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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Takadanobabaalien

    Kuroyuri to kage is not part of ains anymore............. according to Yukika
  2. cool name and cool look. looking forward for this. have they released anything yet?
  3. falling in love with deadman's in the direction of sunrise and night light all over again. i'm so happy that i own this album in physical copy 8)

    1. saishuu


      Been listening to it a lot these last few months too. So good. <3

    2. ghost


      Perfect from start to end. And song names are beautiful too (personal favorites "fragile sandy", "asthenia bullet stain", "additional cause for sorrow")

    3. Ito


      Such a god damn amazing album

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Ahh xD was probably tired after doing most of them. Good you figured them out!
  5. Takadanobabaalien

    Ok they're done. That sure took some time <<
  6. ハッピーバースデー sounds like an awesome live song
  7. Sounds nice. Still annoyed to why they never release an album though. They could've easily made their 3 live dist and these 3 singles to a 12 track album instead.
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    This is ridiculous to the point where it's not even fun to joke about it lol Also regarding "A producer of many big name artists, Yoshiki will be starting a new Visual-kei movement!". I mean, it's true. He did produce a lot of cool bands, but that was like 30 years ago, and he hasn't made anything of worth for the last 10 years so it's pretty irrelevant. And the last part... highly doubt it lol.
  9. For me it's between Sui and Kaya, voted for Sui though.
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    Well the lyrics are mixed together so I still have to figure out which sentence belongs to which song XD of course they won't put them in like a normal band .__.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

    1. チョコ冷凍階段 透明な存在のワタシは不透明だ。 「知られたくなかったの。気づいて欲しかったの・・・。」 自殺をしたあの子を可哀想だと味方した メディアは自殺志願者を増やす それまで見て見ぬか振りのキミが友達面した 「気づいてあげられなかった・・・」とかって。 ー僕は人ではなくなったー 社会へ報復は他社依存・自己顕示欲 「誰でもよかったんだ。人を殺してみたかった。」 知らぬ間に恵まれた当たり前が不平等に 馴染めないヒトを排除してゆく チャンネルよだれ垂らし結果として持てはやした モザイク越しに守られた教祖 ー僕は人ではなくあなったー アタマが眠たそうな二人だけの"秘密"だった チョコレート二つに割ぽたぽたトロけていった チョコレート階段は僕の近道だったんだ きみはドロドロに溶けたチョコレート 首絞めて苦しんだ 文字の同じ羅列になった テレビ報道ましてこの歌も チョコレート 苦くて甘いチョコレート 2. 絶倫フルコース ご予約のお客様、どうぞを入りください お腹も空いてるでしょう?おくつろぎくださいね 当店は初めてですか?うちはメニューはございません 食べ残しは厳禁です ナイフとフォーク持ちまして フルコースのディナーです ナイフとフォーク持ちまして 特別な記念日に ナイフとフォーク持ちまして やわらかお肉にワイン ナイフとフォーク置きまして とってもお腹膨らちゃった お若い方ふくよかな方は大歓迎 ドタキャンされたらしい女性が一名様 肥えたお客様が言った 「おちゃらけたように見えるかな?」 「だけどね?人の眼が怖い。」 ナイフとフォーク持ちまして フルコースのディナーです ナイフとフォーク持ちまして あまり噛まずにお食べください ナイフとフォーク持ちまして やわらかお肉にワイン ナイフとフォーク落としてね そのまま連れてイカれちゃった 閉店後にお一人様 「この間はご苦労様。」 今夜は特別なコース ナイフとフォーク突き刺して ひと目が苦手な君の ナイフとフォーク突き刺して 半熟トロトロ目玉焼き ナイフとフォーク突き刺して 指肪は生ハムサラダ ナイフとフォーク置いたあと おトイレに流されちゃった 3. すてきな唄。 あー嫌いだ。あんたが嫌い あー嫌いだ。目を潰したい あー嫌いだ。耳チョン切りたい あー嫌いだ。顔がヘドみたい あー偽善者ぶりなの嫌い。 あー嘘言癖者なの嫌い。 あー自意識過剰が嫌い。 あーあなたを逝かせてみたいなぁ!肉棒 どうせ嫌いだしどうせこの歌は嫌味でしかない どうせ嫌いだしどうせこの歌は悪意でしかない お隣さんの女の子が膝に腫れ物できちゃった それを剃刀で切り落として家で育ってることにした あー誰々なんちゃら言及 あー素人見当違い あーあんたの玩具と並んだ あー今日も一日素敵だなぁ!肉某 どうせ嫌いだしどうせこの歌は嫌味でしかない どうせ嫌いだしどうせこの歌は悪意でしかない どうせ嫌いだしどうせこの歌は嫌味でしかない also @peffy feel free to use this at ur lyric site
  12. Also if ur interested in kuroyuri to kage's label check out the ains topic in general lol

  13. Lol, I just recieved Uronna chokoreitou. Happy to see that the lyrics are actually written there, only to read them and realise that they have mixed the lyrics together....... (i.e. lyrics for track 1 is a mix for all 3 tracks, same goes for 2nd and 3rd). So in theory the lyrics are written there but I'm obviously not going to solve that fkn puzzle

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II



      At least it's not like Kar'MariA's mini where there were lyrics written, but it was actually a story related to the songs and not the lyrics themselves haha

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I started to transcribe them anyway :x

  14. Takadanobabaalien

    Alright, so I just recieved Kuroyuri to kage's newest single "Uronnna chokoreito" and I'm pretty sure they are still under the ains label in secret. 1. As inartistic saw, Brand-X wrote in their new mini-album description that they are still under AINS/Yamikakumei. This was however removed within an hour and it now only says Yamikakumei. A picture of when it said AINS: 2. The shipping adress of the new single is almost identical to the one ains uses (meaning their offices are located door-to-door, basically). 3. Look at these pictures: The first picture is from my copy of the Ankoku sekai wa yami omnibus (the latest AINS-related release I have), and the second one is from Kuroyuri to kage's new single. As you can clearly see for yourself, mixed by, jacket design, artist desk manager and director is exactly the same people. These may or may not be working for both companies obviously, but Uchu (https://twitter.com/UchuAins) is highly related to ains and is as far as I'm aware basically "vice president" of the Ains label. There's obviously no proof that the executive producer (Fujioka Yuichi and Yamisan (or 闇さん if you will) are the same person, and unfortunately I can't find any other situations Yukika has called himself Yami san. But, I'd still say it's pretty safe to say that they are still operating under AINS but in ~*secret*~. Furthermore, I have one mutual friend with Yukika on his personal facebook and it says on his work experience that he is operating their label Yamikakumei.
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    lol thought you were trolling until i saw the scan
  16. Takadanobabaalien


  17. Takadanobabaalien

    It's in the VIP Section at weloveucp
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    Any fans here at MH? I recently rediscovered my love for them, used to listen to their xx album quite alot in 2011/2012
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    Watching Sui's Madeth coverband made me realise how little I listen to these guys nowadays. I should probably listen to them more because they were really awesome.
  20. Normally don't like their music but the song is great, want to hear the full single
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    Misa from Babylon?
  22. It's too bad that most former ains people are drummers, otherwise they could form a band together. Kurogrieva to gossip or something.

  23. Takadanobabaalien

    Jo, tycker det hade varit ballt. Finns ju te.x. Nyanko scandal factory's grupp redan (är dock inte med där själv p.g.a. band som inte intresserar mig), är någon av er med där?
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