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Posts posted by doombox

  1. That is probably to protect the incentive for fans to buy the edition of the release with the PV included. Why would anybody buy a PV when it is already available? A short preview is good enough IMO.



    The PVs actually get sold with limited editions of the releases, so that's why these PVs hardly make it to YouTube in full, and if they do, it's usually 5-6 months after the release by the official YT channel. K-pop never includes the MVs in their album packages, thus they always get uploaded on YT in full. Pretty much all bigger K-pop record companies have a YT account though, so that means at least stuff is going to be put on YT for you to see. A lot of Japanese artists don't have an official YouTube, so if there's even a preview on YouTube you're considered lucky. Do it yourself, and you've got a copyright strike.


    That gives me another something that annoys me: the quality of the video. Like I know if you're generous enough to put it on YT while you're also selling it, but seeing Japanese PVs in 360p is just depressing. At least K-pop has full HD 1080p videos, lmao.


    I understand that is what they are attempting to do. And for a legit fan of the band, sure they'd be interested in buying the PV, but a lot of people (I'm not trying to make a general sweeping statement here), in my experience, find only a portion (and often not all that much actual music within said clip) not to enough to decide if they would indeed spend the money on the single in the first place. Most of the feedback I get on clips is rather negative. Maybe the companies would do well listening to what their audience wants instead of trying to milk their pockets dry, and they could actually make more money in the long run because they'd actually create more dedicated fans.


    I also agree with the sentiment that a promotional video should be used to promote a release. Using YouTube to promote a CM of a PV on a CD+DVD limited edition you have to buy to watch seems a lot like putting a cart before the horse.

  2. I've been feeling like the vk scene in general has been slowly dying out for a while, and people have been losing interest since new bands barely last a month anymore. It's hard to keep subscribers if you don't have many bands to post that continually draw people in. And if YT channels aren't getting views/likes/subs from the content then they don't bother posting those type of things. And when there's not readily available content then a lot of people stop caring. Half the time even joining a community such as MH is too much work for a casual fan. So they move onto Kpop, or Jpop or whatever else is easy to find and fills their time. It becomes a vicious cycle. 


    The scene has changed so much from what it was a few years back. I remember some bands were together 2-3-4 years before any foreign fans ever heard of them, and the artists themselves (unless on a major label) never bothered posting on global sites like Youtube. Everything was fan posted content. Once the indies started posting their own, and labels started reporting the fan channels everything got harder and we started to only get CMs for videos or "short ver" of the videos. I think people find those things annoying. And it cut down the fan to fan contact, replacing it with one-sided artist to fan advertising. So the community as a whole became more distant and had less reasons to talk to each other. And now with bands lasting such a short while, it leaves people a bit lost and unmotivated to keep repeating the cycle for little to no satisfaction. 


    I run a jrock video blog for the last two years and while I can tell you the vk fans are loyal (I tend to see the same people liking the videos) but the visual kei videos don't get half of the attention as some of the others because A.) some companies now block viewers from outside of Japan, and B.) they rarely post official full versions of the videos (then proceed to report anyone else who uploads the full version). It's like they are purposefully trying to kill their own international fanbase. It's sad.

  3. I strongly recommend Oto-oni (sadly disbanded tho).



    ...or if you want something super-heavy (but less traditional-flavored, just "in spirit"/lyrical matter):


    Thanks! I think I may have heard of Oto-Oni before at some point. I remember their name vaguely, but I'll definitely look into them again.

    Gotsu Totsu Kotsu is definitely interesting. I do like the heavy stuff so I appreciate you including them. Good stuff! Thanks!

  4. Insecure on a more emotional level? :P dont quite get what you mean. Maybe im a little slow or just tired as its coming to 2.30am

    If you mean crying because nobody wants me then thats something i dont have time for :P dwelling on such things does bad things to the mind

    You were saying you weren't clingy or needy. People who are clingy like that always read as emotionally insecure to me. 

  5. Oh, I see. Thank you. As for insecurities, I meant more on an emotional level. I think most people are insecure about certain aspects of their body. It's pretty common. But it's good if you're working on those things that bother you. Hopefully you can change the focus to a positive one. That sucks about your work place, hope you can change that soon. I don't really hate my job, it's just super boring. :/

  6. Well.... KSE we doing well with Howard, I was confused why he even left in the first place after saying that he was suffering from diabetes and stuff. so i was like OK..... You're ill and your stressed so you leave a band only to join up with another band within weeks or months??


    His leaving KSE was so abrupt, Like one morning he got out of bed and totaly said he wouldnt do KSE anymore full stop.



    But change is good anyway & it sounds like he really needed it after being with KSE for so long. At least he didnt quit of a falling out with the rest of the KSE members, Though I still think theres a lot Howard isnt telling the fans. I think the press release where he spoke about his condition is only half the truth.


    By his condition you mean his panic disorder? He may be keeping things to himself, but I'm just grateful he explained anything. Considering he didn't have to. I really need to buy his new bands CD. I like Howard's voice so much better than Jesse's (blasphemy! I know. OTL) 

  7. A man once said... 


    "The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy."



    I would cuddle the shit out of some digitalbounce.



    Im from  the group thats quite often misunderstood. To most people i seem like a serious guy, Maybe a little too serious. But even though I have a serious face I can be a complete utter child inside, though Not one of those nagging and needy little sods - Im talking about the ones that play pranks on you and stuff like that and generally just be a pain in the arse though not in a naggy kind of way. 


    I have a serious side to me too and Im no stranger to manmoding stuff if i have to. but I guess having a serious face and being a total child inside makes me a little harder to read and that kinda throws people off. Not that im that interesting of a person of course.


    I just like people to feel at ease around me, think of me as little cat rather than that big elephant in the room.....

    I relate to that quote profoundly. I may have to steal that one from you.

    Come to America and cuddle, dammit. :( London is so farrrrrr.


    Sounds like you're childlike in a mischevious way, not insecure? Sorry... I'm unfamiliar with the term "manmoding". Care to elaborate?

    I can kind of relate to the rest in a way, but more so that the longer I'm alone the less I filter myself so I'm sure I'm even more strange to people whom I meet these days. Which ends up being a vicious cycle. But you sound kind hearted, I'm sure someone will admire that about you when you can finally meet someone. I have similar issues with work. I only see people in the office for maybe an hour and we're all stuck at desks so there's not much conversation going on. I work part time so I'm around much less than everyone else as well. So it's just "hello~goodbye" as I'm coming in and leaving. 

  8. Oh, I see I've been missing out on this gem of a thread. Single for like 4 years now. Almost 5. At this point, who is counting...

    I was engaged to someone a few years back (about 8 years ago), but he was pretty toxic for me. Verbally abusive and full of his own mental issues. But I was young and felt like love should be put above everything, even my own happiness. Which makes no sense at all, but yeah. I learned that love and happiness rarely go hand in hand. OTL That relationship messed me up so bad I haven't been comfortable with anyone for longer than a month or two ever since. Not sure if I'm paranoid or just attract mentally unstable people. Or both.


    But I really hate being lonely. I'm far past needing to define a relationship or fitting into a social construct of what people expect a relationship to be. I'm just am in dire need of a cuddle buddy, tbh. 



    If anyone feels the need to vent their single life woes and needs to talk to someone, my inbox is totally open.

  9. Lots of decent stuff there. The 3rd Birthday, Mejibray, Biosphia, Nega, The Black Swan.... Enjoy all of them! ♥

    1. as.milk - "チルドレン"
    2. Kelly Clarkson - "Already Gone"
    3. UNCHAIN - "BEST OF MY LOVE" (Cover)
    4. Loyal to the Grave - "Coming Through"
    5. Emery - "Listening to Freddie Mercury (Acoustic/Live)"
    6. Chiodos - "Those Who Slay Together, Stay Together"
    7. 凛 -the end of corruption world- - "World In Flames"
    8. Poison The Well - "12/23/93"
    9. ROACH - "やらい"
    10. The Pretty Reckless - "Light Me Up"

    Interesting mix. Not too bad, I guess. At least some female vocals showed up this time. It's been a lot of testosterone lately. XD

  10. No problem. I'm available for grunt work. :3 It wouldn't take much for me to get my hands on equipment or software if it came down to it, either. Depending on how big a project this might be. And I'm on the opposite coast from you so might could help with some timezone constraints. 

  11. It seems like a lot of work depending on how high quality of a broadcast/podcast will be done. It could be tricky if people don't have very good recording or editing equipment. But I'm interested in helping out if I can. Anything to spread the word on good music.  Something where possibly segments sharing different sides of Japanese music/Japanese rock. Something where people that specialize in certain genres can not only talk about them but compile the playlists for a segment. Or maybe have user spotlights where they contribute their favorite artists for a spell. I dunno. 

  12. I'm so excited for next season. The Beth story line has me especially intrigued. 

    Speculation below:

    So, does it seem like Bob, Rick, and the gang are gonna do fast talking and get Jareth to turn on the rest of the Terminus group so they can escape?

    Beth looks like she's in a hospital and wearing scrubs. I'm assuming Daryl is going to find her again, though because he's still shown as off and alone when everyone else meets up with the Terminus group.... I also get this gut feeling the show is showing us these clips with all the main people together and things looking fairly positive (as far as TWD can really be anyway) just to make things really hurt when they kill a main character. Probably really early in the season. I don't know why I feel like it's gonna happen but too much security. I don't think they'll want to let the audience get too comfortable. What do you guys think???

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