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    doombox reacted to JukaForever in A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.   
    I was going to recommend this as well but they got guns down there.
  2. Like
    doombox reacted to Zeus in A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.   
    And how is what I'm asking. How does looting stores avenge this teenager? It doesn't. There's no connection at all. Just anger and violence.
    You want to take a stand? Go down to the police station and protest until he is fired. Start a class action lawsuit against the police department while stressing racial issues. Do anything other than start a riot. The only statement that was made is that you all are dangerous and need to be monitored further.
    And if you absolutely must start a riot, how about you fuck up the police station instead of innocent businesses for a start? Direct your rage towards the actual perpetrators.
  3. Like
    doombox reacted to JukaForever in A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.   
    Yeah....no, rioting doesn't do much justice for one death. Definitely not, if it means losing thousands of dollars for business which now jeopardizes the livelihoods of business owners. Also, the city will probably have to spend more money on repairs which will take money away from potentially more useful use of the money. While you can feel a sense of empowerment, the consequences won't justify it.
  4. Like
    doombox reacted to Zeus in A Riot Last Night In St.Louis.   
    So when was the teenager's death avenged? Before the brick through the window of the Chinese food spot or after enough people walked out of Wal-Mart with brand new televisions? I'm all for holding the actions of police officers accountable as I have to deal with the NYPD, stop and frisk policies, and watching people get arrested, beaten, and occasionally shot for being black on a daily basis. But never get it twisted: no justice was served. The riot will not affect the sentencing of that police officer in a positive manner. The people at that Chinese food spot did nothing to that teenager, yet now they have to deal with the aftermath. Wal-Mart didn't assist the police officer by supplying him bullets, yet now they have to clean up after the riot. Neither did the bank, or the gas station, or whatever else was caught in the crosshairs. How many thousands of dollars did the riot cause in damaged property? How many businesses now have to shut down?
    All that was accomplished was the successful destruction of a neighborhood.
  5. Like
    doombox reacted to stylelover in The Last.fm image voting thread!   
    picture got reported and removed lol.
    Edit 2:
    lol now they are upvoting random other pictures. dumb people
    mh army
    pls upvote
    thanks :
  6. Like
    doombox reacted to Trombe in Crossfaith major debut & new single "MADNESS" release   
    Crossfaith new single "MADNESS" will be released through Sony Music at 2014/10/08 (2 TYPE)
    limited edition (1,800yen) will include CD+DVD (including scene of their live "DOWNLOAD FESTIVAL 2014"), and regular edition (1,000yen) will include CD only
    [CD track list]
    02.Dance With The Enemy
  7. Like
    doombox reacted to RoseOfHizaki in Current Band Obsession   
    Originally i wasnt quite sure what to make of this.....
    But Uplift seems to have the makings of a pretty good mix of a post-hardcore borderline metalcore band without screamo vocals though their album features less heavy metal rock orientated tracks too...
    At first I was literally cringing at the vocals but as i listened on i found that her squeaky hi^pitched voice cut through the mix well even through some of the heavier breakdowns. There are some growly vocals but theyre only used during a few heavy metal breakdowns. having some growls to fill in the lower frequencies where her hi^pitched voice generally cant fill would be a nice touch,  Just a little backing.
  8. Like
    doombox reacted to RoseOfHizaki in What are you listening to?   
  9. Like
    doombox reacted to togz in Show Yourself (again)   
    I tried blue eye contacts this time to enhance my natural color. v___v 
  10. Like
    doombox reacted to smilesxchibi in Formal introduction   
    Hi there! I've been a member here for quite some time and have never introduced myself, forgive me. My real name is Felipe though I go by smilesxchibi in many places. I am 22 and have been exposed to the visual kei scene since I was 14 but jrock since I was about 7.
    Some of my favorite bands include Versailles, Jackman, SuG, Amber gris, Nocturnal Bloodlust, Deathgaze, Dir en Grey (old school), VanessA, Art Cube, Nega, Kibouya Honpo, and many more hehehe.
    I'm an easy person to get along with, shy but open minded. Though Im not afraid to speak my mind.
    (I hope this makes for a decent introduction ><) feel free to ask me anything as well
    Also I am a graphic designer, recently graduated lol
  11. Like
    doombox got a reaction from Youko_o in Crossfaith   
    On 08.08 Crossfaith updated the Japanese side of their OHP with:
    Crossfaith will be releasing their first major label single on 10.08.
    "MADNESS" will come in 2 types; Regular and Limited edition.
    Artwork and mored details to come.
    This is exciting... so anyone who sees them this fall on tour might get to hear the new song(s) they recorded with David Bendeth. 
  12. Like
    doombox reacted to Trombe in FAKE? new album "The Lost Generation" release   
    FAKE? new album "The Lost Generation" will be released at 2014/09/17 (2,700yen), which will include CD+DVD (including "Nibiru" short PV)
    [CD track list]
    02.Drowning In Flames
    03.Radio's Dead
    04.Two Hearts
    05.Los Angeles
    07.Coming Down
    08.Lucifer's Cut
    10.Serial Killa
    12.Forgive(And Get The Life New)
    [participating artists]
    Gt.PABLO (Pay money To my Pain)
    Ba.u:zo (ex-RIZE, Sonz of Freedom)
    Ba.T$UYO$HI (The BONEZ, Pay money To my Pain)
    Dr.有松益男(arimatsu masuo) (BACK DROP BOMB)
    Dr.渋谷憲(shibuya ken) (ex-SOURCE)
  13. Like
    doombox reacted to chewi in Band Alphabet   
  14. Like
    doombox reacted to Tetora in If you didn`t have Japanese Music, what would you be listening to now?   
    Hey guys,
    As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?
    How much does Japanese music add to your life?
    Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?
    Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?
    Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music?
    As for me, I would probably still be listening to Classic Rock a lot, maybe repeating the same songs I have listened to a million times without anything new coming my way. Maybe I would be more into Electronic music, maybe I would be going to raves all the time? Who knows. Maybe I would be more into Korean music as well.
    I definitely would not have made some good friends that I have met along the way. I think I would also be missing something that only VK can give me, some kind of feeling in my heart, and some kind of attitude.
    I think I would be a different person. My friends and people I have went out with definitely wouldn`t be as annoyed by the `music they can`t understand`constantly being played. And when in Japan I would be doing different things.
    Anyway, let us all know about yourself, and thanks for reading!
  15. Like
    doombox reacted to Pretsy in rate the vocals   
    cleans 7/10 - his vocals remind me of more controlled Daisuke (Kagerou's Daisuke, yes), but other than that - nothing really amusing :/

    note: this guy is
    's (no, not that supergroup) vocalist/guitarist btw, and no - he doesn't have any solo releases so far (only these "self-covers" @YT) 
  16. Like
    doombox reacted to togz in Maybe not so much of a goodbye   
    As some of you may have noticed I've been posting here and there. Can't say I'm super back for sure. I have just been so busy.

    Not that anyone would probably care too much, but I started a new job with a two hour commute to and from work. I'm physically and mentally exhausted from the drive. Working 8 hours and driving up to 4 hours a day doesn't really leave much time for yourself other than eating, maybe a movie or laundry, shower and sleep. 

    My free times are really on my weekends, which i'm privileged enough to have Saturday and Sunday off now. Considering that soon my siblings will start school and they already don't live with me, I have been using those weekends to really spend time with family and relax. I'm hoping that once I relocate closer to my new job that I will have more time for myself to interact with this forum again. 

    I really do miss the chat, and late night plug sessions, but unfortunately when I get home I just want to sleep by then or play a quick hour of FFXIV >___> which if any of you play that please let me know what server you're on if it's an NA server. I'm specifically on Lamia (NA)
    Anyway, I just wanted to check in and see how everyone had been doing. I miss you all and I really hope to be back sooner rather than later. ;;
  17. Like
    doombox reacted to CAT5 in Band Alphabet   
  18. Like
    doombox reacted to Biopanda in Pets and animals   
  19. Like
    doombox reacted to Zeus in [HELP] Calling all Gazette Fans   

    I was reading lyric explanations on this website and came across a few songs that are all connected. I'll post the explanations here to save time.

    for the first time they made a single where all three songs had something in common. in this case they were all some kind of social commentary (Neo genesis vol. 28)
    1. LEECH about something that happened to ruki (and the rest of the band) that made him furious. vermin, headache man and the true murderous intent are about the same thing. and it’s not about their record label. (FOOL’S MATE 10/2008, ARENA37℃ 1/2011)
    2. VERMIN read leech. fun fact: vermin was supposed to be the last song written about this but after ruki had finished writing the song he found out something new related to it and wrote the true murderous intent. (FOOL’S MATE, 11/2010)
    2. THE TRUE MURDEROUS INTENT read vermin. fun fact: ruki didn’t use only his words in the lyrics, he voiced the opinions of all the members (SHOXX 1/2010)
    So does anyone know what this "thing" that happened to the band was?
  20. Like
    doombox reacted to sai in Sai's Blast from the Past - #1 - D - 7th Rose   
    D - 7th Rose [2010]



    fuck why am I doing this to myself


    Okay so the first installation in this trainwreck series will be the one album I wasn't able to shut up about for approximately 2 years and I hereby want to apologize to all of you. I had to listen to this at nighttime and stay up until 4AM because it's goddamn hot outside and people are actually being hospitalized. I couldn't move a fucking muscle without sweating from all possible locations. FUCKING GLOBAL WARMING KIDS.


    I'm listening to my own Lossless rip, fully formatted for the best torture listening experience. ANYWAY, HERE WE FUCKING GO. ALSO LOL WHAT IS FORMATTING.


    1. 7th Rose ~Return to Zero~

    Okay so basically just an interlude leading up to the actual title track of this album. Not sure if this is a build up to hype you up or to have the holy spirit protect you from the monstrosity following this interlude. Pope Francis/10


    2. 7th Rose

    Jesus fuck. Asagi's either suffering from sincere bronchitis or the main avex guy was ill and hired Maria Cross to do the retake on the harsh vocals, who probably just was like "well at least it sounds better than whatever I do" and gave it the thumbs up. The harsh vocals are atrocious and I have absolutely no idea why anyone in D thought this was a good idea. This entire fucking song is a mess because literally NOTHING adds up and everyone's just heavily ramming around on their instruments while Asagi sounds like he just shat a lego garage. The good thing about this song is that the chorus is actually good and it isn't poppy, which has been a trend lately. Then again this album was released before MEJIBRAY even formed so idfk. But whatever, I fucking love this song anyway. Holy shit why do I still like this, probably nostalgia/10


    3. 花摘みの乙女 ~Rozova Dolina~

    A wild studio formatted synth string appeared! Always love me some of those. D, you were major at this point in time, couldn't you hire a guy to do the actual recording of these strings I mean holy shit. Apart from that this song is actually pretty fucking cool. Asagi's dramatic vocals are actually placed really well, the accoustic work is perfectly executed and everything just sounds fantastic. If only it weren't for the synth strings/10


    4. Tightrope

    This song somehow relates to some other D or ASAGI solo song but all I remember from this was that PV that included dogs and Asagi being chained to a wall with ropes and singing about freedom.



    Tightrope was actually the song I expected to really hate by now but fuck it's really catchy. Since I'm more of an individual song kind of person I'm sort of glad I gave this one a fair relisten. Everything else that somehow slightly sounds like this sucks. I actually really enjoy something for once/10


    5. Crimson Fish

    This is the song with the most individual plays according to iTunes. Then again, "according to iTunes" my most played track is a song that I haven't even played like 10 times so yeah iTunes fucking sucks. Apart from the fucking horrible synth strings and the misplaced echo-y intro, this song is actually still really good? Holy shit. This song still fucking rules/10



    6. Independent Queen

    Obligatory heavier middle song comes in right at the middle point of this album and it's really not that surprising. Welcome to fucking VK, kids. OBLIGATORY GUITAR SOLO RUINS EVERYTHING. Does D have a fucking contract that obliges them to put a fucking guitar solo in every song even if it doesn't need one. Obligatory Engrish as well, lovely. Eh this song is whatever, I can't even be bothered to make semi-decent comments about it. I'M INDEPENDENT QUEEN/10


    7. 13月の夢見丘

    The year doesn't have 13 months, that's fucking silly. What are they teaching kids in schools these days.



    Folky song of the album that I actually really like because it's so overly fucking cheesy. The synth strings don't really sound that horrendous here so who fucking cares. My review, my opinion. Sort of want to skip through a field now/10


    8. Day by Day

    Day by Day is, I don't know what it is. It's an okay poppy song I guess but why the fuck is it on this album. It's placed at the worst fucking place too, right in the middle of where this album is starting to bloom. It's like someone finally being able to buy that car they always wanted and then accidently setting it on fire. This is leaving aside that Toki no Koe is going to fucking kill anything good going on until this part though. Why was this necessary/10


    9. 絡繰り絵巻

    Could've done without the heavy bits. Starts of good, then gets progressively worse. It's like eating a Subway sandwich when halfway through the lettuce starts to get gross and sulky because the fucktard who made your sandwich put three fucking bottles of ranch sauce on your sandwich. That's how this song feels to me. Overall it's still good, I just wish I could take some bits out. Subway needs to use less ranch sauce/10


    10. 鬨の声

    This is where I can unleash all my inner fury because this album was actually going really well up until this monstrosity. I HONESTLY THOUGHT THE ALBUM FLOW WAS GOING TO BE PICKED UP AGAIN AFTER DAY BY DAY AND THEN THIS FUCKING HAPPENS.



    Who the fuck approved this. These 5 guys sat around a table and thought "well this sounds good enough to print on disc". Multiple avex guys could've fucking approved this. The harsh vocals are once again fucking atrocious. The instrumentals are awful, this song is too long for the kind of song it tries to be. The obligatory guitar solo is actually the best part here, for the rest it's as big a train wreck as this current review. Hope burned before my eyes/10



    11. Sleeping Beautiful Beast

    Thank fucking god for a decent ballad. This is what I'm talking about. Is there software that deletes certain tracks from discs because that's what I'd like to do to Toki no Koe. Sleeping Beautiful Beast would be even better placed after Karakuri Emaki (or whatever the fuck it's called). This review could've been called "Toki no Koe ruins everything". Pretty fucking good/10


    12. 三日月揺籃歌

    Outro sort of thing? Idk sounds pretty good to me though it would've been better to end with Sleeping Beautiful Beast because this sounds more of an intro than an outro to me. UNLESS IT'S LIKE AN INTRO TO 7TH ROSE. BUT DIDN'T THAT ONE ALREADY HAVE AN INTRO THOUGH.



    Actually sort of yes. Depends on which version of the album you have. If you have type A and B it's pretty neat. If you have type C this one doesn't make any fucking sense. GOOD OLD VK STRIKES AGAIN. Depends on which version you have/10


    13. 風がめくる頁

    BONUS TRACK DESU. Okay this song is nice and it works as an outro but not this sort of outro. It's a goddamn single on an album that's nothing similar to it, why the fuck is it even on here. Like I know this one's at least optional but jesus. Liking it more when it's not a fucking closer/10









    For the amount of hate this album gets by fans of the band, it's actually really good. I still consider it their best major album, because it really just is a good record. Toki no Koe is like the only thing that really makes you cringe on here, that's basically it.






    Alright, that's it I'm fucking done. I'll be keeping how many times i want to punch myself in the throat for liking what I did. So far that score's on zero, HA.





    NIGHTMARE - majestical parade

  21. Like
    doombox reacted to jduv86 in Current Band Obsession   
    Am I the only one who has been obsessed with XtripX since they've come back? 
    Also, anything TenTen does musically. Honestly, I hate the shit out of country music but if TenTen did it, I'd have to grab my cowboy hat and boots.
  22. Like
    doombox reacted to chewi in Band Alphabet   
  23. Like
    doombox reacted to Mr Bacon in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    I think what made Gazette stand out early on is that they started out as a crossover between oldschool VK and punk, and slowly started adding more influences to their music. Their releases from 2003-2006 are pretty versatile and have many influences, and the songs range from pop ballads to jumpy punk songs to stuff bordering on the progmetal. In short, because they didn't stick to one genre, they could gather fans from all kinds of rock genres. Those guys are(/can be) solid songwriters, like it or not.
    Sadly, after 2007 their songwriting became a bit stale (to me at least, I know other people won't agree with me), even though I admit there's still some good efforts scattered throughout their releases.
  24. Like
    doombox reacted to jduv86 in The "Please Explain the Hype" Thread   
    So your crediting all of Gazette's success to their promotion? If that's the case, how come other bands in PS Company aren't as big except Alice Nine. Also, PS Company gets a lot of slack, but they do spot really good talent Miyavi...Kagrra...to name a few others. They don't just sign anybody they find. So to give their hype to just their promotion I don't believe is the reason. The majority of comparisons people make on here come from a band either 1. sounding like Dir en Grey or 2. sounding like the Gazette. They have more influence then you think and I can spot numerous references of their songs which I will gather later but now I have to go to work.  
  25. Like
    doombox got a reaction from nullmoon in "Best" Engrish Songs   
    This song. Hahaha. The Engrish spawned probably my favorite lyric parody of all time.
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