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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Grieva, Diaura, Gossip, Kuroyuri to Kage, Avelcain, Arlequin, Dezert, Deep rave, The black swan ^^
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    I think in general older bands fanbase are pretty nice (luna sea, B-T etc).
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    Might have written it before, but it's from a nega song
  4. Awesome. Love the pic of Izumi and karma as well.
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    find it kinda strange seeing them performing those songs. love it tho
  6. Takadanobabaalien

    fix'd that for you
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    I've heared that Moran's fan are pretty wild, but should be a fun show. I'd go for moran.
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    He's from Italy
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    When I saw them live, Yuuga said they are scheduled to release a live -something- (probably single) at their live at Rokumeikan, because they have recorded material. So at least one major release I guess. Pretty sure that even though they are "major" they are not really on a "major" label. Probably a sub-label of Yayoi's current label or something loll
  10. Love it! Also btw trombe, I can't find any japanese source that states that V-eyes records is a sub label of ains. can you provide a source? (my japanese friends also had no idea about it being a ains sub label)
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    Picture of Yayoi from yesterday Yuuga was looking same as he does in Gokiburi :v
  12. Takadanobabaalien

    So many members :v
  13. Takadanobabaalien

    I guess I have to be the one to say it, but the most shocking thing about GG is his extremely small penis. :v
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    Just losely basing this on some stuff I've seen and heared. Yesterday Yuuga was really pissed, and he said (among other things) that he doesn't care if he has a band or not, especially if there are going to be "anti-fans" that just pisses him off and that besides these (4 or 5) dates they have left, nothing else is planned. Then he tweeted this: "よし、あと5回なんでやることはやろー。もう隠すのもアホらしいからハッキリ言うわ、あと5回!!多くても+1回ぐらい!" 5 times left, let's do this. If I keep on hiding this I am just an asshole so i'll tell you upright, 5 times left!" (losely translated). And today, he tweeted: 4月8日、目黒鹿鳴館、ワンマン、無料だし大事な話があるので皆さん来てくださいね。 8th of april, Meguro rokumeikan, oneman. It's free and I have something important to tell you, so, everyone, please come. Of course, this is not confirmed, but in my eyes it seems like they may disband... Let's see what he has to say.
  15. Today's Gokiburi show might have been the strangest ever...... He spent over 40 minutes talking about girls on 2ch, and "anti-fans" bitching about him. At one point he also encouraged us to leave the livehouse lol

    1. Tetora


      What happened on the album, also is his main issue the fandom?

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Apparently a lot of people on 2-chan have beef with him, so he wrote "奇形の2ちゃんネラー" about that (which translates to "Deformed 2-chan user"). The Japanese wikipedia on the band also has a section about his relationship with 2-chan. Not really sure what sparked it, but it's just fascinating to see unfold.

    3. Tetora


      Ah okay, thanks for the info.

    4. Show next comments  225 more
  16. Pretty excited over seeing Gokiburi today! Let's see how much people are going to show up... I have a feeling that they don't really have that many fans but who knows lol

  17. Takadanobabaalien

    I think the reason a lot of the visual kei bands (especially smaller ones) don't put it out on itunes etc is because they are not aware of/don't think that they have fans outside of Japan, or at least not enough to make it worth the hassle.
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Inb4 disappointed aliene fans Think it sounds pretty nice, looking forward to the release
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    also not very impressed. but lets see what the full song sounds like
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    Just a tip, if that is where you keep your CD's: If you get sun through the window a lot they will discolor your CD's, so be careful lol
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Bought yesterday: Gossip - Demodori kichiku saiko yarou (saihan) Lucifer's underground - Fujitsu na umbrella Also 2 comment DVD's and live clip of Psycho pass ^^
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    Some fun fact: "Yokohama Merry" is refering to Merry-san, a prostitute who worked in central Yokohama during 2nd worldwar and after. People called her a monster (like they say in the song) because of her white shironuri/kabuki-ish make-up. EDIT: The reason for calling her a monster is not confirmed I guess, so I should state that. My friend just said "I assume that is why they did it". http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%81%95%E3%82%93
  23. So.... Sugizo is participating in the free event "Peace on earth" (no entrance fee) at Yoyogi Koen. He will play songs as well :v definitely going!! D:

  24. Takadanobabaalien

    so excited for this. still think it's bullshit with their tickets sale. unless you're in the fanclub its basically impossible to get a ticket for their live here in japan. wish they would play at bigger arenas.
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