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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

    meh. just meh.
  2. Erin

    May the best MoneyWhore WIN!
  3. I kind of like them, really sad no one buys their releases.
  4. Erin

    no 星屑、ボクと君へ。? get out.
  5. Erin

    keep those wombs up!
  6. Erin

    and the other one having a PV, making two separate editions
  7. Erin

    Well, at least he/she's really pretty as a girl. Paulette Fabres, judging you hard
  8. so it's just a dvd full of bad quality tapes of them talking about how no one wanted to fuck with them until they started using make up and a skirt.
  9. lung cancer? poor kid. May his soul rest in peace.
  10. http://www.last.fm/user/brainasthma new one
  11. Erin

    I started wearing glasses app. from a year ago, though I had been using fake glasses because I loved the looks of it. The bad thing is that this glasses did have a prescription themselves, so I kind of fucked up my sight by wearing them. Aside from that, last year they made us a school health test, and I fucked it up in the eye thingy, so that way I convinced my mom of wearing glasses. Funny thing is, the oftalmologist said I actually need glasses from a long time ago, since I suffered from astigmatism and a bit of myopia. My classmates broke the first pair of glasses I ever had. The second one went through a really hard time, but made it a bit longer. And now I have a pair I've been wearing for 4 months, and I really like them more than the others. And I just realized this is a really long post.
  12. Erin

    add me you cheap whores [email protected] and use hotmail in my google profile cause I can't remember 2 adresses.
  13. Erin

    omg I had forgotten this was my favourite disney movie. someone like mashoro should have sung it. and putting DeG into any compillation makes it an immediate
  14. Erin

    I actually couldn't believe this shit when I saw it. Srsly can't wait. How can you even pronounce that in engrishu?
  15. Huh? Does 3 tracks seem unreasonable for a single? I meant that in a good way. 3 tracks are reasonable for a single, not 5 like Avex forced them to do. And new cover is flawless/asagi's dresses > kaya's dresses/haters stay pressed.
  16. Erin

    Did like. Will try their album tomorrow.
  17. another way for mana to suck the money out of his kawaii lolita fanbase
  18. Erin

    mmhm... will try, if someone uploads. still have some hopes on these guys.
  19. just 3 tracks? immidiate change. lolbyebitch record label.
  20. isn't he tired of no one paying any attention to him?
  21. Erin

    likes k-pop way too much?
  22. lol thought it was 15g.
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