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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

    I'm dead sick, and I think i contagied Ben.
  2. Erin

    CD2LRROpph0 i'm so mainstream
  3. Erin

    I want a cat named Starbuck.
  4. Erin

    This has got to be the most inspiring thing I've seen in the whole day. And my mom's boobs, of course.
  5. So now we are after wards?
  6. Erin

    They sure need to bring theold dauto back. Anyway ONE: hate the fxxking synth-thing throughout the whole song. It makes it annoying just to listen to it. But liked it a little bit. 5/10 官能ロボット: This song gets on my nerves. The whole 'IROOOOHAAAA~' thing is just... . But it does sound like old dauto, and the bass lines are hawt as hell. 8.5/10 ????????: Bit too repetitive. Like a boring Fender. But still listenable 7/10 I hope their next album is good though. Still have my hopes up.
  7. Erin

    I'll go with the necklace. If you can call it that way.
  8. Erin

    Not meant to be mean, but... where are your eyebrows?
  9. Erin

    Not just before, multiple times. I work with them. Ever been punched?
  10. Erin

    9/10! That guy is really cute. I always stare at him a little bit when I see a post of you XD.
  11. Erin

    Faust by Goethe.
  12. Erin

    Chianti beib, ya khnou ILU but.......... OMG TAHT WAS SO DISTURBING!!!!!1!!1 No, seriously, that was disturbing. Anyway, if I wasn't such a completelybitter bitch and if I actually bothered to date people... I'd go with older. Usually, I like guys who are my age: 16. But I'd go till 25. That's the limit. Though going out with a guy who's 9 years older that you is a bit disturbing too.
  13. Erin

    I watched a second time to make a cool .gif
  14. I don't even care anymore if he wants to date me or not, as long as we are still together, in anyway. I'm seriously thinking of shooting myself after realizing things have reached this level. I've never been here before, and I'm really freaking out everyday... help
  15. Erin

    You seriously need to be either a beast or mentally retarted to think this thing was not that big. Even if just 5 people had died, it would still be big. Fucking heartless bitches.
  16. Erin

    Oh, well just when my trolling was in a whole new level. Btw, I'm changing Misora's 8/10 to 9/10. It has grown on me that much. And I'm still wondering if Ultra Spin Tea Party got me Cancer or not.
  17. Erin

    I think I don't fit in this topic, since I'm not wasting my free time: I'm procrastinating...
  18. Erin

    Misora. It's addictive.
  19. Erin

    YES! 300 POST OF PURE KIWAMU TROLLING! I'm so proud of this board
  20. Erin

    Light Air, since I don't want to get any fat.
  21. Erin

    I think most of it is bullshit lol really? sono having over 30 STD's? WTF. And it's hard to believe how many details she can give (remembering the Para:noir posts).
  22. Erin

    Wow, you can actually write something that kind of make sense HI FIIII DESU NEE FURIENDO!! RETUSU RISUTEN TU GAZE... MIIN, ANDO! (purisu )
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