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Posts posted by Erin

  1. Aw, both Disponsable and Asakusa are so handsome! Call me xxx

    And LOLOL Ito, you made me think it was some kind of jackass video at the beginning. You know how to roll tho.

    And well, here are my feet.


    They're all cute and whatever. A friend of mine told me they looked like a recently raped girl's feet. And that he was feeling the urge to rape me 'cause of the photo.

    I plan on getting a restraining order.

  2. ^ And so was 7th rose. I certaily don't know what to think. When they signed off Avex, I thought that they'd at least slow down their release rate. And if we're talking music wise, as for torikago blah blah, it ain't really that different/ could perfectly fit their ~disco~. So, I guess we'll just have to wait.

  3. But they already have a song called heilong. Though I think it was chinese-related or something.

    Anyway, I thought they were yoing to slow down a bit with their release schedule :/. I still think it'll be good tho.

  4. I kinda don't know why I decided to do this... But I am now (indecisive), so I'll put six photos up, just because I'll probably never do it again hah.

    My apologies for the bulk. (/ω\)


    One of the shots taken for Kera Magazine at Tokyo Decadance in 2008.


    This one is fairly old.




    One of the shots after a quick spot of Purikura with the beautiful wife (girlfriend).


    This is one of the photos used in Vogue Hommes Japan. I'm deepthroating some red fabric hahahaha.


    I have silver hair now! Not that you can really tell that, since it's in black and white.. though if you refer to the second photo and the last (both being black and white) you'll get the jist.

    u a model? wow

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