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Everything posted by Slsr

  1. Favorites? I guess not so many actually, some others might be missed too but to these ones being gone are most regrettable for me: M ネイムレス (Nameless) キッド (Kid) ムジナ (Mujina) KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND Solaris.★ La vie en rose Deadman BAISER soon: 9GOATS BLACK OUT
  2. Yeah might be a bit long song for what it is, probably they still need to work with their compositions, still liked it though.
  3. Slsr

    Kuukauden spämmi:
  4. Slsr

    Can't wait to hear this .
  5. Slsr

    @ lame pop-rock. I think preview sounds pretty good, wasn't rly expecting that kind of second song though.
  6. Slsr

    Lol no, is this thread joke? Scene will obviously "die" bit by bit if it will, 2010 to now is just way too short period for that. if it's "dead" now it was at least almost (or completely) "dead" 2010 too IMO. Now that said I don't rly even believe in such "dying", as it's mostly matter of personal opinion and taste. If vkei gets even more unpopular then it might die eventually but that's kinda different thing I guess .
  7. Slsr

    ^ completely disagreed, not saying it's bad still though (as I quite liked samples, especially from "R") but of course as fan such obvious change in music is something you need to get use to. Even still I don't think it's good for a band to stay put forever anyway so this might be good thing in the end on that regard too.
  8. Slsr

    Haha, so badass . Can't wait for rest of songs.
  9. Slsr

    This so much . It's kinda sad...
  10. Slsr

    Ajattelin vaan spämmätä näin joulunajan väistymisen kunniaksi ^^...
  11. Needless to say I'm waiting it already.
  12. Slsr

    Awwwww, this suxs.
  13. Slsr

    Can barely wait them gangsta rap samples
  14. Slsr

    Honestly I can't believe someone actually believes in this (yet there is many...), pls come explain :x.
  15. Slsr

    Kewl that they have music video now.
  16. he looks much better now, like actual human being.
  17. Slsr

    Cool to have you here, indeed hope you find something new to like : ).
  18. Slsr

    It just might end though, chances are alike any other day around ...
  19. Slsr

    mmmm, kinda like darkish taste u have there : 3, welcome
  20. Slsr

    Hi! and welcome. Cool to have your own website like that . Do you have last.fm btw?
  21. Slsr

    Somehow missed it too (thanks for bumping) Some gr8 song titles there btw, lmao : D...
  22. Slsr

    https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10 ... permPage=1 So thought this should be posted there too, someone took video from show in marocco, lol, will be one crazy tour I say O_O...
  23. Slsr

    Cooool that they made music video(?) for that song, it's such a nice song too : 3
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