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Posts posted by doombox

  1. Not all the bands i listed are deathcore or djent. If you liked upon this dawning then you will most likely enjoy some of the bands i listed. Youtube some of them

    Thanks, but if you got recommendations, I have other genres I'm actively looking for in the recommendations thread. 

  2. I dont mind the vocals so much, But her voice is similar to a singer that does a lot theme songs for anime's and i cant stand it. I dont think its her, but at the same time im not sure, I think shes done the songs for a few full metal alchemist series's. 



    As for upon this dawning, Ive been listening to them for a while now, they are pretty amazing. Not too sure if ive listened to Silent Screams. I dont think i have, but they sound a tad little generic a side from the hardcore vocals they use. Just listening to them and i can already tell their like the hundreds of other similar bands ive heard before....


    You might like similar bands like Asking Alexandria, After The Burial (maybe a little too Djent/Deathcore) Bury tomorrow, Breakdown Of Sanity, dead by april. Monuments (again a little more Djent) I Spit Ashes (probably similar to a lesser extent) Naily (Just youtube 'Naily Band') aaaand i cant be arsed to go through the rest of my music collection.




    and yes - I tend to categorize what i listen to into genre's other than 'just music' because Im a little OCD like that. 

    That last part really wasn't directed at you, it was just leaving something on topic for the thread. I don't really get into much deathcore or "djent". I like metalcore, post hardcore, "popcore". Every once in a great while a deathcore band grabs me but it's extremely rare as I'm extremely picky about vocals. So there's lots of bands (such as Silent Screams) that could be generic, but I find their vocalists really pleasant to listen to.

  3. Originally i wasnt quite sure what to make of this.....




    But Uplift seems to have the makings of a pretty good mix of a post-hardcore borderline metalcore band without screamo vocals though their album features less heavy metal rock orientated tracks too...



    At first I was literally cringing at the vocals but as i listened on i found that her squeaky hi^pitched voice cut through the mix well even through some of the heavier breakdowns. There are some growly vocals but theyre only used during a few heavy metal breakdowns. having some growls to fill in the lower frequencies where her hi^pitched voice generally cant fill would be a nice touch,  Just a little backing.


    I had the same reaction to Uplift Spice initially but if you give them a chance they grow on you like a fungus. And I'm always looking for more females in this genre of music to support. ♥

    I finally got around to listening to my Artery Records sampler I got from the last concert I went to and now it's been nothing but Upon This Dawning and Silent Screams for 2 days.

  4. I didn't mean to imply he doesn't have talent. Not at all. He does have a strong voice... I think it's more of the bravado that reminds me of Gackt, but some of the vibrato in his voice too. Maybe that's just me, tho. The try hard and cheese are in his performances more than the vocal style (though sometimes it bleeds over, imo). The new stuff, I'm not even sure why it doesn't stick with me. But maybe the old stuff didn't either and I was viewing it through nostalgia glasses because I was so excited for Rame to have a new project with other known musicians. I can't say for sure.

  5. I was really excited about their first couple of releases but everything recently has been a huge letdown for me (along with basically every band I've followed ex.Vidoll members into, sadly). This just feels too cheesy and try hard. Then again I've always felt that way about Ice/Eros. Am I the only one who gets mini-Gackt vibes from him?

  6. On 08.08 Crossfaith updated the Japanese side of their OHP with:


    Crossfaith will be releasing their first major label single on 10.08.

    "MADNESS" will come in 2 types; Regular and Limited edition.

    Artwork and mored details to come.


    This is exciting... so anyone who sees them this fall on tour might get to hear the new song(s) they recorded with David Bendeth. 

  7. Jin's voice was actually my least favorite aspect of NEGA because he was so inconsistent. But on the new live distro he sounds awesome. It's way more than I was expecting, so I'm eager to see how their formal releases will sound. 

  8.  As the title inquires, if you didn`t have Japanese music (VK, Indie, Pop, Idol, Electronic, or whatever you like / love) what would you be listening to, and how would your life be different?

    I'd probably be a lot more into my local music scene. But when I got sick of all those people Japanese music was my escape and helped me deal with the fact that I don't have many real friends here. Because of my interest in Japanese music I made a lot more friends online and travel a lot more than I probably would have without it. Actually thinking about my life without the friends I made because of this music makes me really sad.


     How much does Japanese music add to your life?

    It's hard to say, really. As far as just the music... it does what I think most music should do to a persons life. It's helps you deal with your emotions; happy, sad, angry, hyper, lazy, romantic, and even just those times when you wish someone was there that understood what you were going through. Music becomes your friend through all of it, I don't think the country of origin necessarily matters in this instance. At least, not for me.


     Would there be any benefits to not having it, like a heavier wallet or bigger bank account? Or is it just plain worth it?

    My wallet would definitely be bigger. I spend literally thousands of dollars a year on downloads, CDs, shipping, concerts, travel and accommodations for those concerts, conventions, band merch, ect... but meeting the artists and sharing the love for music with friends makes everything worth it. I gives me motivation to work extra hours at a boring job that would make me want to jump off a cliff, otherwise.


     Do you have irreplaceable friends you found through Japanese music?

    I inadvertently answered this (I didn't read through all the questions first, oops!), but absolutely yes. The majority of my close friends and longest lasting friends have been made through Japanese music circles. 


     Has it opened up your life more? Gave you an interest in Japanese culture? How would your interests change if you didn`t have this music? 

     I had the interest in Japanese culture before the music. It's what led me to looking into Japanese music. Originally, I was into Japanese art, irezumi, and fashion. But once I got into the music that pretty much steamrolled all the other interests in Japan. It did make me have a great interest in learning Japanese language so that I could better understand the songs I loved, though. Without the music I don't know if I would have ever cared enough to learn Japanese language, travel to Japan, or even visit as many places in my own country as I have under the excuse of seeing concerts. I stayed for a month in the UK to turn a chance to see GazettE into a proper holiday with friends there. I would have never made that friend or visited Scotland without us both being GazettE fans. 


    So to finish this up, Japanese music has enriched my life in a lot of ways. I'd still be a total music freak and support bands. But something about the Japanese scene is just so addictive. They are too good at knowing what it takes to empty my wallet. lol. And I love them for it, so it's okay.

  9. I already love 鴉 so it's not surprising I'm in love with these vocals too. 

    Clean: 8/10 only because he spends a lot of time in this song in his upper register which gets a little nasally for me. 

    Harsh: 6/10 I don't think this song suited his harsher vocals like a lot of their other songs do. Here he almost sounded strained, but his harsh vocals are one of my favorite things ever normally.

    Overall: 7/10


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