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Champ213 last won the day on January 1

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About Champ213

  • Rank
    Berserks die screaming my name
  • Birthday November 15

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  1. I just won 10€ in the lottery. I haver never played the lottery before and only played this time because I got a free game. So that's 10€ for nothing, I guess? Now, what am I going to do with that immense amount of extra money...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Champ213


      I think the Steam sale is over actually. But that's okay, there isn't really anything I want so badly it can't wait until the next sale. And since I placed my bet over an online site my winning is stored in an account there, so I will probably just buy more tickets until the credits have run out. I could have the 10€ transferred to my bank account too, but it doesn't really seem worth the hassle. XD

    3. cruel-crucible


      Wow. I've been too busy to even start up Steam lately, so I had no idea. There shoul be another one later on, though. But yeah, maybe you'll get lucky again and this 10€ will get you 10.000€ and you'll buy us all pizza

    4. Eraser


      There will be an even bigger sale soon, most likely starting at Dec 19.

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