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Everything posted by kurenaishineek

  1. kurenaishineek

    Wow i thought im gonna be the bad guy here with one of the lowest possible scores here and some ppl will want to burn me alive , but relentless you beat me here , giving a 0 woah , that was harsh , but on the other hand deserved score . I was really thinking of giving them a 1 or even a 0 but my rather hardheaded character that overuses genres cause its the only thing im good at makes me a lot of enemies also on this forums , thats why i gave them a 2 . Well your review kinda has the same 5 points that where buging me with this release . Well at least one thing seems to be clear here , this is one of the worst IF not the worst album this year , and even probably in last 5 years .
  2. kurenaishineek

    Im gonna hook what im about to say to this , and also turn this into a review of this album , dont be mad , cause what im about to say about this album/band will not be too positive . Maybe cause fans in this day and age arent even listening to music and I saw a lot of ppl who called themselves fans of a band , but they where more like stalkers , they are interested in the band members , collect posters , wallpapers , stickers and whatever else they can get , yet they dont give a damn to the bands music and are only stalking their private lifes and everything they do , the bands music itself falls on deef ears and this phenomenon is getting bigger and bigger . Some time ago i wrote a article for a magazine in my country that was dealing with japanese music , it was about todays obssesion to watch bands not listen to them , and the pinnacle of this would be Visual Kei bands . Sadie would be one of those bands that utilizes such "fans" to make cash . Maybe thats why they music just does not sound good at all , yet they still somehow manage to go around . Its not like such bands are totally a bad thing , but there are just to many of them , making them blend in together to much . Maybe thats why this album is just a no , no , HELL NO! to me if i would have to listen to it again . The album drowns in all the other releases made by VK bands in this year . Each song left a dejavu impression on me , its like ive already heard this many many times before , even when it was the first time ive listened to this album . Before making this review ive listened to the album only 2.5 times cause i just could not get myself to listen it the 3rd time . As mentioned earlier the songs where overstaying their welcome , if they would be shorter thay might be less repetive , but instead they gave as a full dejavu ride thanks to the songs being around 4-5 minutes in lenght . The same goes if you would ask me to say something about any particular song , i just dont remember them at all , i know the tracklist but thats just it . And im not gonna say anything more about the lack of any consistency in the compositions , and the theme of the album . Summary : The songs just dont hold up , not even seperately . They just dont deliver anything that would be of merit to a metal fan . The solos are so-so , the riffs and compostiions repeatable , they lack consistency and sometimes sound very off . Im giving this a 2/10 , ive heard worse , but not much worse than this , and with this rating its the worst Sadie album on my personal list . I think i longer break would do them some good , they eiter need a vacation , or disbanding and trying in a new band seperately . Now that the review is done i can burn my HDD , to sterilize it .
  3. kurenaishineek

    After the 1000th time someone posted such crappy comparision ive stopped asking , so you better dont do this as well , belive me you dont want to know the answer . Ive grown out of Sadie a long time ago and could say the exact same things that are in the review about 90% of their albums . Still just for the sake of trying and giving chances , gonna give this one a try when it appears somewhere . Altough i already know that the album will be boring , repeatable and im not gonna like this , like all their other albums .
  4. kurenaishineek

    You are aware that all those bands you mention are Melodic Metalcore bands , again , this is a different genre than Metalcore . Also more techincal metalcore , so either deathcore or mathcore , again both are different genres .
  5. kurenaishineek

    Didnt you read what we where talking a little ways back there ? Djent is not a genre , also the new mini album has only some elements of metalcore but is not a clean metalcore stuff . An Alternative Metal band mixing in elements of metalcore is still Alternative Metal . Also this sentence "I didn't listen to Monster, but it sounds very much like NOW, just a bit more technical " contradicts what you say later , if they are more technical then where did metalcore get in there ? Metalcore is the essence of easy nontechnical play , this is a genre made on hardcore punks easy riffs , fast drums and aggressive singing and lyrics .
  6. kurenaishineek

    Yeah that would also be fun , i was in a radio for 2 years and skype calls where fun , well but in live audition it was a little more different ,especially when i was calling to someone and they did not know they are live on the radio .
  7. kurenaishineek

    Yeah okay sorry my bad got a little overboard with this . Altough i cant post anything from their new album cause its nowhere on youtube so you have to go to download this . But here is something from their Indie Era . They are way better on their new album , but there are still some good songs in their indie era thats worth to mention . And here is one more good band , but they are more harder . Great Melodic Hardcore/Punk Rock band . And one more , one of my favs on the Beatdown Hardcore scene in Japan , Loyal To The Greave . If anyone wants i can upload their albums .
  8. kurenaishineek

    Its Pop Punk , and sounds like all the american Pop Punk bands like Sum 41 and Blink 182 . A lot of typical punkish riffs , very melodic and upbeat , its not your typical heavy punk stuff, but its not so much into pop that would be hard to hear the punk stuff in it . Also i first hear the term pop with punk influence . Its more like a contradiction , altough punk can get more mainstream by adding pop to it , making thus pop punk , i dont know how would pop with punk influence sound . Not to mention ive said they are pop punk cause they just sounded similar to other pop punk bands i know , but on japanese wiki they are tagged as melodic hardcore / rock / emo (not really know why emo the songs are happy and full of postive vibrations) . But just check them out it will be easier , for me they are punk for you they might not be punk , its so simple . If you go to the point of sperating pop punk bands into what you just said , than it would be easier to say that this topic is not about pop punk .
  9. kurenaishineek

    Do you count Pop Punk into that as well ? If yes you might be interested in the new album from Glory Hill , they managed to make and almost perfect mix of melodic hardcore , punk rock and pop punk . Also you might read up more on that album in my review or just go straight to the download section to download it if you are interested .
  10. kurenaishineek

    As someone mentioned that i should write some more reviews im making this happen right here and right now . Glory Hill is 4 piece Pop Punk band from Okazaki City in Aichi Prefecture . They are around from 2005 and as of today they released 7 singles , 2 mini albums and 4 albums as Indie Band and 2 singles and 1 album as Major Band . And that 1 album is the one im gonna review here . Released on 14th may this year , their first and debut album as Major Band called "Good Loser" . Seriously i dont know where to start this review . The band did not change much from the Indie era , altough i have to say most songs have a little better compositions , they still the good old happy go lucky Pop Punk band but with a little bit of Melodic Hardcore touch here and there . The album opens up with "Now or Never!!" a freaking good song , fast , melodic , punkish , hell yeah very upbeat song , really good if you need some postivie energy , the song is the essence of this , not to mention this solo , ive heard a lot bands playing Pop Punk from Japan recently , but i did not heard a solo that would hit me that good . The next two songs , "Take my Word" and "Asterisk" , are very typical for this genre , melodic , happy sounding less aggressive than the opener , but still managing to deliver what this kind of music should deliver , a good positive vibe . Its worth to mention that "Asterisk" has parts sung in japanese , cause mostly they use the typical engrish thats well known by all listeners of japanese music , not to mention that this song reminds me of Flow . The 4th song called "Shut up and Dance" opens up with Disco beat than jumping into punkish riffs yet with some of the danceish vibe still staying in the song , the further in the album the more this starts sounding more like an american Pop Punk band . I could go around writing about all the songs in this manner but it would take some time and im starting to get sleepy , also for this kind of album writing about each song is kinda ... hard , its not like are songs are repeatable , cause altough ive had this feeling on their earlier albums i did not have this here . But this genre is the essence of easy non technical music , easy for the ears , open for a big audience , as said earlier very melodic and upbeat , a truly mainstream rock band , and altough some ppl might have issues with the engrish lyrics , they still are worth at least a try and i promise you that this will be one of the best bands in this genre you will listen to . Summarizing this up , if you like this kind of happy upbeat music and dont mind engrish then its your thing , ive seriously had a lot of fun listening to this album , lots of good vibes , melodies and riffs reminding me of Sum 41 and Blink 182 that etched themselves easy in my mind , also the songs are so addictive that i will hum them for some time now . My recommendation . Score : 8/10 for being one of the best Pop Punk releases this year , and being the best album in their history .(As i am not used to do a 1 star to 5 star rating but from 1 to 10 ill stick to this)
  11. kurenaishineek

    Have to drop out on this one , sounds interesting , but dont have the slightest idea what band is this .
  12. kurenaishineek

    @ZML. Yeah sorry my bad i forgot this one album , you made your point . But lets stop that offtop i think we got a little overboard there , altough this was some interesting discussion .
  13. kurenaishineek

    Well ive pointed this out on the chat and some said its an interesting idea , so i thought before i forget this ill post this here and maybe other ppl will also jump on this idea . I know there is a topic about a radio , but radios need a lot legal issues to be taken care , especially cause a radio is easier to track by the anti piracy organizations , and making a radio server is like calling out to them "come and get me" , closed community podcats on the other hands dont differ from uploading albums . So yeah here is the idea , altough my spoken english is bad and sounds more like engrish i will go around trying to record something this week just for fun and post it here , mayhaps (is there even a world like this) others will catch on to this idea as well . So yeah heres the topic guys lets discuss this out and see where we can get with this .
  14. kurenaishineek

    Yeah that one is easy , but i let some other ppl play this as well , if no one gets this one in 24 hours ill ansnwer it .
  15. kurenaishineek

    @ZML. what you said was a lot true , but there was some stuff that was seriously sooo badly off that i was speechless . 1st since when SOAD is Nu-Metal "Girugamesh's MUSIC has some of the most nu metally elements I've ever seen in Visual Kei (if you can even call them that after the first album) -- especially Volcano, which borrows a riff from a SOAD song." , soooo what they are Nu-Metal cause they take a riff from a band playing experimental alternative metal ? 2nd After you mentioned Sepultura as one of Nu-Metal bands i thought im gonna get a heart attack . My friend whos a total fanatic of this band would go nuts if he heard this , this band sure was influencing the Nu-Metal scene but was never a band of this genre . 3rd Djent is not a real genre , some Progressive Metal bands that overuse that distorted palm mute technique call what they play as Djent .
  16. kurenaishineek

    @DarkWater , Alternative Metal is not a new hype , this genre exists from the late 80's , and the hype around it is cause its metal , but more mainstream friendly . And BTW if you want to use phrases like real metal and real rock and than go saying nu metal was better , than its hard to take you seriously . People who would say real metal would be those hardheaded metalfanatics who say only the oldschool metal genres are true and all the new ones are crap . Yet you use this phrase and say you like nu metal , well now i saw everything . Oh well there are different ppl and different tastes , you can go and make tags for bands and their music , but you cant do them for listeners . But okay lets not talk more about this , as i found your review interesting i might have a sort of a challange for you for reviewing , i would like to see your opinion on this one http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/29796-soundwitch-romanesque/?hl=soundwitch . @blackdoll , the screamo part was still at DarkWater . Also i only meant you used j-core as tag for japanese bands playing core genres like metalcore and hardcore , but in the end you used and already existing genre the wrong way . Its a little similar to what ppl do with trancecore and electronicore , where the first one being a hardcore techno freeform genre , and the second being a mix of metalcore and electronic elements . I know what you meant but it turned a little confusing to someone who listens to j-core and actually i still have to listen to this album and for a second i thought they started playing techno .
  17. kurenaishineek

    They are not j-core , j-core is techno , its a japanese version of hardcore trance . Girgamesh new style is a mix of alternative metal riffs and drums , with modern rock elements and melodies . Also screamo is a hardcore punk subgenre , so no its far from that . Also DarkWater you forgetting some big things here , 1st they are not visual kei anymore so saying where are the vk elements is kinda out of place . 2nd they a mainstream rock band , so getting pop elements in their music is standard , and should be expected . 3rd There is no such thing as real rock , its just something made up by ppl who want all rock bands to sound as they think true rock should sound , but there are many rock subgenres . 4th metal can be soft as well , melodic power metal bands sometimes are not even tagged by ppl as metal cause they dont sound that metal , there are also bands who play atmospheric symphonic metal that are also tagges as rock . Also if you would think about oldschool heavy metal that could be what you mean by true metal , than you would notice that it was a lot more softer than todays heavy metal , sounding more like todays hard rock bands . Otherwise , good review . Maybe ill write my own review later , when i get the ones for the fanzine done and will have some spare time .
  18. kurenaishineek

    Im 29 , i was a regular on Frukto's site as well . Okay 24 hours passed its time for a hint The composer of the song this solo comes from , is a well known composer of Anime OST , and the song was composed for the debut album of a singer also known for collaborations with that composer on various projects . I know the hint might make it a lot easier to guess the solo , but if something would be impossible to guess it would be less fun . I think i broke the game , here is another hint , its the last one and then ill post the answer if no one makes a guess here . The Hint The singer of this song is also part of Sound Horizon , and this song is from s solo debut album of that artist , and it was also used as an anime ending . With this hint it should be a piece of cake . Times up it was Kaori Oda with her song Calling , that was used as ending theme in Baccana and the song was composed by Yuki Kajiura . Alastor you are posting now .
  19. Maybe , as said this was one their best albums in that particualr era , and altough Vulgar was the album that started it and was great , WTD was the last one and sounded even better . Well a lot of ppl tend to pick the best album of a band as the one they started with the band cause of it being full of good memories . In DeG im picking DSS when ive started with their first mini , but if you would ask about Galneryus i would say that it was their 3rd album thats the best for me , and in that case it would be the first album ive heard from them . But lets leave it at that . I hope some more ppl will vote for DSS .
  20. Dum Spiro Spero , this was a close fight between this and Uroboros , but in the end DSS wins cause it had a lot better Progressive and Experimental mixes with both Death Metal and Deathcore . You are not wrong but you are not entirely right as well . WTD was on of the best albums in their Nu-Metal era and as majority of ppl here are VK fans that means they also like Alternative and Nu Metal the most . But this is only me guessing here as well . No one has the gift (or curse , depends how you see it) to read others minds to know whats in their heads . BTW my first DeG album was Missa .
  21. kurenaishineek

    There is one good solution for that radio thingie , there was one canadian radio streaming site , where they take your radio as theyre channel and they are the ones who pay all the licenses and stuff , you are only paying the costs of the server and streaming , one of our polish j-rock radio stations used this option for some time , later they had to drop out cause of financial problems , cause the person paying for this left the radio . If i remember the name of that hoster ill post this here it might come in handy .
  22. kurenaishineek

    Dont know if i should answer that cause ive just jumped in here , and there should be some more rules specified , but for now i will treat this as an exception as im the one who posted the solo and this is already something new in this topic . So , no , this is not VK , it was not specified if it should or should not be VK bands only . One thing is sure its japanese . BTW 1 : soundcloud started working again . BTW 2 : @Alastor , what do you say we write down some rules here , to make other also participate and maybe some rules about giving or not giving advices or clues . Altough its your game and i dont wont to itrude to much on it . BTW3 : @Alastor , As you come from the same country as i do and a similar game was one one of the j-rock polish forums we probably met there already , so im kinda curious . Cuase i have the feeling i might know you .
  23. kurenaishineek

    Maybe lets make a rule for how long a song can be here unguessed , and if there should be some kind of clues . Some solos might be hard to guess , or hard to remember even if they are good . Im positive that if i would post a part of Tak Matsumoto song Hana not many ppl would even recognize it . BTW something is wrong with soundcloud i can get to the solo from my account but not from the link here , also refreshing the site also says the same that the file is not there , it was not like that earlier .
  24. kurenaishineek

    Okay than i can post some solo right now , its more fun this way if you can also get a chance at the guessing . SOLO Have a go at this one , happy guessing .
  25. kurenaishineek

    New Link If you have to ask why the answer is easy , cause its ZARD this never gets old . Ive posted the live version cause i cant find the PV anymore . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG9ue9u25wA And they are still around its now over 35 years of playing . This is my own opinion here . Even Slash could not beat this . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PopmMYDRLME For now this should do .
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