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Posts posted by Erin

  1. I never actually wrote a reply for this thread this time, and I think it might be a little late but still. Two thoughts.


    1. Am I the only one going through a slow warm up with THE NOVEMBERS? I'm starting to like more of their songs and overall vibe at a snail's pace and it seems a little off with how many people I've seen going gung-ho on them.


    2. I liked NETWORKS' track a whole lot but I can't find their stuff anywhere... probably because they couldn't choose a less unoriginal name but anyway. Do they have a bandcamp or soundcloud or something?


    As always this thread is the best thing to go through in the month, music-wise. Keep up the good work!

  2. in general i'm not too fond of it because i feel like it... dejoints? the flow of the melody and erases the raw bits of the voice, which makes it a lot less enjoyable for me.


    i.e. the last shiina single, the one with the murder coca cola PV. i think it'd would have been waaay better without so much autotune.


    i do believe it can has it uses, and as long as it matches the song/genre it can be a good resource.

  3. this thread is my favorite time of the month honestly


    i liked eito a whole lot. you could definitely pick up the LITE influences. past half the song you can notice it's a little rough around the edges indeed, kinda lacks a bit more of variety/substance. i still liked it lots though, i'll listen to their whole album when i have time.


    tempalay i'm kinda figuring out still. i'm liking the whole rising of beach pop rock in so many acts lately but ehhh. something about the distorted vocals with the instrumentation together doesn't sit that well with me. maybe i'll like other tracks.


    for a second i thought the THE KIDDIE comparison was a joke lmao it really reminds me of them. i was such a fan in like 2010/11... i really liked this KAFUKA track though. it's kinda nostalgic.


    the karasu wa masshiro track feels... a little different? the vocals are a lot more toned down and harmonize a lot better with the instrumentation here. also the synth is sick. i'll probably be humming it for a while.


    this thread always gives a lot of good recs! thanks a lot

  4. I hate that I'm trying to get my shit together, have some nice short and long term goals, and still somehow can't find it in myself to gather motivation and get past my dumb insecurities and just Do stuff.


    I hate that me and my family's relationship is so bleak and barely customary. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own house.


    I have a weak will and forget my rage.


    wooh that sure helps unwind

  5. (replies to this thread a year and half late) aight.


    i can't really add on much to the opinions already shared. i specially agree with peace and beni's, because they particularly resonate with my own experience.


    before i was fourteen, i used to listen to mostly american/european indie pop/rock acts and the like, and i still think most of what i listened to was nice despite not listening to much of it nowadays. when i turned fourteen i met a pretty large group of friends, all of whom were into VK in all of its different variants, and so the exposition Begun. in that sense, while i tried to stick by my own standards in what i liked, i still very much believe it had to do with a thing of maturity and exposition, at least when you're young and naive and whatever. despite the jokes in my re-introduction thread, i still have some SuG songs on my phone, think Lycaon's first LP was neat as hell and that a lot of gazette's NIL songs made me. pretty emotional, so to say. but even so i don't really listen to VK much at all now although 95% of my music taste is japanese based. i think in my case, it was a thing of expanding my horizons and actually getting to know what was out there.


    in the end, as Champ originally stated and Peace commented, i think people who drastically change their preferred acts and genres often aren't really as into them as they seem, though there's a lot of other factors that can change what you enjoy music wise that could be perceived as that. in fact, i think there's way too many things that can influence what you music you enjoy: what did you grow listening to, whether certain acts have had a personal impact on key moments of your life, whether you prefer intrumentalization over vocalization/viceversa, if you like listening to the radio in your way to walmart, etcetera etcetera. there's people who like to vary a lot on what they listen, and people who can listen to the exact same thing everyday. so, i'd say it's a bit hard to pinpoint that sort of issue in the abstract.

  6. as much as i agree with the overwhelming passive agressiveness and excessive confrontational debacles that tumblr's harvested as the pinnacle of mob mentality... saying you wouldn't use any form of language you weren't taught in school is pretty condescending lol. as if academia defined language was actually all there is to the genuine phenomena of language.


    i personally use excessive question marks to sound purposely silly. whenever i speak in any other way that doesn't sound formal or eloquent, it's a conscious effort to adapt to the pertinent code; as when approaching new people, a softer speech pattern and simple word usage allow for a most relaxed interaction. as zeus' link provides, code switching.



    because i don't know how to choose favorites, i'm too all over the place


    i'll probably always be a Ringo/Jihen and Yoshie/Ego-wrappin' stan. i'm liking oomori, passepied and karasu wa masshiro a lot lately. same for shiggy jr, she made me want to look up some nu disco acts (but i never found anything worth). also really into lamp and gesu, the new kawatani band... i've always liked etsuko yakushimaru and wakusei abnormal??? I DON'T KNOW this is hard

  8. hi! i was told it'd be best if i just made a re-introduction after being on and off for so long so. yeah


    i'm Erin. i used to be active on this forum like four years ago but i really don't wanna remember that because i was beyond salvation back then. i also had a shit music tasted. i liked SuG unironically?? god?? i remember liking lycaon and regretting at some point


    anyway. nowadays i listen to more japanese music in general. i'm a generic shibuya kei stan, but i tend to listen to most of everything! i'm trying to be more knowledgeable of more indie acts lately, and i'm always hunting for recs because i am awful at using jpopsuki or last.fm. or stalking people's libraries. i'll probably be leeching off a lot of recs here


    i also have this tumblr music blog where i reblog and ocasionally post things i enjoy? give it a try if you have free time


    i hope i get along with everyone again  :cookie:

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