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Everything posted by kurenaishineek

  1. kurenaishineek

    What i consider ? Man that was harsh , you think i dont know the genres when i talk about them so much ? I think this will give you some overall idea what im looking for , as said post-britpop , but britpop is also what im looking for . And here is some asian band that plays Post-Britpop .
  2. 3 Hours of work for one CD ? Man if i would have that great , my payment is not really the lowest in my country yet to buy a japanese CD i would need a good 10 days of working for 8 hours a day to afford at least one CD+shipping cost . Some bands like Crossfaith released their CD in europe and its cheaper yet it still is a good 2 days each 8 hours of work to afford that one . Not to mention , the bands get only a small percent of that price .
  3. 1st if i would pay the band then of course , but im feeding the band but the corporations who are like fukin parasites sucking out the life of use the buyers and the music makers as well . So feeding a corporation with shitloads of money and still being fukin greedy for more is a big HELL NO!!!!!!!!! for me . 2nd let them do what ever they want , they are a good band , but they want to kill themselves with this so who cares , im not really gonna cry after them if they disband , cause there are soooo many other bands who are good , who dont fight piracy and some of them are even free to listen legally . 3rd to say more about what was started in 2nd part , there are more and more band who turn to distibuting their music via soundcloud , bandcamp and other sites for free or for really low prices that even itunes can hide , and they want to compete against that with anti piracy stuff ? HAHA yeah good luck with that . 4th started as a good non vk DIY deathcore band , turned into a corporation puppet vk band , R.I.P. Nocturnal Bloodlust this is what will be next . 5th bands get only a really small percent of the cd's price so and selling albums was NEVER an income for any band , the real incomes are live , show performances and other stuff . My friend who has now a rather popular band said that lives and show performances are almost 90% of the bands income . Summary Nocturnal Bloodlust is getting greedy for that 10% or they getting less popular and they cant get much attention on lives so they trying to hold on to something as long as they can .
  4. kurenaishineek

    Woah did not hear Sambomaster for a long long time now . The vocals are good and i m enjoying his singing , altough not in this song too much . Clean : 6
  5. kurenaishineek

    Im lately trying to add at least 2 or 3 bands of every genre i read about to my collection and this is the first time im stuck in my search so i thought ill go and ask around here , so yeah , do you guys know any Post-Britpop bands in Japan ? I seem to be able to find such band in other far asian countries music that ive listen to like Philippines and Korean and others , but Japan not , they seem to have all the other genres even those that are already dead so i cant belive they would not have any Post-Britpop bands especially when UK music influences are so popular with japanese bands . BTW im looking for Britpop as well . But that can be found in older L'arc en Ciel songs . So its not that much needed , but i would love to hear some more anytime .
  6. Psy feat. Snoop Dogg - Hangover

  7. kurenaishineek

    Well im not into pop idols , but with the metal music its sounds more like moe doujin metal and im totally into this kind of music . I love their songs , altough i was mega dissapointed in their full album , only 3 new songs .
  8. kurenaishineek

    This was quite a good single from the band , or well not really . The live song was something i did not even listen and deleted it without a second thought . The acoustic version of ruten no tou was , well ... hmmmm ... dont know what to say , it was not bad , but not good , it was normal . The title track was good and i like it , but something was lacking , i like bands with power vocals , like screams , shouts and growls , and that why i always loved DeG , but this song lacks all of this , there is so much clean vocals in it that i cant listen to this song more than once in a while , i seriously hope that they want turn from a metal band to a buch of pushover boybandish pop rock . For now they look like they getting softer and its a bad thing with this band . RATING : 7/10 but only for title song , the acoustic one gets a 4/10 and the live song no rating cause i did not even care for listening to it (especially cause most of theyre live songs dont sound anything like live) .
  9. kurenaishineek

    My expectations where a little higher after Exodus EP , but after listening to two songs i tought im gonna puke , this is as bad as it can get and writing a review would not only be a waste of my time but also it would be very uncensorable , and i dont want any problems with the mods here . So for a simple way to say what i think about the album i would mostly repeat what Zess and relentless said , this album is one big piece of shit and it was like listening to someonce shit in the toilet . Totally not recommend this album . Imagine this album is cursed and you die listening to it , so yeah dont even touch this , seriously you gonna die . RATING : 0\10 , A big fat 0 , this albums dropped lower then the gazette's repeatable songs where after 4 songs i still thought i listen to the same song . I would not listen to this album even if someone paid me 1 million dollars to do it . NEVER , EVER . Altough i must say im impressed of how the band shoot themselves in the foot .
  10. kurenaishineek

    Yeah just leave it as it is . Seriously how many uploads did you do ? How many accounts on sharing sites did get closed thanks to leechers who just repost your links taking the credit for themselves ? From what you and kai_desu say , you probabyl did not upload much stuff or even nothing at all . I was uploading for other sites for some time and for MH started just recently and ive already lost 2 accounts that i made for uploads for MH (both where paid in advace for a year) . Not to mention i almost had problems thanks to that . So yeah lets just not care about stupid ppl who just steal your links repost them make the traffic on the link higher and help youre account to be closed . Sorry but all your statments are ignorance , i wonder if you would be as ignorant as this if you would get into trouble thanks to those leechers .
  11. kurenaishineek

    I dont give a damn if they reupload it takes my filehosting site account out of the fire , it drops down the traffic , lowers the chances they delete it , and makes the file live longer . Yeah i think the megacrypter thingie seems good enough to block the re-posting issue , its as i said in one of my lastest uploads "if you want to repost , than reupload it , you dont need to credit me , but just dont let the link die out" . Reuploads will always exist , but its not that big problem , you have to get the downloads from somewhere , cause no one here buys everylittle albums he is posting here . But Leeching and Re-posting is a problem , as i see it its more like a virus that eats away on the community . I saw other forums go down thans to reposts being tracked back and forums had to be closed , or leechers ruined the forums making less and less ppl active cause of only 10% users being active the rest only checking out the download ection frequently . Seriously i would not want this to happen to this forum . Yeah your right , most of them are lazy and mostly thats why they repost . I did not know of this megacrypter thingie but i think it might come in handy , especially cause mega is one of the best file hosting sites i know of lately . Hey i did not start this topic so you could jump out and say the forum staff is not doing enough to stop this problem . They already said what they tried and its most of the stuff i suggested . Instead saying they are not doing enough maybe come out with at least one idea that was not posted by someone else here and not insult the staff members .
  12. kurenaishineek

    Yeah well hoping for that would be good , but its almost exactly the same problem as with the transcodes . And from what i see on some crapy blogs its mainly cause the leechers just want to stand in the spotlight claimng someone else links as his own . Also i thinki files uploaded to mega cant be searched out via search engines or at least the normal ones like google , maybe there are some specialized search enginges for mega but i did not see any for now .
  13. kurenaishineek

    Damn i wrote so much that i wanted to say but my PC had to go into the Blue screen of doom . So i have to wited it again but most of it ive already forgotten . 1.I did not write this topic in disrespect to the stuff , in the contrary i treat this forum as my second home and the active users as my familly . But i just wanted to see what oters think about and what was already tested . 2.Im reposting as well but as some ppl might already see im doing this from 2 sites (Alterportal and Getmetal) and mostly from 1 or 2 uploaders that i know and that are asked for permission. 3.The point i wanted to make clear here is that i dont post for any gratitude and crap like that , but i love to see the reaction of ppl that i present with some new or rare stuff i found . So i dont mind if there are no thanks posts , on the other hand i would love to see at least some more replies from the ppl who download on how they feel about the band/album and how did the like it , or did they find it boring ? Also i think that was the point of creating the like button , or am i wrong on this one ? 4.The idea of somethink like ASTOST has is not that bad , i mean come on how many times did you see reposts from ASTOST ? Me ? I did not see any . I saw files being reuploaded from ASTOST mostly on DoujinStyle , but always with credits to the site and uploaders , maybe its cause its mega hard to download anything there and that makes ppl think twice about reposting after they got they hands on some rare stuff for a lot of "notes"(or how was they virtual money called) 5.I dont mean to pressure the forum staff on hunting the leechers , i just wanted to have a little more inview on the situation from the standing point of admins and/or mods . 6.The google drive idea would not be so bad but i think it goes against the rules of "NO MH EXCLUSIVE" . 7.Original Saku said "We are a discussion forum first and foremost" , but i ask you my friend is what im saying here not contradicting the forum part ? Download section or not , but i thought the download section was also created FOR DISCUSSION not only to leech , cause if you want to leech you can go to SOOOOO many sites . Am i wrong in saying that i am more interested in downloading from this forum just to say a word or two about the band and maybe get into a friendly conversation about the posted album/single/demo , than download it from a crappy blog where no one cares and all leech only ? Again no disrespect to you .
  14. kurenaishineek

    Lately as im checking the site , looking at active and inactive members , the times a file gets downloaded and how many posts/likes there are i starting to see that the forum is starting to turn in to a leecher base . There is so many users that registered over half a year ago , that check almost each post frequently but have 0 posts . Most of sites that have downloads have some regulations , like having at least 10 posts or more to get to the download section , or virtual money where you can buy downloads . I think it might be worth to at least think that idea through as MH EXCLUSIVE was abandoned and some ppl like me who work hard as hell and can afford only 1-2 albums every 2 months , dont want their uploads being stole and reposted on some stupid crappy blog of some ungrateful kiddo . A quick example , one of my recent posted albums Salty Dog - Goodnight, Cruel World EP , was already downloaded 289 times , HOW? , the number of views is a little over 50 and it was posted yesterday . I already found it reposted on 2 crappy blogs without my premission , without any credits to me or at least this forum . I know that bloacking off users who only leech from this site will not stop this from happening , but it will be on lower scale . For now i will see what other users and the forums admins and mods think about this and what do they have in mind , but for now im not gonna upload new stuff from myself cause i dont want my uploads to roam freely around the web and than losing my account on a sharing site cause of high traffic on a file (100000 downloads in 1 day when i posted only on 1 site and there only 5 ppl climed to download the file) . Quick example of a person who only leech . GustaveXII - registered almost 4 years ago , only 1 post , i see him online every 2-3 days .
  15. kurenaishineek

    Why would someone want to delete their account in the first place ?
  16. kurenaishineek

    I fully support what you wrote , but i would give them
  17. kurenaishineek

    if youre into post rock try Lights Dim and Gallery Six , its a mix of post rock and electronic ambient stuff , very good stuff highly recommended , also check out matryoshka , a japanese band and one of my favorite post rock band In Each Hand A Cutlass , they are from singapore . http://ineachhandacutlass.bandcamp.com/ Check out In Each Hand A Cutlass , really awesome progressive post rock/post metal stuff , of course its only instrumental , and its just a masterpiece , the songs are sometimes heavier sometimes lighter mixing bot parts post rock and post metal together . My fav songs are Helmets and Fiery Endings and A Universe Made of Strings .
  18. kurenaishineek

    NoGod if your into Heavy Metal , i didnt like DOPPEL , to light for me .
  19. kurenaishineek

    Not really a band but Megumi Hayashibaras songs had some awesome solos , also check B'z .
  20. kurenaishineek

    i see that not only im a little confused by the fact that someone does a crime such as transcoding , its not only stupid but it shows that such uploaders think that we are stupid and we want see its a transcode , of course i cant say my music collection is transcode free , cause i dont check each and every album i download i only check the ones that sound fishy and low quality . But i think there may be some transcoded stuff in my collection , there maybe be older stuff from the time i was less aware of transcodes and also stuff that can only be found as a transcode . At least im 100% sure for stuff i get from this forum cause you all keep it clean and point out transcodes very fast . This cant be said from other sites that dont really give a damn about it .
  21. kurenaishineek

    @gekijou , there where no screamo bands mentioned here by no one , screamo is a hardcore punk subgenre not a vocal type , and i only heard screaming vocals , and not screamo .
  22. kurenaishineek

    Did not mean it that way , i was just curious what other ppl think about all this .
  23. kurenaishineek

    I think no one mentioned L'arc en Ciel , Ken did some really awesome solos . Other than that there is a lot more , but most already mentioned . Dragon Guardian and Unlucky Morpheus from the doujin scene are also awesome , and not to forget Iron Attack and Demetori and some of Crows Claw stuff . Hmmm ... what more ... Seikima II , they older solos where awesome , they new solos are still great but if i had to compare the solo from Jack The Riper in the 80's and Jack The Riper from theyre best album from 2012 i would pick the 80s one . And i almost forgot Rikugo . BTW , check out , they are one of the best oldschool melodeath bands inspired by In Flames .
  24. kurenaishineek

    The 2nd reason sounds like something that pseudo j-music fans from my country would do , and i think they probably do it , the 1st reason as well , but i think a little less . On the other hand im not checking each and every file if its a transcode or not , you can say im a little lazy as well , and i laso believe in the ppl on this forum that they dont upload transcodes . But stuff like Ironhearted Flag Vol.2 from Galneryus , i did not have to check it at all , it just sounded awful and i could not believe its a 320 rip so i checked it and it turned to be a 16kHz Transcode .
  25. kurenaishineek

    For fluent english i would recommend Nothings carved in Stone and Abstract Mash , i think both bands have the same vocalist . Both bands are great and have some really good songs .
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