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Everything posted by Gizorz

  1. This. +1 this. Also, he played hanabi during the billboard live: https://vimeo.com/49540253
  2. Gizorz

    Apparently Mikaru tweeted those dates on accident, that's where they got them from. Either way, I don't like BLACK LINE's music so not traveling for them, especially since it's all around my exam period.
  3. I agree with the credit thing though. I always put up a reference to the original article with my translations. I'm just wondering though if the situation would be slightly different for streetteams, as they don't make profit and only exist for promotion purposes (or well, they're supposed to).
  4. Lol no I wouldn't stop translating, especially lyrics, until magazines and cd booklets provide official translation (which isn't gonna happen unless it's a european release anyway). I think maybe with Versailles (and correct me if I'm wrong) the issue is that their streetteams have official status and maybe the band itself can get in trouble with the magazines? Idk... But yeah interviews I understand, but lyrics? You don't want your international fans to understand what your songs are about? Really? I remember though that MasaKarasu (old Miyavi streetteam) got in trouble once for putting up lyrics as well, but in that case it was enough to just remove the Japanese lyrics and leave the translations and romaji... Damn Kamijo if you're worse than psc...
  5. Dit zo hard. Ik wacht hem nog even af, maar waarschijnlijk weer strategisch stemmen op pvda
  6. Gizorz

    That happened here too haha. Or at least, a lot of people who major in Japanese started taking a minor in Korean. Over the last 3 years we went from 8 first years majoring in Korean to about 30 and there's probably even more this year.
  7. Gizorz

    I legit lol'd. Nice prank. The funniest being all the blogspots who mindly reuploaded it. I usually never check out random bands unless someone personally recommends it to me (because I'm really lazy) so I didn't fall for it either way :')
  8. Gizorz

    I listen to both, and a bunch of other genres. I just really like clubmusic for when I go out, to dance on, and kpop falls under that, especially the techno-ish songs. Not that I find it good music, but it's fun and catchy and sometimes I want to listen to songs like that haha. I listen to ~western~ pop and club music too it's just that kpop got shoved in my face a lot when that whole "I left vk for kpop" hype happened like.. 1 or 2 years ago so some things kinda stuck. I'm not a hardcore kpop fan though so maybe I'm not the kind of person you are referring too. But you know, the thing both have in common is the huge emphasize on appearance so that might be an explanation..
  9. Gizorz

    Ahw, that's just too bad, they were a lot of fun.
  10. Gizorz

    A freezer! I'm so happy it's insane, I haven't had a freezer for the last 3 years lol.
  11. Gizorz

    You could always just go for mixdrinks. Liquor 43 with orange juice tastes like those split icecreams. I usually drink beer (because cheaper), namely Hertog Jan and Jupiler but I prefer liquor, mostly Tequila and Vodka. Good thing I have a pretty high alcohol tolerance lol I really like wine as well but my face goes bright red after just one or two glasses so I never drink it haha
  12. Gizorz

    Hey it's just my opinion. But I think it's also about conveying a message, which is pretty impossible if your lyrics are gibberish because you can't speak the language you're trying to sing in. They can do whatever they want but I don't have to like it.
  13. Gizorz

    If you don't speak a language, don't sing in it imo. And yes I also find it very obnoxious when a Japanese band makes songs in terrible English.
  14. Gizorz

    Oh I would love that
  15. Gizorz

    That guy from Kra is really tiny too right..?
  16. Gizorz

    I really want DeG to win just for all the butthurt it will cause seriously
  17. Gizorz

    Lol, I think everyone on here is a dude tbh. You really look like a friend of me btw
  18. Gizorz

    ^ Offtopic but I lol'd really hard at that one really tall guy who just stood there unmoving in the middle of the crowd the whole time.
  19. Gizorz

    I personally don't find vk any more ridiculous on non-Japanese than on Japanese, as long as they pull it off well. I didn't even know there were any significant ones besides that Swedish band tbh? As for the language aspect, it really bothers me when one tries to sing in a language they hardly speak. There was this French band once and the girls vocals were decent but her thick thick accent just really bothered me, likewise I'm also really bothered by Japanese (vk) bands singing in English while they don't speak the language. Just stick to a language you actually speak...
  20. Gizorz

    I'm going to properly look this up now seeing as I haven't made any big orders in the past year and am now thourougly confused..
  21. Gizorz

    Eh no it ís the complete order including shipping that determines if you have to pay taxes, I've had that happen before. You just don't always get caught.
  22. ^ Ik sprak geen woord Duits 10 jaar geleden en nu nog steeds is mijn Duits heel magertjes, dus nee, ik hing rond op de Engelstalige fora :')
  23. Gizorz

    ^ Cute ^^ Please don't be intimidated by my epic photoshop skills... (Me on the right obviously)
  24. Gizorz

    Steff from Astan just announced Lycaon will be performing two lives in Europe. I think he mentioned on fb that it's not 100% confirmed because of Yuuki's vocal problems (?) But my German really isn't that good. 1.10.2012 Netherlands -Utrecht / Tivoli de Helling 3.10.2012 Germany - Bochum / Zeche Postponed http://www.astan-magazin.de/ I thought we wouldn't get any more Astan gigs in Utrecht..? Not that I'm complaining
  25. Gizorz

    A in Roubaix was my last one. The venue was tiny as hell! Felt like we walked into someone's livingroom so that was quite a bummer, but they played well so all was good.
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