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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

  2. Erin

    I haven't done anal nor oral nor some creepy any other stuff. Though I was close to oral once, but the guy was a douche and he wanted a blow job right in that very moment and I was like , gave him the finger and spread the rumour he wanted to rape. Was fun
  3. Erin

    Am I the only virgin here?
  4. Erin

    but it's not as much as they use to lol and come on, that's not the whole point of the pic right Ruki bb?
  5. Erin

    complete btm. and my top looks like harry potter so fuck you revania
  6. Erin

    I must insist: this is one of the best fucking bands alive.
  7. I'm too lazy to make a proper introduction. Anyone else like her? Pure talented french chansón. UVqZ17_Wv_0 *Personal favourite* _V53PB3jXio Didn't know there was a video for this song lolol vNDc3-0gkew Come on bitches, I know you like it
  8. Erin

    Any Versailles
  9. Erin

    Of course I was. You always do. Always. thx 4 reminding me dat bb <3 u helped ma bulimia a lot And pk bb, just one thing i'm spamming, so wat
  10. Erin

    You are, without a doubt, the person I envy the most at this very moment.
  11. Erin

    Fuck, this thread makes me depressed. I want all of these shows to be in one channel :
  12. Erin

    wat I'll just stick to the original. Btw, when is this album coming out again?
  13. Erin

    My Pokemon TCG deck is a fucking boss
  14. Erin

    I think u should be v.i.p. too. Oh, wait... Anyway, i wanted to be vip too, but it was so mainstream I neglected myself into being grey.
  15. Erin

    People complaining about how some other people go to the library makes me think at least they go to the library in the first place. Is that good?
  16. You obviously KNOW nothing bout being gay, Maiku xD I might seem a kind-of-cute bottom, but I'm jealous as fuck. It's something I'm working at.
  17. Erin

    new earphones
  18. Erin

    cause I can't feel my legs, Ben didn't give a shit about me in the whole day, he flirted with Axell, fuck this shit.
  19. Erin

    Their Gay/Bi list looks fun lol: gay/bi bandmen I keep getting comments asking me to make this list and something I saw just reminded me of it, so here. It's obviously not complete. I'll add more as I find them. Bi: Tsurugi (Sadie) Takeru Manabu (SCREW) Ruka (Himeichigo) Ryuuji (Zoro) Shuuta (Irokui) Gackt Reika (D=OUT) Ryousuke (Lolita 23q, gay for pay) Riku Kisaki Ryouhei (Megamasso, gay for pay) Yue (ex. AILE) Miyavi Aki (SID) Tara Maria Hizaki Satsuki (possibly full-on gay.) Gay: Dada (Velvet Eden) Tatsuhi (Zoro, although he may be bi) Narumi (ex. Bergerac) Saitou Seu (ex. Louis. hp.xxxxxxx.jp/louismoba/saito/ ) Ao (caligari) Kaya (Said himself that he was bi/pan, though.) Omi (exist+trace) Hina (ex. hurts) Just taken from tanuki. btw: Maria cross... bi? bi? bi? bi?
  20. Erin

    Wonder who is the Alice in wonderland trannie
  21. Erin

    vagina is the answer to everything
  22. Erin

    Vvedenie? What is that supposed to mean?
  23. Erin

    23:10 LOL feel like sleeping so early
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