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Posts posted by TokyoCinderella

  1. Pretty clever way for bands to inflate sales if they expect each fan to purchase ten copies of an album.


    I'd call it unscrupulous if it weren't for the fact that the fans don't really seem to mind.


    What anakuro said. No one's expected to buy any number of copies; people just do whatever they want. It's one CD purchase per event if you wanna go -- and most bands actually make you purchase multiple copies or multiple types to get instore tickets, but GALLO doesn't do that. You can also get multiple photos and autographs at any given instore for having more than one ticket, and while most bands will only have an autographing OR a photo event, GALLO pretty much does it all at every event. Basically, I'm more inclined to spend my money when it's worth it, and they make it worth it.


    Also, just for whoever mentioned the tokuten ("privileges"?) -- I honestly don't give a crap about them. XD I just like instores.


    Besides, the title track on INCUBUS is about the financial relationship between vk bands and their fans, so the humor's not lost on me. :)

  2. [track list]


    02.神風型駆逐艦・闇風(kamikazekata kuchikukan yamikaze)

    03.黒鶏式葬送曲第壱番-ドウベ-(GALLO-shiki sousoukyoku daiichiban-dubhe-)



    Pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but .黒鶏 is read as "Kokkei", so if you're romanizing it, it should be Kokkei-shiki. GALLO works there as a translation, but it's not how it's read.


    Furthermore, ドウベ is read "Doube" -- it would only be written(/read?) as "Dubhe" if it were written as ドゥベ

  3. My dad has always kinda poked fun at it (but no serious qualms), and my mom's probably the reason I'm into it. She's more than cool with it and can identify a lot of the bands I like on look or sound. In high school she'd let me put my CDs on in the car so they grew on her. She also tells me to give the vocalist of my band hell when I see him for this-that-or-the-other, and wants to come see them with me if she ever visits. ;;


    My mom dressed up with a group as KISS for Halloween as a teenager and has tons of rock concert stories (like the terrifying one about getting carried along with the crowd in a rush when doors opened without her feet even touching the ground).


    Proud to have my parents ( ^0^)/

  4. you are too gurl u. u


    also we all know the man meat beside me helped raise the level of overall attractiveness in my picture


    You're both pretty gorgeous together


    Man, I wanna post a twoshot, too, but I have a moral dilemma about my instore photos on the 'net, but you guys also look awesome.


    /flies back into space to avoid derailing topic

  5. I know the request is old, but just in case? Here's what I own and the credited support members --



    Matador, Angel Jesus dieS in Eden:

    Guitars: MZK, cozy
    Drums: UME



    Guitars: MZK, Atsushi Sugimoto

    Drums: USK


    Devils Art Decadence:
    Guitars: Tak, cozy

    Drums: UME

  6. Everything I'm looking for is a fat, fat chance, but I might as well post anyway.
    Willing to pay more than anyone else looking for these. :P




    Midnight Express (1, 2, and 4 only)

    The End of the World

    The Great Filthy Lucre Voyage

    Jolly Roger

    Welcome to the Suicide

    Basically any fliers, cheki, & photo sets (I already have several but am usually in the market for duplicates)
    Feel free to offer me other non-CD stuff you might have (DVDs, weird merch, whatever).



    My heaven's luck sisters

    Cheki...? (I don't know if they ever sold them though)




    Goddamn anything




    DVDs: GALLO The Boot (ichi, ni, san, yon, go, ura), GALLO The Limited (ue, shita)

    Comment CDs: Kyokutou Harenchi Seimeibun, Tokyo Harenchi Seimeibun
    Limited CD: GALLO The Folk, GALLO the Medley, Gokusaishiki Maressha-GA110-

    New year's comment DVDs if I don't have them (let me know what you have and I'll see if I already own it)
    Limited cutlery earrings
    Fliers (2009-2011 only)

    Cheki (2009-2011 only)




    UPDATED 5/19/2015

  7. A CD isn't going to happen for Jabell. Yanagi wrote a very frank blog entry that he finally published the other day, explaining that the reason the album was dropped was because he pulled out of the project.

    And he claims he pulled out because of Maria's utter lack of contribution to finances as well as track work for the album.



  8. Yanagi's blog post indicated that he is leaving Jabell altogether but music is in him and he probably won't leave the scene entirely if he can help it. He said it's not just about his health, but also Maria's situation and other unforeseen circumstances that are making the goals they had with Jabell impossible. Still no word on whether or not Jabell is through, unless they've updated again more recently (which is a possibility).

  9. I'm trying to find out more about Yanagi's condition but I wasn't following him when he first got sick. I know he's back in the hospital now (or was the other day) and it sounds like he makes pretty frequent trips. (To be fair, people go to the hospital here waaaay more often than outside of Japan, and being hospitalized doesn't necessarily mean you're in serious condition, either. Japanese healthcare <3 That's not to say his situation isn't serious, though. I don't know much.)

    Anyway... if anyone can give me some information about when he fell sick, I'd appreciate it -- I've been trying to find his blog entries from around that time and after so I can read about it and find out what the deal is.


    The only thing I remember explicitly reading among his old entries is that he was having pretty regular bloodwork (transfusions iirc?) because of a side effect of a medicine he was on, and a Saruin fan mentioned chemo on her blog (but that's a fan and it'd be better to read the info straight from him).

  10. After reading Maria's post-live entry, I'm still a little confused -- he's written that the full album which they're creating will be their first and last. But for the time being I guess they just don't know 100% what they're going to be doing aside from the direction they're going, so I guess we just wait and see. Oh suspense.

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