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    CAT5 reacted to RoseOfHizaki in Show Yourself (again)   
    Me with a creeper face...

    Excuse the outfit - I tend to dress down at home, If the house was empty Id be naked
  2. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Trombe in TAM TAM goes major & changes name   
    their new mini album "For Bored Dancers" will be released at 2014/04/23 (1,620yen)
    [track list]
  3. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Delkmiroph in Show Yourself (again)   
    Some selfies of me looking,..rather expressionless, ha

  4. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Dark Kinma in Favorite Visual Kei vocalists of all time?   
    I don't have a lot of favorite vocal, I like some vocal, but the ones I love are :
    1.Kyo From Dir en Grey, because Dir en Grey is my favorite band and because, He have just an immense range of talent : he can sing properly, have a freaking growl, he can go from singing treble to growl
    2. Ryuujii from Re:dis, maybe some poeple will think he's an under Kyo vocalist. But I love his approximately clear vocals, his disgusting growl (especially his bad pig scream xD) but, his singing was in accordance with the song ambience.
    3.Zen (From Vanilla and now on Otogadead). I don't really know why, but I really like this vocal (maybe because i'm in love with his former band Vanilla)
  5. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Flame-X in Favorite Visual Kei vocalists of all time?   
    Satoshi (girugamesh, REDMAN): He's the one vocalist I'll follow anywhere he goes no matter what music genre. Both his singing and growls are grade A class.
    Kyo (Dir en grey): Covers all ranges from singing to inhuman screeches.
    Hizumi (D'espairsRay): He produces some of the best screams I've heard along with exceptional singing.
  6. Like
    CAT5 reacted to violetchain in Favorite Visual Kei vocalists of all time?   
    So, most of these vocalists are no longer in visual kei or in bands not considered to be visual by many, but I couldn't think of five current VK vocalists that I like anywhere near as much as these guys.
    Also, mine is based more on performance style than technical skill, since that's usually what makes a great vocalist for me.
    1. Teru - GLAY
    I like that his voice isn't perfect. Sometimes it cracks and shakes, sometimes he struggles a bit, but I think that just adds to the sincerity of the song, and sometimes he'll just get this sudden boost of power and take the performance to another level.
    2. Sakurai Atsushi - BUCK-TICK
    Similar sort of reasoning, really. I like that he makes such a big effort to perform each song differently based on the story or atmosphere.
    3. Kiyoharu - KUROYUME
    Love it or hate it, Kiyoharu has a distinctive voice, and he can do so many different styles of music so well.
    4. Kajinaga Daishi - Psycho le Cemu
    I like the boyishness of his voice. I think it fit PLC perfectly, and the contrast between the cute, innocent style of PLC and his bratty wannabe yankee side is a big part of the charm of the band for me.
    5. Toshi - X JAPAN
    Sometimes his voice gets a bit grating, but he really puts a lot of heart into those ballads, and after seeing them live my respect for Toshi went up a lot. He has so much stage presence.
  7. Like
    CAT5 reacted to JukaForever in Favorite Visual Kei vocalists of all time?   
    I got the same first 2 faves for the exact same reasons. I don't listen to the other 3 bands.
    I am incredibly picky in my tastes in vocals as it something that I will be hearing 95% of the time, I need to like after a few samples. Just for VK
    Kamijo, more so in Versailles post-Noble. I don't 100% like his Lareine voice unless the melody is just right. Juka...Forever Taa, LuLu. I really like how his voice sounds strained and be able to convey a certain emotion unique, at least to my experience, to LuLu's music. His techniques suits quit a range of rock styles but in the deeper(meaning?) songs, he really shines. Inzargi, Megamasso. Very good vocals rhythmically, and straddles a nice line between sounding deep and light at the same time. Ruki, the GazettE. I think his voice sounds perfect for their type of music. In my opinion, he can carry most of the songs by himself with his voice as his sense of rhythm is really good.
  8. Like
    CAT5 reacted to lichtlune in Favorite Visual Kei vocalists of all time?   
    I thought we'd talk about vocalists There's only so many ways a guitar or set of drums could sound but with vocals its limitless. We all have unique voices for the most part. Its really interesting to hear many different kinds of voices in music. I thought I'd name like a personal top 5 list and kind of see where this goes from here.
    1: Kamijo - Lareine/Versailles
    I complain about him a lot and i haven't been satisfied with everything he's put out the past few years but overall when you take every single track he's ever done and put them together there's a lot of gems to be enjoyed. Its hard to put him any lower. 
    2: Juka - Moi Dix Mois/VII-Sense/ etc
    Again when you add up everything he's ever done there's just so many great songs that you can't just forget about. A good portion of his songs have a permanent spot on my ipod and i just don't see myself being able to delete much of his songs anytime soon. 
    3: KLAHA - Malice Mizer
    Wish he'd come out of his shell some day. Anyway his vocal work is really nice. Gardenia is a masterpiece.
    4: TUSK - ZI:KILL
    Got into ZI:KILL this year and I'd say they've kind of grown into one of my favorite bands already mostly thanks to TUSK's brilliant voice.
    5: Mikaru - DIO - Distraught Ovelord and BLACK LINE
    DIO wouldn't be much to me if it weren't for mikaru. A great deep tone and one of the best death vocals VK has ever heard in my opinion. He'd be much higher on my list had DIO stayed around a few more years and released a good quality album. 
    Honorable Mentions: Seth/Z/Seiji (Moi Dix Mois Art Cube etc), Kaya (Schwarz Stein), Kyo (Dir en Grey), KoHey (Sleep my Dear) , Asagi (D/JE*REVIENS), Yuuki (UnsraW),
    And yours?
  9. Like
    CAT5 reacted to paradoxal in Japanese/VK style of singing   
    I started thinking about the Japanese/VK way of singing while I was driving with my dad and listening to VK. My dad as a musician said something like "The instrumentals are quite nice, but why do they sing like that? Are there any "normal" rock vocalists in Japan?" By normal I think he meant the way eg. classic rock vocalists sing (to name a few: Joe Lynn Turner, David Coverdale, Ronnie James Dio, Ian Gillan etc). I seriously couldn't answer that question, since I basically listen to nothing but newer visual kei.
    I've been listening to visual kei a long time but I feel ashamed because I am not very familiar with other Japanese rock music. So my question is:
    Do that kind of Japanese vocalists exist?
    And if they don't, then why? Could it be just a matter of a different language and the way they've learned to talk and sing?
    I'm sorry if this is a stupid question and I'm just a weeaboo who listens to nothing but VK, but at least I'll hopefully get some kind of answer.
  10. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Visutox in SONG OF THE DAY! ^__^   
  11. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Rize in Show Yourself (again)   
    I have dyed my hair after 3 years. I'm a brownie again~ 

  12. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from greeeeen in Show Yourself (again)   
    Some selfies of me looking,..rather expressionless, ha

  13. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Original Saku in tricot Dr.komaki♂ will depart   
    One male amongst 3 females, must have been tough for him LOL!
    Well, I can't say that I'm a big tricot fan, but its an interesting development I think...especially at a time when the band seems to be doing pretty well.
    Perhaps he's leaving because they've continually mixed his drumming like utter shit on record? haha
  14. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Flame-X in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Yeah, I wasn't too overly impressed with Titan either. The premise and the musical score are pretty awesome, but I agree with the pacing being pretty bad (I didn't really start enjoying the show until towards the end), and the characters are all around flat and uninteresting. I seriously found it hard to empathize with any of them. For instance, the whole Jean and Marco relationship...when Marco died/had half his body torn off...I didn't understand why so many fans thought it was so sad - I just looked at him as a nobody character lol.
    Also, I understand that titan is a fairly serious show, but I remember finding the "humorous" moments to be awkward and poorly done.
    But even with all of it's faults, it's interesting how huge of a hit the show was/is. I can't recall seeing one anime so rampantly parodied lol...
  15. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Ito in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Yeah, I wasn't too overly impressed with Titan either. The premise and the musical score are pretty awesome, but I agree with the pacing being pretty bad (I didn't really start enjoying the show until towards the end), and the characters are all around flat and uninteresting. I seriously found it hard to empathize with any of them. For instance, the whole Jean and Marco relationship...when Marco died/had half his body torn off...I didn't understand why so many fans thought it was so sad - I just looked at him as a nobody character lol.
    Also, I understand that titan is a fairly serious show, but I remember finding the "humorous" moments to be awkward and poorly done.
    But even with all of it's faults, it's interesting how huge of a hit the show was/is. I can't recall seeing one anime so rampantly parodied lol...
  16. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    ^ LOL flame. And thx for the clarification, saku!
    And I just caught up on to kill la kill (ep. 19)
    I took a break at ep. 15 because I was kinda loosing interest and was getting a bit confused at the story's direction, but episode 16-19 just brought everything full circle. I even found myself getting emotional with some of the events and THIS IS RARE for me. Like, srsly... I almost never get emotionally intertwined with series and kill la kill has managed to tug on my heart strings, so...JOB WELL DONE. Not to mention I think the anime is just all-around creative and entertaining. I know it's not finished yet, but this is one of the best anime I've seen in a long time!
  17. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Flame-X in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    I call those adult/mature/NotSafeForOtakus since they don't revolve around school settings or moe characters. XD
  18. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Original Saku in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    There is but it's not really a genre classification but more a demographic classification. Seinen is essentially the older brother of Shounen. Shounen is essentially targeted at male audiences in grade school  to high school. while Seinen is targeted more towards the more mature 18-40 age groups. it's just theses demographic classifications have begun to be associated with certain types of genres.
  19. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Flame-X in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Actually, there has been a lot of controversy over the exhibitionist fanservice when it first premiered, eventually it died down pretty quick. I admit it bothered me at first because I always welcome a badass female main character which is so rare nowadays, but when the show sexualizes her to death, it gave me a massive facepalm. Given that this is the same people who did Gurren Lagann, it's something I should've seen coming. On the business side, it makes sense for them to do this because most of Japan's audience are brainless otakus who care more about the appearance rather than the substance, so more money for them. The way these shows are stylized, you're gonna have to take the fanservice as it is since that's just mere sheep's clothing to the actual meat of the story. Despite of its questionable merits, I find the show entertaining overall. Don't force yourself to watch something that bothers you to that extent. No one is forcing you.
    On a side note, I just started making a Kill la Kill AMV.
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    CAT5 reacted to usuxorz in Show Yourself (again)   
    Look at the camera next time so we can gaze lovingly obsessively into your eyes.
  22. Like
    CAT5 reacted to Jigsaw9 in Show Yourself (again)   
    Nice 'do, Catman!
    lmao, randomly found myself on the website of a death metal band from Texas (they had a gig in my home town last summer, merch dude took my pic/name but I totally forgot about it since then XD).
  23. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Rize in Show Yourself (again)   
    Some selfies of me looking,..rather expressionless, ha

  24. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from nick in Show Yourself (again)   
    Some selfies of me looking,..rather expressionless, ha

  25. Like
    CAT5 got a reaction from Sakura Seven in Show Yourself (again)   
    Some selfies of me looking,..rather expressionless, ha

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