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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

    16:15, PAC
  2. Erin

    I've been bullied all my life, and I think it won't stop until I'm out of high school. Even my 'friends' tend to do it very often.
  3. Erin

    He told me once I was his only friend in the world, and the most important person to him. And today he didn't give a fuck about me. Cause Axell was there, of course. I'm really losing my sense of Karma and Divine Justice.
  4. Erin

    This is almost as pathetic as Tila Tequila wanting to try music. Almost.
  5. Erin

    Trying the contacts Ben gave me for my birthday. Like 8 months ago. Dunno why I didn't do it earlier.
  6. Erin

    May 23th, if I'm not wrong.
  7. Erin

    Has this label signed any bands yet? Even some budget-copycat band? Anything?
  8. Erin

    SBgElf7Uevk From 12:43 you can hear a little preview of Jesus. THANKZU GAWD!!!!!11!!1 Though the unnecessary fanservice was kind of lame.
  9. can I ask what's the point of this thread again?
  10. Erin

    Zess message was so insulting.
  11. Erin

    I can't actually believe the previews sound cool.
  12. Erin

    You have obviously never visited the actual Tainted World.
  13. Erin

    Thought the same, but now I think it fits the song well.
  14. Erin

    ^ OMG you
  15. Erin

    15 seconds of my life I won't get back. I'll look for the lyrics Ke$ha wrote somewhere else instead of being a masoquist and making my ears bleed on purpose. About Goverment Hooker... dunno. Don't really like those live recordings, but it was nice.
  16. Erin

    'Fuck you bitch! Nobody asked for your opinion; nobody asked you to be born'
  17. Erin

    You're gonna be a fucking millionaire 8D´ Gonna do this later. It's so much shit to do
  18. Erin

    Though I still believe my gags is going nuts, I must say something: Making a huge complicated choreography to keep up with your song's up-beat and make them 'so-cool', it's really easy. For them to give an actual message through symbols refering to our culture and beliefs, is not. Just sayin'.
  19. Erin

    Do you actually think she can sing, or has anything to do with her music? smh.
  20. Erin

    Britney is now a pseudo-old school and completely talentless artist who survives from playback and brainwashed fans. Madonna is more worried about adopting malashian babies than making music, and releases something every 3 years. And now Gaga went... well, completely gaga. Dunno what's happening to pop music.
  21. ^ Thinking the same shit. Seriously, My Dragon must be some crazy funny shit, and they just take it out the DVD. Not cool. And I don't really get what's the point of doing it.
  22. Yay~ Blanco will be here. That's great since no one ever ripped the single itself.
  23. Erin

    It might be a little arrogant, but I really think I don't deserve it. Not this much, not this long.
  24. Erin

    wat. I can't believe Madonna (well, her record label) is taking things to that level. This will be interesting.
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