posts posted by Ikna

  1. I can't really judge if they are better or not. It was my first guess because of Kikyo having been the vocalist of Sadiesmarry, which weren't so well known for quality music. I have only heard La'veil's V.A. track and I liked it. But good to hear that he has made progress.

    I just wish I had a tape recorder/player. I wanted to buy a new one since ages... but I am totally broke and therefore can't buy the tapes either.

  2. Basically all visual kei bands I listen to. Almost none of them are still together and the few that have been have disbanded recently too (Megaromania for example). I really wish I had Internet before 2007 and had the chance to discover some bands earlier. I knew about a few artists like Malice Mizer through Manga Magazines, but had no possibilities to listen to their music, therefore I didn't really care about them. Also when old school visual kei was still around I was just too young to either know of its existence or bothered to listen to it (as I was more into pop, then totally fixated on punk).
    And I still have a great talent in discovering bands that have disbanded a few years ago and realizing "I should have giving them a try earlier".

  3. Ja... unsere Desserts und Nachspeisen sind in aller Welt berühmt und bekannt. Leider bin ich kein Fan von allzu süßem... was eigentlich auch wieder ein Vorteil ist, denn so köstlich es auch ist, das ganze Zeug hat viel Zucker und Kalorien XD

    wenn ich wirklich einigermaßen gut kochen könnte, würde ich vermutlich auch anfangen, besser zu essen. XD Ich nehme es mir zwar immer vor, mir die zeit zu nehmen und etwas zu kochen, das komplexer als Spaghetti oder Schnitzel ist, aber dann verschiebe ich es mal wieder...

  4. They have been really radical... that is the kind of visual kei I love and also miss. For me early Kuroyume are in the same league as Deshabillz, Madeth gray'll and maybe Aliene Ma'riage too; the bands who had this dark sound and macabre aesthetics combined with lyrics and songs about twisted or disturbing topics. Also I love their obvious goth/post-punk influences.

    亡骸を is indeed a masterpice and wondeful album. I really love how expressive the music and Kiyoharu's sorrowful singing are. Cruel was interesting too, I am not so much a fan of Romance of Scarlet, but it is starting to grow on me. However, I am in the same "I like their stuff until 1994" boat. I really don't dig what Kuroyume have done since after their feminism album. It is generally weird for me when a band completely changes the style...

    Hah, I wish there'd be still Kuroyume copycats around (like eraly dir en grey and, well... every old 90s visual kei band that has existed).

  5. Ich mag Pizza Hawaii sehr gerne <3
    Toast Hawaii habe ich noch nicht gegessen (wusste auch nicht, dass es das gibt...).
    Hm... die Deutschen haben das erfunden?

    Naja, ich persönlich liebe eher das Ungesunde Zeugs (ich bins auch dank der heimischen österreichischen Küche nicht anders gewohnt *hust*), wie Schweins- oder Rindsbraten, Schnitzel, Gulasch, etc... und halt das andere übliche, wie Spaghetti, Pizza, Pommes (aka Fritten), Knödeln (aka Klöschen... immer diese Unterschiede zwischen österr. und deutschen Deutsch XD). Ich muss echt mal meine Ernährung umstellen, es ist weder gesund noch ökonomisch besonders sinnvoll so viel fleisch und fettes Zeug zu sich zu nehmen X_X

  6. I think BFN being sell-outs or playing electro rock is not the main issue of people's complaints, but rather their lack of diversity in sound. The issue with those bands is, that you can listen to one single or one song and you already know how everything else they have released or are going to release sound too. And before the kote vs neo visual kei war starts: I am not denying, that this never has been an issue in visual kei, actually it is one of the biggest issues visual rock always had. Maybe the only difference is that back then bands never became known or popular enough to be able to pull this whole mainstream trend and money milking thing off (they rather disbanded beforehand).

    Early Xodiack for sure are crappy and horrible, but i personally think that they have become a way better and a decent band after their hiatus. And even the crappy era of Xodiack is sometimes very charming to listen to (well, I generally have nothing against unoriginal crap or kote bands). I just don't like this whole Electro rock mixed with Metalcore and Pop stuff. And it is a bit disappointing to realize that BFN are as bad as Xodiack with no progression at all- it is then the combination with trendy neo VK that make them totally horrible for me. I mean, their first single was actually very good, but everything that came afterwards just didn't appeal to me at all and their newest song combines all elements I find are the reason why I dislike todays VK.

    I guess for us kote kei elitists it is a bit sad to see Rame going from "dark" visual kei to poppy, funny dance songs (despite his personal progression). I think most of us are pissed that BFN didn't evolve the sound and style they have had with their first single and rather jumped on the "mainstream bandwagon". I can understand them somehow, Rame wants to make money (see the hand full of different single types) which is also a clear statement, that he doesn't care about his band being unique or diverse in sound. I personally still judge the band for being that obviously money greedy (please don't come with the "but you don't need to buy all types if you aren't a fan...).


    Yeah, my opinion on this.

  7. Madeth gray'll are pure love <3 I first discovered them via youtube, but have heard of them before. They have been one of my very first old school listens besides Aliene and Syndrome and I am really glad about that as it sparked my interest into old visual kei in genereal.
    I have never had any problems with Hisui's voice to be honest. Sure, it is an aquired taste, unusual and he is very out of tune but since I am also a big Deathrock fan I found his tearful voice just fits to the music and aesthetics of the band. He seemed just so expressive, emotional and psychotic and that's what I like about most of the darker visual kei bands of the 90s.

    And yeah, their compositions rule (so do their lyrics, or those which translation I have read). Dark, aggressive, hypnotic sounds that combine the power of hardrock, punk and goth.


    I too find Chizome no Higeki awesome. But I also like to listen to Missantroop, Hakuchuumu no sangeki, 「Zwei」(...long title), Akuratsu naru [rei] ni sosogu, Rasen yuugi and Gekiyaku.
    From their softer songs I love kuuchuutoshi ~in the zalemu~ and Entith de Marge, I'd even prefer them over Lucifer, which I think is wonderfully composed but overrated in my opinion. But basically all of their songs are awesome :)

  8. Though it hurts a bit to see them go... it wasn't really surprising or unexpecting. I already knew they will not last together for that long after the end of UCP has been announced. And then they started to release their best album, which was already a clear sign of the band's end.

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