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Everything posted by Gizorz

  1. Gizorz

    From Astan's facebook: Divan du Monde will arrage the presale in France for us. So I think FNAC will work. I just need to arrange some things with le divan. But I guess up from 1.7. it might be possible to buy tickets. Le Divan has space for 440 people, We will sell the first 50 Tickets via my webside. These 50 People will be the first to go into the venue. The other tickets will be sold via le Divan. If I were you I'd buy hem trough Astan's website, also because it's usually cheaper (no shipping and less fees and stuff, shipping overseas with fnac is quite costly). http://astan-magazin.de/
  2. Gizorz

    I demand pictures.
  3. Gizorz

    The other two guys are Takumi and U:zo. They were both support for Miyavi in 2009 during the Europe and South America tour. And I believe Takumi worked with Sugizo? Seriously dude, who cares about what they look like? And that's coming from a Visual kei fangirl Are you really surprised I keep calling you a fanboy? (j/k) I just don't know about this Jon guy, but apparently he sings well so we'll see. Here's Takumi's ameba: http://profile.ameba.jp/tfunk/
  4. Gizorz

    Lol that would be a pretty good move. Yeah, that would be great.
  5. Ehh.. I kinda prefer their newer stuff :/ Sorry
  6. Gizorz

    I seriously can't stand people who call racism on everything. Get over it. At least you have the possibility to attend lives, many don't, like Jarrad up there, he's going to have to fly to Japan. So I'm not gonna feel sorry for you. And yeah, so was I, just expressing my opinion, even though I probably didn't word it that nicely, so I'm sorry for that, the bitchiness I mean, not the opinion itself. edit; oh and, this is just curiosity, but are you in that group of Italian fans that travel all over the place and camp for weeks? I mean no offence, I'm just wondering.
  7. Gizorz

    Oh yeah, it's obviously racism Seriously, you're way too butthurt to even reason with.
  8. Gizorz

    There's probably a reason why Italy gets left out, either there's not enough people attending the concerts or it's too hard to plan a concert there. And there's a huge market in Hungary. Either way, constantly bitching about it isn't gonna change anything. The only country I really feel sorry for is Australia
  9. Gizorz

    And there's also richer country's getting less concerts than Italy Life is unfair, grass is green, water is wet, etc.
  10. Gizorz

    From Astan's facebook: we changed Paris date from 16 to 18, because we were not satisfied with the other Location in Paris. Divan du Monde is much better. For the 16.9.2011 we are still undecided. Depends on which country gets the most sales in the presale. So, the Paris gig moved to the 18th and the venue changed to Divan du Monde. Assuming the 16th gig will be in Germany since there was a run for tickets there trough Astan.
  11. Gizorz

    ^ I met with an exchange student from Japan last year, I asked him if he knew a few vk bands out of curiosity, but he'd never heard of X or Dir en grey or Luna sea. He knew GACKT though. :') And dude(tte?), you can't really compare X to the rolling stones..
  12. Gizorz

    ^ That's pretty much true, I guess I'm one of those "regulars"? But it's not to "fit in", at least for me and my group. I like going to lives, I like VK, I have a lot of friends in the scene who live all over the country. Lives are usually where we meet up. I travel for free anyway. Even if I don't care about a certain band, there's always someone in our group who does, and so we all end up going, cuz it's fun. Unless I really dislike the band, then I don't go. But the fanbase is indeed very loyal. I also think there's a general sense of "let's support the scene!" here. Mostly from the people living in the randstad. And it works, doesn't it? Since, even when we're so small, we do get GACKT, X japan and Dir en grey this summer. But that's just how I see it. Though with the recent influx of small bands playing here (the fool, hitt, lix, orochi), it is getting less.
  13. Gizorz

    Ugh Ikr, Bitterzoet was beyond terrible. I'm 1.85cm tall and even I couldn't see anything from the back unless I climbed on top of a table. Tivoli or Melkweg please ;-;
  14. Gizorz

    Versailles_P_Q Versailles(ヴェルサイユ) We are pleased to announce Versailles will plan overseas tour in Autumn―Asia in Sep??Europe in Oct and South America in Nov. From Twitter Hope they're coming back to the Netherlands, since they sold out last time. But I'd probably go to Cologne too.
  15. Gizorz

    ^ Kiryuuin has been spotted in a few places in Europe a few months ago so who knows.
  16. This. I always hate the preview, then end up loving the full song.
  17. Gizorz

    I'm a poor student and I can't afford decent speakers :/ I learned to live with it when I started living on my own. It's better than no music at all
  18. Gizorz

    I hear no difference whatsoever on my crappy laptop speakers. But meh, if I want something in great quality I just get the cd? :/
  19. Gizorz

    I don't mind if the setlist will be the same, since I wasn't there last year There were quite some songs on there I liked. Plus apparently he promised to play vanilla, I'd love that.
  20. Gizorz

    This! Also konticket and eventim still have tickets.
  21. Gizorz

    Wow, just posted the exact same picture at a different forum. That's just creepy.
  22. No. 80 euro's for a handshake is just ridiculous.
  23. Gizorz

    Lol, I live in Tilburg, but am completely broke. would they be worth it?
  24. You probably saw already but: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?create ... 2308344238
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