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Karma’s Hat

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Everything posted by Karma’s Hat

  1. Karma’s Hat

    In light of the talk about the shitty label, does anyone have the dl on what's going on with lycaon members? It has only been five months but I want them to do something already. If they don't end up coming back then I'm not going to hold out hope for these guys either
  2. Karma’s Hat

    I can't see Karma settling into a regular job so I expect him joining a new band at any minute. If that happens then this disbandment is all fine by me
  3. Karma’s Hat

    ^ Add me among the disillusioned but I reckon not for the same reasons. I just can't decide whether I'd rank them as a great band or a great b-tier band. I'm just waiting for that next release to get them to the next level and it just doesn't happen. I've gotten used to their - quite frankly - awful sterile guitar sound, generally like most of the songs and think there's a pair of hits in there too. Yet the unshakable feeling of 'I like them because what else is there right now' permeates like a pitch black cloud over me whenever I put them on. Sometimes I just want to like bands with a good image more than I actually do. Slightly off the topic of conversation, but would it be too much to ask if these dark bands with self-mutilating front men would fucking lay off the studio polish that makes them sound like an angry royz? Maybe say... Grieva, instead of doing some gaudy VHS aesthetic gimmick for PV, they'd instead actually rock that casette hiss or something, anything that's fucking different. God I sure wish that this kind of visual kei had more to offer than black clothes and the vocalist barking "AY! AY!" every verse to differentiate itself from the general sound.
  4. Karma’s Hat

    I love it. Tzk looks better in the PV than in the promo pics too
  5. Karma’s Hat

    My life is so much worse off with these guys gone. They released nothing but fire for like forever Hitomi I love youuu
  6. Karma’s Hat

    I gave in to pressure and returned like the spineless worm that I am. I just like keeping record of everything that I do; I keep a diary, I write up every book I read with statistical information like dates when I started, when I finished and page numbers, I write up every single film I see in a similar fashion and then I have a separate notebook for notes and annotations on thoughts about everything I've consum'd and experienced. Likewise it is natural that I'd find one for music useful as well, and as it happens last.fm is quite a bit more convenient than writing up every track I listened to by hand. All of this helps bring order to the intrinsic chaos in my soul and the monotony of daily grind that would otherwise fade away from memory unless I kept a record of it.
  7. Karma’s Hat

    Everything they've done since pretty much the first album is cut exactly from the same cloth as far as I'm concerned. Nothing they've done, all the eiki's and secret's included is left field or an unexpected contribution to the mejibray sound & conseptual palette. I don't think there any quantifiable ebb and flow in the quality, it's all the same shit 2 mi. I like this one, just as I've liked everything prior. It didn't set the world on fire but I do have to admit that for the first time that chorus came literally out of nowhere. While I do think calling something 'messy' is intellectually lazy babby's first music review shit but fuck if there ever was something that sounded 'messy' then it is that lol.
  8. D'espairsray is without a doubt the first one that comes to mind. My first distinctly favorite visual kei band back in 2006 - which being nearly a decade ago is horrifying to think about - that I first got disillusioned with during the successive three singles after Mirror that I thought just got worse and worse with each. There's still the classics I thought, but cue forward almost a decade later and I literally find only two releases to my liking: Sexual beast and 裏マニアシアター. In my opinion that I realise is very contrary to popular belief, Coll:set is already approaching the Linkin Park territory hard, laced with a very unsettling mallgoth aesthetic that really was present during their entire early career, yet the rawer recording quality of the very earliest releases managed to subset that enough for me to digest it. Not a fan at all these days either way and there's close to no nostalgia present anymore. 9goats I don't fuck with anymore at all and I don't have any particular affinity for new dir en grey either. Other than that there's nothing that outright stands out. There was a phase in my late-teens, that gladly did not last all too long in the grand scheme of things, when I indulged quite a bit in metal that may have not been of the most tasteful kind. Most of the visual kei I enjoyed back in the day I still like to a larger or a lesser extent depending on the band and I think I've only expanded the amount of favorites I got.
  9. Karma’s Hat

    I have the urge to delete all the music in my computer in effort to release myself from this sort of a creative gridlock I'm in. The convoluted music library with a bunch of shit I've been too lazy to remove is really fucking with my vibes and I have a hard time to instigate drive and focus for a certain theme I might be feeling. It's hard to explain but it's like when I look at my music library I don't see myself in there, so god forbid if I was to say die right at this second and someone was to investigate my computer, they surely wouldn't be able to make anything out of me based on the shit I have there. Somehow this upsets me when I have to browse all the stuff I got for inspiration. One moment I might go 'This is what I feel like now, this is what i'll do' which then would last right about until I started looking for more stuff like it and all I see is some crap I downloaded in bulk during a who gives a shit day in march 2014. Music doesn't deserve to be just downloaded for the hell of it anyways Last.fm brought cohesion when all I had to look was my top artists that'd instantly take me to place I want to feel. Who knows why but that sort of aesthetic experience is important to me. What they did to last.fm is absolutely criminal, but the worst thing is that I might pathetically crawl myself back in with my hat in hand.
  10. Karma’s Hat

    Would rather have shinya as my dad than some cargo shorts wearing douche with a backwards cap fuck that.
  11. Karma’s Hat

    If someone played this to me and claimed that it's from a release one or two years back I'd probably take a chance and say "oh yeah that one..." I'm sure the whole single will be fabulous because they're on a roll but this spot does it no favors
  12. Karma’s Hat

    is that the fukken gherkin
  13. Karma’s Hat

    These new songs are nais. More scene boys less cock-rock does a world of good
  14. How did they suddenly lose popularity? At least the western hype was on the up and up but obviously that wasn't the case in Japan...
  15. Karma’s Hat

    goat recognise goat
  16. Karma’s Hat

    I came back from my parents wonderful country estate a week back after about a month and a half of absence, and in the meantime it seems like someone either has moved in with a dog or an old resident decided to acquire one for Christmas or something. Now in the few days here I've happened to deduce the fucking thing hasn't been trained all that well because it is barking discernibly non-stop; it is barking when I go to bed and it happens to be just as jovially barking when I get up too - as a matter of fact it is barking right now at this very second as I'm writing this! IT HAS BEEN BARKING THE ENTIRE DURATION OF ME WRITING THIS POST I don't mind partying - not the least because I do it myself quite often to ungodly hours, just like I don't particularly mind the drunkard couple upstairs who start yelling and throwing their furniture almost every day like clockwork at 12 and the cigarette smoke and vagrants in the hallway I consider one of the perks of living cool on the edge, but I've drawn the line in the sand of my tolerance at haughty animals who keep a racket. The kind of a person by the way that keeps what sounds like a decently sized dog in an apartment of a measly 30 square or less ( if this god forbid comes from the apartment I'm thinking of, it's even smaller than my tiny place where I honestly couldn't even keep a family of hamsters with a good conscience ) really deserves to fall on their arse in the snow and freeze to death while waiting for help. The dog is still barking and if this goes on I should give an anonymous tip to a shelter or some shit to come pick it up or at least harangue whoever owns it
  17. Karma’s Hat

    Obviously some rich fan is paying for this. I'm fairly positive that's why some of these no name guys do shows at places like Lithuania so it probably doesn't even matter if nobody shows up. The odd 20 bux isn't that much at the end of the day so I'll go to the Finnish show with no expectations. To be fair however I recently listened to some of his solo tracks and they weren't as bad as some people make them out to be, so even if he doesn't play Sincerely or something I don't care
  18. Karma’s Hat

    I don't think it took much longer to sell the VIP tickets anywhere else either... Finland tickets still being readily available makes me wonder how that Paris gig is faring with the massive venue. Wikipedia said it holds like 6k people
  19. The PV looks cooler than the song sounds that's for sure.
  20. Karma’s Hat

    I don't know who or what could facilitate a release of everything by him that had been vaulted from the 70's but god I hope stars align so that happens. Low is one of my favorite albums ever and All Saints and Some Are rule.
  21. Karma’s Hat

    Ruki does at least during Cassis as more of a novelty than anything. There could be more occasions when he does that I don't recall from the top of my head.
  22. Karma’s Hat

    Oddly enough Finland is not sold out. The Gazette confirmed yesterday's news.
  23. Karma’s Hat

    From what I gather from jrocksuomi there will be three lines, and being being both heresy and vip doesn't get you any perks and you'll be battling for your spot with all the other vip's in the line. VIP goes in first, then heresy and finally the reg ticket holders. Already regretting that I didn't get the VIP lol
  24. Karma’s Hat

    oh fuck rip goat
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