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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. CAT5

    When I see the cancerous and destructive nonsense promoted by Pitchfork and other major music outlets, It truly does drive home the fact that we have literally no control over our own culture... From the outside looking in, I'm sure ppl view the music as "just entertainment", but when you witness and experience the disastrous effects it's helped promulgate on a daily basis... it's a different story. [/Rant]
  2. CAT5

    A few more favorites: 88kasyo is known for sick guitar antics, but this have to be one THEIR best solos ever! You can tell Katzuya is just jamming out here, but it's still badass. 八十八ヶ所巡礼 - 惡闇霧島 (2:40 -ish) One of my favorite AYA songs...the solo here isn't anything outlandish, but the melody has always been super catchy and memorable to me. 亜矢 - 禁じられた歌 (3:20-ish) Another one of my favorite songs, this time by Tokyo Jihen. The solos during the outro/fade-out just completely pushed this song over the top for me! 東京事変 - 遭難 (2:24-ish)
  3. CAT5

    BROOOOOO!!!! I forgot all about this song! Definitely one of the best from the Gazette. I always liked Uruha and Aoi's sense of melody. I listened to the other solos you posted and I feel like I got a good sense of the solos that move you...they were mostly very clean-sounding and straightforward, but they seemed to convey a sense of nostalgia too, if that makes any sense! @Jigsaw9 - I never explored Hotei or BOOWY, but those are definitely cool. I'm especially liking the 2nd one. AND LMAO @ IMAI. I never knew that about him, yet somehow that just seems completely fitting. 🤣 @Ito - CAGE is iconic!
  4. CAT5

    Yeah, I know. You'd think a thread like this already existed here, but somehow, it doesn't. (well, there was this old thread, but that's not exactly the same thing.) So yeah, what are some of your favorite guitar solos in J-rock? You know, those solos that are so damn soulful that they sucker punch you right in the feelz, those solos that absolutely melt your face off with their sheer technical prowess, or those solos that are just inexplicably memorable! Whatever the reason, what are some of the guitar solos that have spoken to YOU? .... A somewhat recent solo that's become a favorite of mine is in "PHANTOM" by lynch. It actually caught me off guard, since I wouldn't typically expect it from this band, but man, I found this one to be pretty powerful. It's very clean and traditional, but it's also very soulful. They definitely hit all the "right" notes, and for me, the solo is the apex of this song. Listening to this was what initially prompted me to search for a thread like this, and subsequently make this one. The solo starts at about 2:48. This is probably the most recent J-rock solo that's cemented itself in my head. Though I'll probably post more at a later date. What are some of your favorites? (also, please use spoilers if you add video)
  5. The Lunar Eclipse brought this song to mind. I miss these guys!



    1. RaeDesu


      Yesssss, Rentrer En Soi is one of my favorite older bands!

    2. monkeybanana4


      It's such a melodically, beautiful song! I (now) need to check out this band XD

  6. CAT5

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, Tobe just dropped a new song and this dude IS KILLIN EM!!! How has pitchfork not even mentioned this guy ONCE!!!??
  7. CAT5

    This is pretty dope!
  8. We're hopping on plug.dj for a lil bit. Come join us!!!




  9. CAT5

    LANDLOPER by Little People This album tho!!!
  10. CAT5

    yikes.... I've noticed that many Western intellectuals and philosophers of today seem to practically worship IQ/the intellect. I've also noticed that many of them cannot see the forest for the trees.
  11. CAT5

    The recent JYOCHO album was pretty good. They just released this PV from it!
  12. CAT5

    Welcome to MH! Thank you for joining us!
  13. Albums from my last 12 Months:
  14. CAT5

    Man this sista be kiilin' it!
  15. CAT5

    Every time anyone even mentions Trump and his presidency, this clip comes to mind. ahahaha
  16. New Spangle call Lilli line album out tomorrow!



  17. CAT5

    Just realized that Leyona released a new album called "SMMR" last month. It's on spotify, so Imma def have to check it out cuz this is pretty dope. Shout out to the bassist from PETROLZ in the video, rockin the afro!
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