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Everything posted by Gizorz

  1. Gizorz

    So because you think a band sucks it's okay to troll in their threads? They were my guilty pleasure so I'm kinda disappointed with this... ):
  2. Gizorz

    They're on the ohp in the header, wait for the thing to load completely. It took ages for me though.
  3. Gizorz

    I don't really like shower much.. But WINE thankfully sounds as great as it was life, unlike -509-
  4. Gizorz

    Why weren't you able to go Milou? We were wondering were you were Setlist from Lessines (it's too torn up to take a proper picture, so I need to tape it up first in order to do that... Damn Yuuki killed it during the first song ): -9- REBORN MARIA ----MC---- UNDER THE SKIN NIGHTMARE Starving Moon ----SEC CD M-2---- Gate of Death Enshoku no Yume IN THE FACT ----SESSION---- Kaimoku SOCIAL FAKER ----SEC CD M-2---- WITHERING BLOOD -509- SALIVA OF GOD (Lol they typo'd it "SALINA") WINE And the encore which isn't on the paper: BLACK OUT Warai oni
  5. Gizorz

    Too bad they're not coming to the Netherlands (again..). But I'm not gonna complain, bochum/cologne/bonn are close enough to travel to Might go to see them in London because it's the day before Miyavi if I can make it (oh and, Miyavi came to both Budapest and Milan, just saying.)
  6. Gizorz

    The "evil" one... Vegeta right? I never really watched DBZ Facebook or twitter?
  7. Gizorz

    Seriously? In that case, no cd's for me right now. Booh.
  8. Gizorz

    Pendulum - Watercolor
  9. -OZ- Valluna UnsraW Matenrou Opera Nega Megaromania R-Shitei Saruin BUCK-TICK SOMATIC GUARDIAN Lin -the end of corruption world- Golden Bomber
  10. Gizorz

    If anyone cares, here's Miyavi's obligatory tweet on the disbandment: @MIYAVI_OFFICIAL ????事務所????????一緒??闘?????????ンド??解散??る???????????。??????日も別れ??味??苦??も??????????出会????れ??別れ??り??別れ??れ??????出会??も??る。??????日??笑??話?????る???????????????ら一本??。一志????????メン??ー??皆??ん????????????疲れ様??????。?????変??ら??頑張???????? Translation: I've heard a band from my old company that's been there fighting along right from the start is breaking up. The taste of parting is bitter no matter when, but, if there are meetings, there will be partings. And if there are partings, there will surely be meetings again. Until the day this can become a laughing matter, keep going on your way. Isshi and all the members, you've definitely worked hard until now. So keep on giving your best!!! source: http://community.livejournal.com/comyvz_crew/8027.html
  11. Gizorz

    Make up generally is supposed to make you pretty yknow... They're fun, I liked them live. But Miko is such an attention whore.
  12. Gizorz

    ... Even if it's aids, it didn't have to be an orgy? Fans have STD's youknow... I'm picturing it right now, makes me wanna scratch my eyes out.
  13. Gizorz

    ^ If I remember correctly that's gonna take 2 more years or something... But that's okay, nobody cares about them so they're not all over the place like the rest of psc.
  14. Gizorz

    Right, forgot they existed.
  15. Gizorz

    So basicly, after 10 years, everybody get's the hell out away from psc? Following that logic Gazette is next. Anyway, that's really too bad. They were the only band left in psc I kind of liked.
  16. Gizorz

    Lolol no I'm not! Me and a friend just dressed up like that for a costume party from our uni I'd normally never dress like that :') It was a lot of fun to do though, because strangely enough we turned out pretty well. It's quite easy to do, just takes a crapload of time. yes. the schedule of tour of your favorite bands. Oh that's just the gigs I've been to/am planning to go to
  17. Gizorz

    Thanks~ Timetable?
  18. Gizorz

    Golden bomber - kakkoii na eigo tte
  19. Gizorz

    Golden bomber - kakkoii na eigo tte
  20. Probably EBM and dark/new wave. I still listen to some, but I never really "discovered" a lot of bands in the genre, because my friend managed to get me into Visual Kei not too long after I started liking EBM and distracted me from it lol.
  21. Gizorz

    Looking for something simular to Angelspit or Aural Vampire. With female vocals preferably.
  22. Oh you here~ Terrible? If you don't like it, that doesn't neccesairely mean it's a bad album... Imo it's one of his best albums up until now, but it's not really my thing and I like his older stuff better. But since Miyavi always plays a lot of older songs I'm definitely going to see him. Got a ticket for London, but not sure if I'm going there. Waiting for the rest of the tour to be announced before I decide.
  23. Gizorz

    Hi there~ I'm Gizorz, or Giz, 19 years young and living in the Netherlands ^^ I study Japanese language and culture at university, but even though I'm a 2nd year I still quite suck at it. Probably because I procastinate doing my assignments all the time, like I'm doing right now. I'm a big Miyavi fan, and besides him I also really like UnsraW and MUCC. I don't really feel like making a bandlist or anything, so if you're interested (which I somehow doubt), here's my last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/gizorz Ignore the profile picture please, I don't go around looking like that in daily life. We had a costume party
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