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Everything posted by kurenaishineek

  1. kurenaishineek

    Omega Dripp - Shout at the neo devil Good VK band that goes a little more into the old school stuff . They have some great potential and i have to say ill giving them a big + for digging up a almost long forgotten genre , Glam Rock . So its not only a trip back in time when it comes to VK , but also when it comes to the music . Great solos , good vocals , make this albums a good listen . Hope they dont lose this potential halfway before next album . Tobyas - Reincarnation Was my first and for a long time , the only japanese post grunge band . Theyre vocalist has some great vocal , with good english . I must even say i first thought hes not japanese , but he is . So if you look for something along the lines of Breaking Benjamin , than i recommend this album , cause its one of the best albums in 2010 .
  2. kurenaishineek

    Kihiro (ex.Supe / Loka / Undivide) , the vocalist from Tobyas . Hmm i think thats all that comes to mid that wasent mentioned . Or at leas from more commercial and rock stuff , there are a lot more from the metalscene , the vocalists from Inhale and Each of the Days , Naoki Hashimoto from Outrage . The vocalists from Knotlamp , Over Arm Throw and SiM . There is really a lot more , its just late its 6 am now so my brain is just working on low output . Almost forgot , Abstract Mash and Nothing's Carved in Stone .
  3. kurenaishineek

    Well , yes , to be true VK is dead for a longer time than just from 2010 , it started in 2000 , and no in my opinion its not caused by oshare . Its caused by people who wanted to get famous and overused VK to get a fanbase . The problem is that none of todays bands knows any principles behind VK . There was one golden rule of VK , being unique and independent , and just a quick look on VK bands today shows that there are almost zero unique bands , Sadie and Nega copy DeG , the Gazette copy Kiyoharu , and there are a shitload of bands who even copy a copy . So once more YES VK IS LONG DEAD , R.I.P. . But there are still some bands who try to bring back oldschool VK , check out Omega Dripp , they have potential , they dont look like a copy , and im 100% sure they are no copy of other band , cause no VK band played glam rock since 1999 . BTW signal does not sound oldschool , they sound like DeG . OMG okay now i hear it , they are so lame ass rip off of DeG , seriously i dont see a reason to listen to a copy thats not as good as the original .
  4. kurenaishineek

    Well i can say for sure that i only like old school VK . The new ones just do not sound good , most bands technically sound like a boysband but with more rock/metal sound to it nothing more . Seriously i miss the good old VK , where bands where really amazing and all had they're own style and sound , they where what VK was meant to be unique . Now its just a bunch of copycats who suck at doing anything alone , and are not unique at all . One band is a copy of another who is a copy of some other that is a copy of some other and so on . You can compare the new VK bands to crap on the same level as Justin Bieber . Just listening to them make me wants to puke , old VK had some awesome range of different genres from softer rock to really heavy and brutal metal , now its all just nu or alternative metal with some mix of alternative rock here and there . I check almost all new bands , but after first minute i have enough of them . At least there are some good VK bands in all that mass of crap that play some good stuff like , Nocturnal Bloodlust (did not start as VK , turned into a VK and lost 2 starting members also started to play post hardcore instead deathcore) , Omega Dripp (good old schoolish VK Band with some great technique and some good old school sound , they play industrial/glam rock , and sound like Rob Zombie in some songs) , Versailles (what to say Hizaki and Kamijo are both oldschool in VK) , NoGod (tend to have some good songs , but mostly nothing special) and thats all . I cant say its a Phase for VK , its rather the fact that you're music taste changed or matured . There are a lot of japanese music fans who want to listen to some unique bands , and its just happens that the new VK stuff is everything but unique . Playing the same genres and copying each other does nothing good , and i think that Hideto Matsumoto is turning in his grave when he sees what has become of VK . And if you look more closely around the forums and ask more about who listens to VK and who not you will see that 60-70% of VK listeners are girls between age of 12 to 20 , so its only natural that a bunch of beautiful/handsome and cool guys will be an awesome band no matter how crappy and unskilled they're music is . BTW , if you listen music with passion than you cant grow out of it . I still listen to EZO , old Loudness albums , Mari Hamada and other 80s stuff , why ? Cause rock and metal was milion times better than most stuff released today , but thats only one side of the medallion the other one is of course that is just love those bands .
  5. kurenaishineek

    anyone here could recommend me some good bands similiar to 404 NOTFOUND and Coldrain ???
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