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Everything posted by Slsr

  1. Slsr

    tämä kuva kosketti minua .
  2. Slsr

    This contest must be joke, seriously, I can't even... I don't even want to know how they chose bands to this .
  3. Slsr

    Kuolleet suunnitelmat olivat syntyneet jo kuolleina, no ehkä miitti tapahtuu vielä joskus, luulisin että kaikki ovat tervetulleita ellei threadin elitistisiipi (yksi jäsen) päätä toisin, joten ilmoittautumisia otetaan edelleen vastaan vaikka miitin ajankohdasta ei olekaan mitään tietoa...
  4. Slsr

    Really like to watch these games, I guess track and field would be my favorite part but it's fun to watch different events if I feel like it. Also priceless to watch Finnish competitors trying to get medal and be then possibly be celebrated here as hero or something as silly just to be forgotten just as quickly (Finland usually gets like 1-3 medals from these games, so it's actually big thing here if someone manages to make it top3, olympics are really popular event here anyway.)
  5. Slsr

    Wow, they are good so good signing xD, hope it goes well for them ...
  6. Yeah, band sounds pretty good, at least to me . But you are right, dat quality isn't so awesome, hope this isn't actual quality.
  7. Slsr

    Well, in My country tax seems to step in when order (I don't know if even shipping might be possibly included this sometimes too though...) is over 43 euros, so I don't really think this 22 euro is true.
  8. Slsr

    Sad news :/, 2012 has been bad at least for me...
  9. Slsr

    Lauantaita jo odotan.
  10. Slsr

    Yes! more Finns ... Hope you like it here.
  11. They look very stylish ^__^.
  12. Slsr

    I've seen the truth
  13. Slsr

    Surely great news ye, wonder who will it be.
  14. Slsr

    Päivän mietelause(SPÄM): Elämällämme ei ole merkitystä, miksi siis elämme? Pohtikaapa sitä.
  15. Slsr

    I kinda liked them so shame rly -__-...
  16. Slsr

    <--- all I can write really.
  17. Slsr

    Thanks for info! Probably going to get this album when it's out .
  18. Seems really interesting, want to hear them already!
  19. Slsr

    Eikö hän pääse lomille, vai väitätkö tosiaan ettei halua liittyä uskomattoman nerokkaaseen seuraamme vähäisinä lomapäivinään ? Lisäksi armeijan varusteisiin sonnustautunut mies loisi myös seurueellemme loputtomasti uskottavuutta .
  20. Slsr

    There is topic already, viewtopic.php?f=7&t=16064
  21. Slsr

    Kyllä, ensin valtasimme MHn chatin, pian baarin, sitten tämän maan ja euroopan, luulisi muuten Dispokin olevan tyytyväinen kun demokratian aika alkaa vihdoin olemaan täällä ohi . BTW:
  22. Slsr

    Working is tough, I want my freedom and doing nothing but chill back ...
  23. Slsr

    Ahh, sounds very good indeed, very much excited ^___^.
  24. Some of you might have already heard this but still had to share this brilliant performance full of emotion by Takano Junya, since I know even you all who have heard it yearn to hear it again, I'm too lazy to look up title of song though . it seems mp3 link isn't working anymore but you can download song if you want http://www.mediafire.com/?x2l79ppl20iyo2q
  25. Slsr

    Personally: Masakazu (ex-M) H0na6YK64Ok Masashi (from FoZZtone) vsb-Q-FPbvg Mayb (would need to hear some more): Tomoya (from メビウス) OK6p33w-HGs Of course there are many other nice too, especially indies pop/rock bands seem to have kinda vocals I personally could enjoy but at least in my case it's hard to fight with something you are extremely familiar with, besides I don't think you really can rate someone as vocalist only after hearing him/her few times anyway, it sounding cool few plays just isn't enough. And yes, I'm very much aware I've grown to love some vocals to the point I've actually come deaf to their flaws, making it impossible to be unbiased and so making whole list highly questionable .
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