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Everything posted by Takadanobabaalien

  1. Bands I keep an eye on/follow: LUNA SEA DIR EN GREY glamscure Insanity Injection La'veil Mizeria ラヴェーゼ Gossip 黒百合と影 DIAURA グリーヴァ (although they're disbanding by new year) ぞんび Crucifixion アマンジャク。 Gibkiy Gibkiy Gibkiy sukekiyo That's what I can think of from the top of my head, I'm probably missing some bands.
  2. Takadanobabaalien

    cant get over this track as of lately lol. so amazing edit: also VVVV
  3. Kinda depends I guess. I mean, I have some magazines, and in some releases there are photos/photobooks/photo cards etc. So in that sense I guess I kinda do, but I don't save them digitally.
  4. Takadanobabaalien

    Anyone picked up any good game as of lately? I bought the new dragon ball game but It's unfortunately not as good as I had hoped (despite being a dragon ball fan since the age of 11). I am considering buying both Golf Story and Steamworld Dig 2 while waiting for Mario Odyssey and Fire Emblem Heroes. I am also thinking about the One Piece game but the Dragon ball game made me sceptic to games based on mangas. Have anyone played it, if so - is it any good?
  5. Takadanobabaalien

  6. Takadanobabaalien

    VAT D A N C E
  7. First of all: second "vk sucks nowadays"-topic of the year? You already have one from earlier this year. Anyway, try out other bands as well, there's tons of great bands in the scene. It's pretty common that bands who keep going for 10-20 years don't put out the same quality as they did when they were younger, even outside of VK.
  8. Takadanobabaalien

    2013年から2015年まで東京に住んでたよ。冬休みに一時的に帰国したんだけど笑 なるほどね。ライブ楽しんでね。でもそうじゃなくて、何かライブじゃなくて、観光とか、友達と遊ぶとか、そういう予定もあるんですか?って聞いたんだよ >< 僕の本命は黒百合と影とグリーヴァだからAINS PRESENTSライブによく行ってた。アインスのバンドだけじゃないけどね。 @akippon会話のやりとりは難しいよね! 頑張ってください!(◕‿◕)
  9. Takadanobabaalien

    はじめまして。 日本懐かしいなあ、戻りたいなあ。楽しんできてね。 ライブ以外なんか予定あるの?観光地がいっぱいあっていろんなところに観光者として行くのも楽しいよ。 おすすめな場所がたくさんあるんでいつでも聞いてね。
  10. Takadanobabaalien

    Not sure how active I'll be, but hopefully a bit at least. Name: Takadanobabaalien/マコ Age: 26 Years studied: 2 years in Tokyo, been trying to motivate myself to do self studies but I don't have the discipline. Estimated level: Upper intermediate Knowledge of Hiragana/Katakana: All Kanji: I can read about 800-900 kanji. What is your main goal with studying Japanese?: I want to get fluent at some point. What materials have you used before?: I've used tons of books, completed 6-7 books while in Japan. We used Minna no nihongo for the first year and then we went on with another series. I'll post the name once I get home and can see them. I used nihongo soumatome as well, it's very good.
  11. Takadanobabaalien

  12. Takadanobabaalien

  13. Takadanobabaalien

    their latest dvd has psycho pass on it
  14. Gossip announced they will release a live DVD of their gig "2017年05月12日(金) MadWink. PRESENTS ゴシップ単独公演TOUR2017「魑魅魍魎-百舌地獄-」". The DVD goes on sale 30th of september. The DVD is limited to 666 copies and will be sold through ains official shop (http://ains.cart.fc2.com/) and at their gigs. Total price: 5400 JPY Tracklist: 01.R-18 02.狭震症 03.凶気の桜 04.赫い交差点 05.KICK ASS 06.スキャンダル【スキャンダリィ】スキャンダラス 07.ハッピーバースデー 08.BLACK SUGAR&CIGARETTE 09.誰かさんが殺んだ。 10.バカアホマヌケ万歳 11.南無妙法蓮華狂 12.天上天下唯我独唱 13.社会の窓 14.嗚呼、厨二学生。 15.放課後鬼チク倶楽部 16.とあるアイドルオタクの異常な愛情 17.木漏れ日 18.卍 19.『君があの世に・・・』 20.悪童会-クソッタレ行進曲- 21.ミユキ 22.迷惑÷好意 23.錯乱-SAKURAN-
  15. Takadanobabaalien

    yeah so at klubb lunacy we were... 5? people from MH. I guess that could be considered a MH meet-up. would be cool to organize something bigger though.
  16. Takadanobabaalien

    Privilegie for buying both versions at the same store is a CD containing 6 new songs (all written by one member of the band)
  17. Takadanobabaalien

    How would Go baby go even be a reference to that song? Is that some sort of inside joke I'm not getting?
  18. Takadanobabaalien

    lmao, right! as a matter of fact, it was lycaon x avelcain twoman boys only (https://www.last.fm/event/3913666+『-BOY’Z+ONLY-男の中の男!!!!!!』) live now that I think of it. It was very fun and we were a total of 20~guys in the audience. it was very intense though. I remember at one point the vocalist of Lycaon grabbing a guys head and pushing it against his crotch for a good 3~ minutes or so while singing. funny thing though, my friend also told me that it is not unheard of for girls to try and dress up as boys and get in to boys only lives because there's less people and it's more intimate. @lichtlune I've never attended a non-vk gig in japan (except for a band I saw in a jazzbar in setagaya-ku, we were 3 ppl in total lmao), but a friend of mine saw the band with wolf heads (man with a mission?) and according to him it was the same as seeing any other western band in the west.
  19. Takadanobabaalien

    The majority of the japanese fans are indeed girls/women, that being said - there still exists male fans. They're called ギャ男 (gyao, slang for bangya + boy). I have some japanese gyao friends who I've been to lives with and it's usually very fun. Of course it all depends on the band as well, I've never seen nokubura live but from what I've heard they have a big male audience for a vk band (probably because of their heavy music), when I attended a Avelcain boys only live one of my gyao friends told me most guys there was gay (he's gay himself as well), and for some reason I think that's the case a lot of the time. Also the fact that boys only live exists proves that there is indeed male fans. But to answer your question: yes, most japanese men (and women) dislike visual kei. It's a small and niched scene.
  20. Takadanobabaalien

    it has lastest 7 years so far so yeah
  21. Takadanobabaalien

    According to bangya's on tanuki, Roshi (support dr) has officially joined Kuroyuri to kage today. It was announced on their talk at a vk indies store. Has yet to be updated on their OHP/blogs though.
  22. Takadanobabaalien

    their latest single was great, i hope the PV is just an exception because i dont like this sound
  23. They wrote yesterday that they were all visiting him at the hospital.
  24. Takadanobabaalien

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