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Posts posted by Ikna

  1. Hey, ich kann zum Beispiel gar nicht kochen XD Bis auf ein paar Sachen, die einfach sind, kriege ich nix zu Stande.
    Also willkommen im Club, lol.
    Backen kann ich auch nicht und die einzige Nachspeise, die ich gemacht habe, ist Tiramisu und da muss man nicht backen XD

    Und zum Thema Spezialitäten: in Wien gibt es ein paar, unter anderem Schnitzel und im Sommer Eismarillenknödel.Ich kann nicht sagen, ob unsere Lebensmittelläden Touristen stark anlocken. Ich glaube im Vergleich zu anderen Großstädten eher weniger (Wien ist zwar ein Besuchermagnet, aber bei weitem nicht so "ausgelastet" wie Berlin, wo ich vor zwei Wochen war.)
    Nur bei manchen bekannten Traditionsläden wie im Tichy Eissalon, wo es Eismarillenknödel gibt, kann es zu Schlangen kommen.

  2. Doesn't sound arrogant at all ^^ (and I guess we have a misunderstanding going on XD You already know I have bad comprehension skills)
    I personally don't think people would get eyecancers from looking at old school Vk band pics. Turned off and offended (because of the nazi uniform) yes. I also may exaggerate when I say I'd get eyecancer from neo visual bands. I don't like their looks, but it isn't that worse (except maybe a few bands who are just too painfully colourful for me...)

  3. My vote goes for Kiryu too. I like their chaotic, fast music, and I like that freaky stuff they are doing (even though they are not as original as Kagrra and some of their songs sound similiar). Their vocalist sure is an aquired taste, but i've got used to Mahiro very fast and like his singing.

  4. ^ There are any band member photos on the site yet, as I can see, so we don't know how much eyecancer factor they have (or not). ;3
    Lol, seriuosly, nobody is butthurt because a neo vk band has the same name. It will just be a little bit confusing for people who don't know the old band.

  5. I'd like to see people cosplaying their very early looks, like this. But that kote thing is a matter of taste and wasn't really "iconic"about them either... so can't help with that.

    General, my opnion on this band: well, I am one of those loosers who can't get into modern visual kei, so I haven't listened to anything of their disco that was released after 2006/2007 and only have heard a few new songs. I really loved their early stuff until Outlaw (maybe their first album too) but then they already started to bore me. It's not really their fault, but I guess I am too obsessed about dark, heavy old school inspired visual kei.
    Though their demo tapes have had a 3$ budget and horrible production quality and the band members didn't even know what they were doing with their instruments I still appreciate them. I wish some bands who started out this way have kept their powerful, aggressive and expressionistic style.

    Nothing against their current music; they are surely one of the definitely better vk bands today. And in comparison to how they started, they have improved a lot. They have good songwriting, they can play their instruments, yomi can now sing... but the style they are doing today is just bland and unimpressive for me.

  6. no, it isn't their new look. The band whose image Peace Heavy mk has posted had the same name, but was from the end of the 90s. (they were even a Matina band).

    Funny though how many people have been taken in by this joke.

    And seeing the former bands of the members I highly doubt this LAGNA will turn out to be a kote kei band (let alone that they have only four members)

  7. @ Peace Heavy mk II

    I bet this LAGNA band will be only half as good and interesting as the old one... because I personally don't like any of the bands the members here have played in before.

  8. I voted for DIAURA. Can't say that I fully like them, but I enjoy some of their songs (I liked Valluna more though, DIAURA are too bland and repetitous) in comparison).
    I can't really stand Mejibray and it isn't really their fault. I just don't like this whole Metalcore thing which has become so trendy in neo visual kei. And I dislike the way most visual kei bands play this style, especially the growling makes me annoyed.
    DIAURA has a bit aggressive screaming here an there and I have no problem with that as it is very reminding of the way old visual kei vocalists have sung.

  9. hahaha... ihr habt nette Ideen :D Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, gabs früher auf Livejournal User, die Hardcore Hisui Fans waren und die Avas so schön kitschig verziert haben... gute alte Zeiten, huh? XD
    Falls ich mal Zeit habe, werde ich meine Photoshop Skillz bemühen und ein schönes Hisui gif machen. Mit viiiel Pink, Herzchen, Glitzer und Currywurst XD

  10. I just think they are too embaressed to admit they have been playing in one of these now so hated by them neo visual kei bands. (which reload basically was). Also maybe they really believe people will forget about their past. I don't know how well known reload have been, but they sure didn't manage to make it far. So they kind of hope people don't either know of this band and/or don't care enough about it.
    But hey, it is a vk band... they often twist information they way it suits them (remember Dir en grey and their answers to questions about the origin of their band name?)

    Abou the copycat issue: As I have said before, I don't mind them copying dir en grey. Sure, it isn't very creative, but in all honesty: visual kei isn't very original anymore since circa 1994-1997. I still love all the crappy, mediocre and repetitious bands from 1997-2003. I just can't with neo visual kei bands and whatever is considered to be trendy and in fashion at the moment in vk. There aren't so many bands around these days playing old school visual rock so I am happy that there are at least a few; even if they aren't really great, unique or new, but I still rather have Madeth and dir en grey clones than having no new kote bands at all. Of course it would be even more awesome if these groups would do something of their own or even something totally outstanding for the "genre". And I felt that Grieva would be actually capable of doing so as some of their songs were already heading into the right direction (most notably 中絶). And we also have Cell, who may sound like La'Mule version 2 (which is kind of obvious with that line-up), but they are doing it right.

    Also I feel it is still too early to judge Grieva. They just have really started as a band and they have potential. I'd just wait for their next releases and hope they will grow fast as a band and leave their fanboying behind so they can deliver us some great kote kei stuff in the future. And as Hyura already said, there are now some nice newcomers (Crucifixion being the newest). Let's just see how far they come and then we can say "yeah, that short trend of bringing the old days back was a win/fail."

  11. Oh, gerade bei gifs blickt doch der wahre Künstler aus einem heraus! (oder beim Erstellen von Internet-Memes der Komödiant).
    Es gibt natürlich Schlimmeres. Sprich: Avatare von vollkommen übertriebenen Fans, wo schlecht freigestellte Musiker mit Glitzer und Herzchen übersät sind und alles pink und süß blinkt, damit jeder versteht, dass der Typ total waaaaaaiii ^°^ ist. :D

  12. I can totally relate to seikun with the "unique sound" thing.
    But we have actually talked about this already in a few threads, I stated my opinion about it earlier here.
    I know a lot of people (such as miyuu) will disagree with my stance on this. It is correct that old bands wanted to get their hands on girls and money too- but there is still a difference in having a vk idol who looks like a crazy fucking deliquent or idiot or having a vk idol who looks like a beautiful host boy.
    I am one of those people who sees old visual kei as it's very own thing, while modern visual kei has become something entirely different. Visual kei today has it's origin in the early 2000s pile of mediocre indies band thing and you can still hear a bit the influences of these band's and older visual kei, such as Luna Sea or Kuroyume, but overall the modern Vk phenomenom doesn't share that much with the older bands. Both the music and fashion were very different, let alone the concept. When in old visual kei it was more about being rebellious, punx and radical today's visual kei is more about being fashionable, beautiful or about coolness. And while older visual kei was regarded odd, strange and maybe even dangerous, modern visual kei is part of the japanese mainstream. It's still not really accepted and people dressing up visual kei are still regarded as weirdos, but there is much more acceptance and the fashion is part of japanese capitalistic fashion industry.
    I am not saying, that old visual kei bands really ended up being so radical and different and anti-mainstream, because they didn't. And I mostly base my argument on Kaorus and Sigizos opinion on modern visual kei-both have the same feeling about modern visual kei having a totally different "ideology" which surrounds more about fashion and clothes. And he also feels that visual kei will drastically change to a point it can't be called visual kei anymore. It's also interesting that both are indicating that modern visual kei bands don't express themselves anymore as musicians.
    Of course their opinion is very subjective, but they have been members of two very well known and big visual kei bands. And maybe the "being different and rebellious" is true- but obviously more for the early and first visual kei bands and not for those copycats, that followed afterwards.

    I personally consider old visual kei to be more creative and exciting than new visual kei. And I also consider it to be an actual genre- mainly because bands from the 80s to the mid and late 90s shared a lot of musical elments. Even when a band from the 80s would sound very different than a Matina band from 1998, you can still hear and see the connection.
    There have been as much terrible bands in the 90s as today- but at least I do tolerate old horrible bands more than neo Vk horrible bands. Though I think it is hard to compare their levels of terribleness because of how different the indies bands of these two eras sound.

    I am honest though with my "kote kei elitism". I've got into groups like Moi dix Mois, D'espairsray and Dir en grey first so I was actually more in the 2003-2005 years of visual kei. It was easy then for me to go back in time and find a liking to older bands- but I couldn't get into any new band after 2006. I was and am still too fond of the wannabe-edgy fake-goffick punk sound and look I learned to know from Mana, Kyo, Hisui and others and the mass of oshare or brightly cute and try-hard to be sexy bands just didn't appeal to me- let alone, that I can't stand Metalcore, new-modern Emo and cheesy Electro-Rock and in conclusion I have a big issue with all this "neo Visual kei" thing. There are only a few vk bands from today I like and I am not denying that I am very prejudiced about new bands.

    Like others have said, I miss old school's outfits (as I like their ridiculous hairstyles, the unbearable amount of make up, the cross dressing, the "edgy" clothes) and I miss especially the darker indie bands. As crappy as they have been, their mix of gothic (even though a lot of "hardcore-goffs" try hard to prove that old schhol visual kei has no goth in it), punk, metal and glam created the crazy sound of screeching, hypnotic, flanging guitars, with a prominent bass (an underrated Instrument I love but rarely plays an important role in neo vk or modern pop music in general), fast drumming and of course the out of tune singing, which pendles between  (lovely) crappiness, horribleness or complete insanity. I also miss the "mental insanity" topic too. I just love when the vocalist loses his mind during a song and screams, mourns and moans like an idiot. It's super cheesy, but I like it. (seriously: neo vk is also very very cheesy. Just in different ways than the old vk bands.)
    I have no problem with being stuck in the past. I enjoy listening to the old bands and there have been enough artists that I can listen to and never get tired. I can understand why some old school lovers are so frustrated about modern visual kei though. I wish there would be more Kote kei bands and that it would be more known and popular. I'd wish to talk with people who like visual kei about old bands and not get a blank stare when I mention Raphael or Malice Mizer.

    I am afraid we will probably never come into terms. As Arithmetica said, it is hard to define old or new visual kei. We can see their differences though, but it is not easy to say that music of this era was more deep and musically better than another. Modern Vk too has surely great artists too- it is then a matter of taste what you will like or what bands you can relate to.

    @jduv86 I am not really good when it comes to give recommendations, but I try.
    Now it depends what kind of music you lean towards and what genres you would be willing to like or try out. But as you seem to like "heavier" bands I would suggest the more Metal-ish or Punk-rock bands, such as Mist of Rouge, Vasalla, Velladonna, Antique Doll, The Piass, AION (okay, they might be or not vk but I will list them though) and of course Madeth gray'll.
    Other bands I will recommend to check out are ROUAGE, Laputa, Luna Sea, D'erlanger, La' Mule, Aliene Ma'riage, Baiser, Deshabillz, Mirage, 90s penicillin and Pierrot.

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