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Everything posted by Gizorz

  1. Gizorz

    Oooh I really hope I can go this year! Last year I couldn't get a ticket ):
  2. Gizorz

    Ah so it was you afterall! I saw that happening, looked awesome Sorry bout the mess up with my photoset.. The manger grabbed them from my hands and put them down on the table so it got all confusing and messed up... sorry :') Loved the live~ Just too bad there was so much messing with the bass. Didn't think I'd like it this much but I'm glad I decided to go anyway Too bad i didn't have enough money on me for a cd though..
  3. Gizorz

    I was just about to post that here, lol. Steff is such a bad person for wanting to make some money!!1! :o
  4. Gizorz

    Why do Kaya threads keep ending in such butthurt? Anyway, didn't get a chance to listen properly yet, so I need to steal my roommates cd sometime soon. But so far I still think Queen sounds like Schlager, but I did like Addict on first listen. And that's about everything I heard of it.
  5. Gizorz

    Eh, not really much of a shocker since they're going on an EU tour as nega in September?
  6. Gizorz

    My friend just graduated with a major in Japanese. She said there's a clear cut off when the class suddenly gets too hard for the actual weeaboos who are only in it for the veekay, animu and kawaii bishonens. If you can get past that cut off, you have successfully proven yourself to not be a weeaboo. She said at her university they start dropping like flies and suddenly the people in the class are tolerable and you can hold normal conversations without it derailing into what is your favourite anime. Either way, I plan to never take another Japanese class in my life. I'd end up like the Virginia Tech kid. She has a point, we do have a cut off like that, 50% fail the first year, and thankfully I made it past that~. But I still think you do kind of qualify as a weeaboo if you study Japanese even if you don't care about anime, visual kei, etc. @Champ213; Ugh i wish my uni was like that, we had a lecture about Pokémon today and we actually used to have a course (thankfully it was dropped when I started) called "Japanimation" where you'd watch anime and write a paper about the ~*deeper meaning*~ Plus Miyavi appeared in one of our lectures. I mean seriously.
  7. Gizorz

    I study Japanese, lol. But thankfully, I had a friend who'd already been trough her weeaboo phase when I got into visual kei and she violently knocked it all out of me :') I'm really really thankful for that. Plus I had my gothic phase when I was 13. I won't deny I can act like quite the fangirl though~
  8. Gizorz

    Since it's Astan, the tour will probably be limited to Germany, the Netherlands and France. It's usually like that. But who knows? Wouldn't count on England though. @chan; just keep an eye on animexx? Or i'll just text you when I know if you're too busy for that~
  9. Gizorz

    I heard the same thing, bout the promotor being some 19 year old girl. But seriously, if you let a 19year old fangirl play promoter you can't really be surprised when it goes wrong. Apparently she didn't book the venue, lol.
  10. Gizorz

    Lol did he make yet another promoter turn against him?
  11. I read somewhere that ticketmaster's share was sold out, but that the tickets tivoli still had are now also made available trough ticketmaster? I actually thought it was you who said that but guess I'm wrong :')
  12. Gizorz

    I would've loved to see them in 013 though, the venue has amazing sound and it's really close to my parents' place.
  13. Ticketmaster still has tickets for the Netherlands though?
  14. Gizorz

    We've got 013 Tilburg? But yeah I agree with Des, I doubt Tivoli would want to move it...
  15. Really? Well these people bought them trough the venue too and it's the only place i knew of where to buy so that's probably it then~
  16. Eeh that's bullshit. It took way longer to sell out, my friends bought tickets days after presale started. And I'm pretty sure that there aren't 1000 fans in Belgium that would've gone to his show... O_o
  17. Gizorz

    This I really hate e tickets...
  18. Gizorz

    It is really cheap! I'll definitely be going!
  19. Gizorz

    Seems like a gig in the netherlands has been added? http://www.tivoli.nl/agenda/informatie/ ... el/X+JAPAN
  20. Gizorz

    No the article clearly says his gf stabbed him.
  21. Gizorz

    ... That´s just a translating livejournal, same as nanbungaku http://bbs2.2ch2.net/visualtanuki/ This is Tanuki. If you´re looking for a particular thread just google bandname + ?????
  22. What a surprise, neo tokyo screwed up again.
  23. Gizorz

    So much jealousy in here, ice. I really really dislike the Queen preview. To quote my friend, it sounds like fucking schlager.
  24. I heard he grew up in/is part Spanish.
  25. Setlist Lille: Setlist lille: What's my name Universe Survive Hell no Chase Ossan ossan ore nanbo -MC- Chillin chillin money blues I love you, I love you, I love you and I hate you -MC- Gravity Justice New song Shelter -MC- Moon Mata yume de aimashou (On request~~) We love you -MC- Torture SMFB Are you ready to rock Futuristic love -encore- What a wonderful world Survive
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