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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Their tour "Route of infection" starts at Ebisu liquidroom at 2015.12.16 (wed) and ends at Zepp Divercity Tokyo 2016.10.22 (Fri). They will also hold their female/male live only at 2015.09.09 @ Shinjuku BLAZE and 2015.12.09 @ Ikebukuro CYBER respectively.
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    I'm interested as I havent heard their single Although the PV is great
  3. Takadanobabaalien

    I had some troubles with these lyrics, but it's my favorite song by Gokiburi so I wanted to try and translate it. used the lyrics sheet from Kar'maria's single which includes this song as well, although the lyrics aren't 100% the same so some of it is done by ear. If you see any mistakes or ways to translate it better, please tell me^^ 今ここ1ROOM4畳半*の畳の上で なんだか知らない間に僕は死んでいます Room number 1, a 7,5 sqm big room on a tatami mat I am somehow dying here while being unaware of it 一昨日可愛い彼女が出来たばっかり 明るい未来もお先真っ暗、ご先祖のせいかな? I just got a cute girlfriend two days ago My bright future got bleak, I wonder if it’s my ancestors fault? いつの間にか、 棺桶に入って 蜂のついた、 菊の花の下 知ってる奴も知らない奴も みんな、うそ泣き Before I realize it I am in a coffin Under a Chrysanthemum flower with a bee on it Even though there are people who know and people who don’t know Everybody is pretending to cry 悲しむ顔もかわいい貴方、僕の顔を見つめてるね 二度と会えない貴方ならば、今すぐここで自殺して**? You’re staring at me with your sad face, looking cute If we can’t meet again, will you commit suicide now? ずっと、ずっと僕の側で悲しむ 君も心の中では笑ってるの? いつか君がまた恋をしたら 呪い殺してあげるよ You’ll be sad by my side forever Do you also laugh within your heart? If you ever fall in love again I’ll put a death curse on you いつのまにか御墓に入って 蟻のついた苺大福を 知ってる人も知らない人も みんな、盗み食い Before I realize it, I am in my grave Even though there are people who know and people who don’t know About the ant being on the ichigo daifuku*** Everyone is still trying to snatch a bite 悲しむフリが醜い****貴方、僕の骨を見つめてるね 二度と抱けない貴方ならば、今すぐここで自殺して**? The ugly you who are pretending to be sad, are looking at my bones If I can’t hold you again, will you commit suicide here? ずっと、ずっと僕の側で悲しむ 君も心の中では笑ってるの? いつか君がまた恋をしたら 呪い殺してあげるよ You’ll be sad by my side forever Do you also laugh within your heart? If you ever fall in love again I’ll put a death curse on you きっと、きっと僕の側で泣いてる 君は先に男と出会ってきたね? いつか僕がまた息をしたら 貴方にお礼参り*****さっ You’ll definitely be crying by my side You just met a boy didn’t you? If I ever breath again I will come and make us even * In japan they messure roomsizes by tatami. 4,5 tatami equals about 7,5 sqm. ** Sung as 死んで (shinde) *** Traditional japanese dessert **** not 100% sure he says minikui as I partly translated the lyrics by ear, but I think so. ***** had some troubles here as it means both “to settle a score with someone” and to do a yearly visit at shrines in japan during thanksgiving. I assume Yuuga means to settle a score though.
  4. lol @ izumi from madeth getting mad at some teenagers calling him an old man

    1. hyura


      Where will you be when midlife crisis strikes

  5. Takadanobabaalien

    Does it have to be amazon? Otherwise there are some merch at neo tokyo (http://www.neotokyo.de/merch/band-merch.html). Granted they are a bit more expensive but it's official t-shirts with legit prints. The stuff at ebay/amazon are usually fake.
  6. I already know how this topic is going to turn out: people loving riku being back until their first release and it sounds nothing like phantasmagoria
  7. Takadanobabaalien

    Yuuga participated in a secret band some days ago. Members are still unknown :v
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    Will keep an eye on this topic as I'm interested in japanese hiphop as of lately.
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    Will that be LUNA SEA under the name Lunacy? Because I know there are some early luna sea coverbands performing at Machida playhouse every now and then under names like that...
  10. Swedish (native) English and Japanese from school.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    My impression as well. All my Japanese friends who I said "oshare kei" too when referring to oshare kei bands has asked me if I mean "kirakira" which basically means sparkling/glittering. Regarding the article, not far off but also far from spot on, imo. btw the first time visual kei as a word was used in media was 21st january of 1991 in Shoxx (https://twitter.com/lucys2000/status/580575667777077248). The guy who wrote that article says that he got the phrase from hide or Hoshiko (known as visualkei oyaji on twitter) though lol.
  12. Takadanobabaalien

  13. Takadanobabaalien

    Tenten said in one of his tweets "7月20日でマイバクは活動休止になります ですが必ず戻ってきます" which means "we are going on hiatus from 20th of July but we will definitely return". Didn't read all of his tweets but the reason seems to be because his neck hurts.
  14. Takadanobabaalien

    yeah. kinda surprised though, very unexpected
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    Didn't Dir en grey also do a miscast cover at hide memorial summit? Pretty sure about it. Kinda ironic :v also it sounded horrible
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    well, it doesn't have to be the entire gig of all bands but some live clips from every band would be nice lol. although if they do release a DVD from that live it will probably be luna sea's gig both days and muteki band (if they do it).
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    Even though I love these guys, the DVD releases are getting annoying. HOWEVER, if they don't release DVD's of the Lunatic fest (including all bands) I will fucking throw a tantrum
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Awesome PV. Love diaura so much
  19. did frypan leave mh again?

    1. beni


      She's been active a few days ago.

  20. Takadanobabaalien

    don't get why people are hating on them playing the new songs? do you guys still wanna hear uroboros/dss stuff? their new album is great, and it's even better live
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    the line-up for this festival is so insane.
  22. love it. cant wait for their mini
  23. Takadanobabaalien

    ^ this. although not skipping tracks does not equal a perfect album IMO. If I had to name a perfect album I'd probably say MOTHER by LUNA SEA. fkn masterpiece right there. And for none Japanese: Du & jag döden by Kent.
  24. My mom is indifferent to it. She think it's cool that I like it (I think) but personally think it's total ahit music. My little brother is also into vk and my older brother don't care. So yeah, better than those of you here who gets shit for liking it I guess : p
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