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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Erin

    ok Will give this guys a try after these reviews. Haven't dared listen to any of UCP new bands after the master piece that was REALies single.
  2. Erin

    that was a disturbing transformation. san ichi you~
  3. Erin

    yay honesty. 9 should be like a 70 or w/ee tho.
  4. Erin

    4 editions? Gurls, can you say Money whores?
  5. Erin

    he must eat my cat shti
  6. elbow elbow wrist wrist snap snap kiss kiss
  7. Erin

    Great! Rame is always good when Jui's not around.
  8. Erin

    idk what 2007 you lived in, but evanescence were so 2003. +oblig lololol xian rock. I was 8 by then
  9. I don't really see it as a waste. More like a favor to mankind.
  10. Erin

    Ao no Exorcist No.6 Tyger & Bunny considering watching more tho.
  11. Erin

    PSN/Steam: Akashiina Feel too lazy to add the games.
  12. Erin

    My birthday is coming up next week, and I will be buying a couple of games. And since I'm a fan of zombie games I will certainly take this one into consideration. When is the release date again?
  13. why can't you stop. why.
  14. Erin

    I know what you're trying to do you got me that shit is way to old anyway
  15. Erin

    aren't people tired of them? mean, there is Lynch for a reason. a good reason.
  16. Erin

    oh please, it says "Will" all over the place
  17. Erin

    furik what's with ur need to lie. why us. why.
  18. Erin

    I know your family's broke, but qurl you need some glasses.
  19. Erin

    if that's what we're talking bout KqjKOalcI10
  20. Erin

  21. Erin

    that was the most offensive + unclassy piece of shit I've heard in ages omg
  22. Erin

    You all bitches spend way too much time ~discussing~ here to actually pretend you have ~lives~. Both ~~sides~~. Hug your teddy cunt or w/e.
  23. Erin

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