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Posts posted by CAT5

  1. Finally watched this not too long ago, and although the entire series is only 21 minutes long (and seems more like a long teaser than anything), it was still enjoyable for what it was. And even at its length, this is lightyears ahead of the Build Divers series (which I assumed was aimed at children, cuz woah its bad). Would really like to see them make this into a full series or an OVA at least.

    Also Narrative looks like it'll be dope! Hiroyuki Sawano on the OST too!


  2. 10 hours ago, violetchain said:

    Is that last icon your result, or is it the same for everyone? Because mine says humanism. Ended up with a bit more in spiritualism than I would have expected, but I guess that's because it's weighed against all the questions about money, and I can't say being rich has ever been a big priority.

    Yeah, I got 'monotheism'. Which is actually more or less accurate for me depending on how you look at it. Wouldn't read TOO much into the results tho.


    5 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    what a weird way to spell "Russian" x



    4 hours ago, togz said:

    These are vastly different results than what i would have scored even a year ago...


  3. Hey, guys. Tried this for fun recently, and thought it might also be fun to share with everyone here! So if you've got about 10 mins to spare, click the link below and post your results!




    Find out how you stand along many philosophical dichotomies from egoism and altruism to skepticism and absolutism.



    Here's what I got:





    Post your results!

  4. 2 hours ago, platy said:


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    I always give my friends 100% of my support when they're upset or have problems. Not to brag, but my advice always saves them from some serious trouble and personal/emotional issues. They, in turn, didn't ask me once if my surgery went well and now that I need some advice regarding a life changing opportunity they're almost useless. I do it because I genuinely enjoy it, not because I expect something in return, but after a while it gets disheartening. The lesson here is don't put all your effort into people since they're likely not going to do the same for you 👍🏼Moving on. Also Oblivion by lynch. is crap.




    FIRST OF ALL, "Oblivion" is one of my favorite songs by lynch.!!! We might just have to re-negotiate your position on staff now :lol::lol::lol:


    lol, nah, but seriously. I feel you on this 100%. One of the things I've been learning is that we really can't be too hasty to credit people as being "friends", because unfortunately, some people aren't friends for friendship sake - rather, they're simply around for their own occasion. Whether it's for the sake of attention, distraction, fun - whatever the case, they're not around for you, but they're around for what they can get from you. Many people operate like this without even realizing it, though. It's one of the many wretched facets of human nature.


    So in light of that, you just have to be sober about it and actually prove people before elevating them to friend status. How do you do that? Simply examine the fruits of their behavior/actions. Is this someone who I can depend on when I need them? Is this someone who's willing to share my burdens when I'm troubled? Is this someone I can seek sound counsel from? Is this someone who doesn't invalidate my feelings? Is this someone who gives without expectation of return? Is this someone who I can be honest with, without them getting angry at me? Is this someone I can disagree with / butt heads with and there still be no love lost? Is this someone with the capacity to forgive? Is this someone who's genuinely invested in my growth and not only wants to see me do better, but is willing to put in the work to help me do better as well?


    These are just some of the questions we can ask ourselves when examining those in our lives worthy of being considered a friend. Always look at the fruits! Now if their only fruit is the fact they're always around during fun/good/happy times, yet they're ghost in times of affliction or they flee at any sign of discomfort - well, you pretty much know what to expect then :lol:


    But anyways, I can certainly relate to you, because I've always been the type to give people more credit than is due, and I've often made the mistake of expecting people to be as forgiving and merciful as I aim to be. And unfortunately, it's resulted in a lot of unnecessary heartache, but you live, you learn, you adapt and do better! :hum:


    And regardless of if people reciprocate your behavior or not - I definitely think you're operating in the right spirit! Truly, cultivating good character is its own reward! And that's exactly what you're doing, so keep shining your light regardless of dem shadows!!!  ;) 




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