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Posts posted by -Tetsu-

  1. 2 hours ago, doomsoul136 said:

    Thank you for updating i apologize. I couldn't find it for some reason


    No problem :) glad I could help :)


    36 minutes ago, zaa_zaa said:

    really? Key is playing support for GLAMS? Is he that white haired guy from their BE ALONE pv?


     yepp, thats Kei :) he'll also play with them on their concert on July 8 in Tokyo !

  2. you forgot to add the recent bands :)

    here you go for the complete list (taken from vkdb) :


    Vocal : MIKARU (Ray → ハルシオン → Dio → DIGRAS → BLACK LINE → BLACK LINE → G.L.A.M.S)

    Guitar: kei  (Kress Devia → Dio → G.L.A.M.S (support))

    Guitar: erina (left 2009) (luciel(依璃奈) → サリー → SCHELLEN → CHELSEA → Dio → VII-Sense → Lucifer's underground → TRIGGAH(support) → TRIGGAH → G.L.A.M.S (support))

    Bass: ivy (Grevious → ポポロ → Dio → レミング → Moran → (OPA) → ラッコ

    Drums: denka (Raysphere → (ほっけ。)(s.i.d.) → エミリー(デンカ) → 悪いヤツ!(support) → Dio→ BLACK LINE(Syu) → G.L.A.M.S (support))

    but I totally agree with you on that PV. Probably there will be a PV one day since they said they want to tour as DIO some day again



  3. never heard of them before but then I saw them for the first time in 2015 on DOAKs first live and fell in love with them during their first song (it was B.A.L.U.S)

    sadly I only could see them twice, but their lives were full of energy and I had so much fun!

    They're one of my favorite (active) artists rn

  4. Could really happen, yes. Since this isn't the first tour cancelled because of that reason ... And there aren't many promoters left for Europe.


    This is what ex promoter Steff from ASTAN wrote about this (don't judge his english, he knows he's bad at it) :



    After all the promoters are not that many any more. Me i can not do tourings anymore becasue of my health - B7 seem to fuck up them own Business. Neo Tokyo is up to K-Pop - same with Kanzen. At last we have only Aurélie. One single trustfull VK-promoter for the whole of Europe? We will go back to the old "only on conventions" thing..


    Aurelie (highfeel/realive) seems to be more positive, let's hope she's right.


    Thank you for that, but let's not be so negative Steff... It will come back. Everyone understood that the Golden Age of VK is gone, and once we get it, the tours are only fine. Cheaper tickets, lower expectations about numbers, small venues, then we have super nice shows with 50 to 100 persons indeed, but well, it's ok. I saw my last tour: super nice people came, the musicians were more than happy, and everybody made efforts - financially speaking - to keep it safe and profitable. I think it's up to everyone, artists, producers, labels, to understand it.


  5. I was looking forward to a broadcast on niconico today since weeks but dumb me missed it...

    So I tried to upgrade to a premium account for one month but it's not possible to do so with PayPal when you live in Germany.

    I also tried with my creditcard but niconico says it's expired (do we have 2018 already?? don't think so....)

    Then I remembered I still have the simcard from docomo I used while I was in Japan and I tried to register the 3 days free trial version with it, but didn't work ...


    Anyone could help me with this?
    I really want to watch that damn broadcast, it was the only thing I was looking forward to the whole week :(



    Edit: if someone could download / record it would be an otion too ... so if anyone with a premium account wants to help ... I'd be really happy and grateful :)

  6. oh damn, thats gonna be a long list ...


    a lot of signed UnsraW thingies, DOAK, Core The Child, Jiluka, D'espairsRay, Plunklock, Nega, Black Line, Anlipollicino, TheMicroHead4Ns, Orochi, G.L.A.M.S, Killaneth, REIGN, Awoi, girugamesh, DEATHGAZE, DIO, dirtrucks, X Made Alcoholic Santa Claus (are they VK? I don't even know... haha), Hizumi (umbrella stuff, does this count too?), Miyavi, Luzmelt, MUCC, PURE Q&A, Amaranyx...

    Also got some chekis from different bands with random things written on them, but I don't count them as signs

    I think thats all. most of them are signed on concerts :3

  7. since people are writing about concerts that weren't in Japan, I'll add some things I want to share too that happened to me in Germany/Austria :-P


    not exactly during the concert but the signsession that took place before the concert.

    Halo was signing with a green marker and when he looked at me he got so excited about that his marker had the same color like my hair that he had to interrupt Haruka who was signing another fans poster and made him look at me and his marker. pinky freaked out completey and was like "I'M PINKY YOU'RE GREENY" the whole time.

    Never seen someone being so excited about colored hair.



    We already caught AIs attention during the concert because we were singing along the whole time and me and a friend were ... uhm ... dancing in the middle of the crowd and he pointed at us several times to show it to the other members.

    after the concert we were sitting next to our car not realizing that it were parked next to the tourbus (it was really small, probably thats why) and that friend I was 'dancing' with sat down on the hood of our car, but the friend who owned the car said that she should get off. She ignored her  so I got up and stood right in front of her, bowing down to grab  her arms ... when everyone around us started screaming and laughing ... I turned around and there was Kousuke, looking at us with his mouth open, unable to move for  a few seconds until he started smiling in a really creepy way ...

    we went to another concert two days later and when Kousuke saw us he asked were my "girlfriend" is because she wasn't there. awkward ... but kind of funny.



  8. SaTaN:
    I didn't pay attention for a short time because I was talking to the girl next to me when she suddenly started laughing. I didn't know why but then I realized that Mr.SaTaN wasn't on stage anymore. He sneaked  up behind me and it scared the shit out of me when I turned around because he was so fucking close. There were only about 40 people around so it wasn't that difficult to see that I wasn't looking at the stage ... After their show we talked for a short while and he was so excited that they had fans outside of Japan and he kind of ignored the japanese fans just to talk to me (I guess he was like... really excited haha)


    I don't know if this is something special or interesting, but a nice japanese girl switched place with me so I could be closer to the stage during DOAKs show when she heard that I just came to Japan to see their last live. So this was my first time in the second row for seeing one of my favorite bands. Everyone around me was so nice and they integrated me in everything. I was used to be ignored for being a foreigner so this was really exciting for me. Never felt this happy before. Meeting Yuuki after the show made it the most perfect day of my life.


    Cazqui where his support guitarist during this live and when he threw his pick I was about to catch it but instead of closing my hand I hit it and it fell behind the barrier. I politely asked a staff if he could give it to me but he said no and gave it to another girl that was screaming on him to give it to her instead ... I'm still pretty mad about this :(

  9. 41 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    another question: can you get rings right from the get-go? and how do they differ from studs in terms of tooth and gum damage?


    you could, but it would hurt a lot more during the progress of healing. got my rings two weeks later and it still hurt like hell when they moved so I definitely recommend studs until they're completely healed. But I have to say that my sister has a lot of piercings in her lips and she didn't have any problems at all with changing to rings so I guess it also depends on the person.
    Also, in my opinion, rings affect your teeth and gums less than studs. my ring doesn't touch my teeth at all while my stud does quite often while talking for example (but this is because it's longer than it should be)

  10. 20 minutes ago, itsukoii said:

    dear people with lip piercings (specifically labrets and snake bites): how badly do these piercings really affect your teeth and gums? i've been doing a lot of research but i wanna get some info first hand. i'm dying to get these piercings once i get my braces off but i don't want them to fuck up my brand new straight teeth :S


    got mine about 5 years ago and they didn't affect my teeth at all altough I'm always biting on them (probably not long enough to say this)

    also asked my dentist about this because I was really worried that I broke one of my teeth with the piercing last year but she said there's nothing I have to worry about.

  11. Sad news for those who wanted to go to see sick.

    the tour is cancelled



    Please share
    For health reasons, I have to finish my work as a concert agent immediately.

    Therefore the tour from SICK - which was planned for autumn - will NOT take place.

    Tickets already purchased will be refunded.


    for more informations please check here

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