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Everything posted by Slsr

  1. Slsr

    Symphonic rock band(?) Skywings will release new album "GRACE GRADE" in 2012.07.18 Tracklisting: 1. [神経症序曲]・ピアノ交響曲変ホ短調作品01〜美と狂気の狭間に宿る背徳の天使〜 2. GRACE GRADE〜翼を持つ者達〜 3. say[GOOD]bye⇔say[GOD]bye 4. SCRIBBLE MY LOVE 5. ANYMORE 6. A MOMENT LYRIC 7. ETERNAL MEMORY 8. SKY ON SMILE PV of song "say[GOOD]bye⇔say[GOD]bye" rTrRClqzncw
  2. CM showing preview of SUPER NOVA PV can be now watched in youtube
  3. Yes! Great to hear they will be back
  4. Wow, I guess these text seem to always be about so called "worst case scenarios" though, I just don't really see as radical change happening as mentioned in post but still it even being possibility is too much -___-...
  5. Ah, thanks for posting preview! Wonder what type should I get though, ugh -__-.
  6. Slsr

    Got two packages I ordered from internetz earlier . Some CDs (two M singles and one Tokyo Heroes single): Also got Fiio e10 headphone ampliflier, too lazy to take picture of it but it seems pretty cool ^__^.
  7. Slsr

    Well yeah I've made this argument in past but I'll use it again ... Honestly Euro (and dollar too I guess, even if not as quickly as of late, more like bit by bit during recent years) used to be much stronger when compared to yen, so actually in past less money was needed to buy something from there, so I think in a way it's questionable to say prices there are that high (even if they probably were higher than in Korea beforehand too but at least a lot closer to our prices than now, like I'd understand a shit about these things though), it just seems so since value of our money has gone down whereas value of yen has gone up, whereas with won value about same now than when comparing to dollar 9 years back...
  8. Slsr

    Can't wait for album ^__^.
  9. Slsr

    Good luck and hope you Have fun time XD! Travelling can be awsum anyways .
  10. Slsr

    Just wrote my first tweets, I don't have followers so plz follow me ! I'll follow back ^^. I guess my goal is to tweet just about any subject but still you won't see huge spams comin' from my way anyway. https://twitter.com/#!/Etumoaam
  11. Slsr

    Yeah, this is quite sad but I guess something like this was expected sooner or later.
  12. Slsr

    Well, for people who know me it will likely be no surprise what will I write about here TBH . For me it's best album that has been ever made anyway, and it's not too popular, so like I even could name any other album here... Anyway for me such album is M - 燦燦 (Sansan), I must have listened this album crazy many times so objectivity I once might have towards it is just gone even if I recognize that it has it's shortcomings too. Album is musically quite simple piece and not all that catchy but I think band is just extremely solid as whole and unable to make bad song, not to mention I've grown to love vocals very much making this album quite awesome to listen IMO .
  13. wow, this cheesy "folk metal" style in chorus + that opera thing, I guess it's OK but can't say I'm deeply impressed.
  14. Slsr

    I think Tokyo Heroes last.fm page explains this quite well, no detailed information there or anything though... To make it short, seems like WORLDisMINE were formed shortly after Tokyo Heroes had disbanded at end of 2007. Masashi and Gokimi were ones that were and are connected to Tokyo Heroes from WORLDisMINE members (just same year 2007 Masashi had joined Tokyo Heroes replacing former lead vocal Linda BTW.). It would seem that in 2009 WORLDisMINE disbanded and around same time Tokyo Heroes were reformed officially (after already playing revival lives in end of 2008 and apparently releasing single too back then O_o?) But anyway Tokyo heroes and WorldisMine last.fm wikis where that info was taken are here (of course they are by no means official information but seems like things might well be as they state): http://www.last.fm/music/%E6%9D%B1%E4%B ... 2%BA/+wiki http://www.last.fm/music/WORLDisMINE/+wiki
  15. Slsr

    ^ This so much... I used to be able to laugh these songs but honestly it seems I can't even watch this garbage anymore -__- (see me watching final, even still ...)
  16. Slsr

    Digital singles are indeed great, every fan should buy them. Only problem is with titles, since there seemed to be English and Japanese title in some songs, just how stupid is that ? There also were 3/5 songs from LOVE EP among those singles, so I guess it makes buying it seem kinda useless, ye...
  17. Slsr

    I might be late but I just had to warn you that Alcohol is expensive here :x .
  18. Love them so wonder what this means and what will happen O_o...
  19. But yeah, still at best it's 5 song mini which from 3 songs are rerecords+pv, not really liking that pricetag either, not that it's actually surprising at all though.
  20. I'd be shocked if they were not rerecorded TBH.
  21. Slsr

    Great news! honestly only thing I don't like about this band that some of their releases are impossible to find from anywhere -___-.
  22. Can't wait to hear this . Hopefully new members are good fit to band.
  23. Slsr

    Still waiting for cooking thread.
  24. As you may already know: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=15759 . So I made this thread to people go crazy over this. I mean shoutbox being gone at least for now, it seems to me almost like everything I find important has been taken away from me :x
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