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About seikun

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    Kyo's Mattress

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  1. Do you know why religion demands faith? Because given that there is no evidence for their god all believers are left with is CONVINCING themselves that their religion is th truth.


    When doubts come and they come every now and then believers fight the doubts with set phrases like "I know god is real because in my heart I know ". If the emotionality attached to that set phrase brings peace of mind the anxiety of doubting is dispelled.


    This is also why believers prefer to socialise with other believers almost exclusively as if living in a bubble, because sharing and confirming beliefs along with the emotionality attached to those beliefs makes them feel safer and more convinced that their god is real.


    It is all about how good the belief in a god makes them feel and how much they don't want to lose that feeling and security.



    1. ChaoticEnding


      I do not know which religion you are basing yourself or who you listen to that faith is a requirement. But I am a Christian and I say for myself  "Faith is Personal relationship with God. " 

    2. ChaoticEnding


      And most part of my friends are atheist. ^^

    3. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      This sounds like something I wrote on a notebook in middle school after binging on slipknot for an entire biology class

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