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Everything posted by CAT5

  1. Getting head for good deeds? I like it

    1. CAT5


      It was your mom, though, maiku. ^^ <3

    2. Flash-Fab-Supernova


      Guess I'll have to get back at you by gittin wit yo bro.

    3. CAT5
    4. Show next comments  381 more
  2. CAT5

    all of them
  4. CAT5

    I don't get any impressions at all from the tiny bit of music played in the teaser/preview/whatever... ...I did replay it like 5 or 6 times tho >.>
  5. CAT5

    Heyyyy, I remember you! Welcome back! ^____________________^
  6. I never thought a Jonas brother would look like he could whoop my ass! o.o http://31.media.tumblr.com/95b77856ecada42914d591696d187534/tumblr_mqrjrdGYEm1sw9sclo1_500.jpg

    1. Senedjem


      the thing's I'd do to that jfc

    2. Umi_Niwa
    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      the thing's I'd do to that jfc [200] hNnghghh

    4. Show next comments  381 more
  7. ^ Similar to sai, I find that laidback and dreamy electronic/idm helps when reading or studying. Post-rock, piano-centric jazz, and classical/modern classical also works great for me
  8. "Filmsick Mystery"...I've been playing this song an awful lot lately =/

  9. "I don't ever talk down to someone because of what type of music they listen to... stupid people need entertainment too or they get bored and start to ruin things smart people create. Wait, did I just?.... talk down?".....LMAO

    1. Ito
    2. nick


      No, you didn't but you did.

  10. Everyone has those opinions on music that either garner condescendent and judgemental sideeyes, or incites flame wars and shitstorms. I'm interested in learning what music opinions you all might have like that. Since popularity and unpopularity are relative and depends on the setting, please also provide a bit of context with your opinions! Also, feel free to discuss the opions that others post! As for my opinions: "VK isn't all bad". "There's some good VK". Now to give you all a bit of context. These opinions are hardly controversial here on MH, but all of the music-heads I consult with outside of MH are adamant about their distaste for VK. Simply put, most of them hate it. So I usually refrain from mentioning anything VK-related in their presence, but IF I DO, I always find myself having to defend this opinion and go the extra mile to show them how credible VK can be. "Dir en grey is still VK": Ok, technically they may not be considered VK and the band may not consider themselves VK anymore. Sure, they've changed their image and have shunned a few traditional VK aesthetics. Sure, they've added harsh, guttural vocals, changed the tuning on their guitars, and have taken on more organic song structures. However, their overall sound is still so battered and deep fried in VK, that it's nearly impossible for me to mentally segregate them from VK as a whole. The fact that VK still has so many Kyo worshipping vocalists doesn't help either. Their influence on VK has been undeniable, so for me to regard them as something completely different now is pretty difficult. I will return later when I think of some more. But for now, that's enough to kick this thread off. What are yours!!??
  11. So yeah, the title is kinda self-explanitory. What kind of music do you all like to listen to while studying or ready? Are there any specific songs, albums, or artists that you put on? Do you have a playlist specifically dedicated to studying/reading? Are there any genres that you find more suited to your study habits more than others? Let me know, i'm curious!
  12. Making this as a sister-thread to nero's thread. According to my last.fm: 凛として時雨 (rin toshite shigure) 9mm Parabellum Bullet - most of their new music is MEH AS FUCK, but I still jam to a lot of their earlier work 八十八ヶ所巡礼 (88kasyo Junrei) LOSTAGE 緋と陽 (hitohi) ATATA ハイスイノナサ (haisuinonasa) mudy on the 昨晩 オワリカラ (owarikara) THE NOVEMBERS
  13. CAT5

    BUCK-TICK, MERRY, lynch, the gazette.....do most of these bands even count, though?
  14. CAT5

    Got my playlist on shuffle. Currently listening to: 扇愛奈 - 片付けられない女
  15. I am not a human with a soul, I am soul having a human experience.

    1. -timecapsule-
    2. Ito


      MH is a website having a CAT5 experience.

  16. CAT5

    ONE PIECE as usual. I downloaded aku no hana and attack on titan, but haven't mustered up the motivation to actually watch them yet.
  17. CAT5

    lmao!...Definitely a more apt theory ; ) I'm looking forward to the new single, though. I never expect anything mindblowing from the gazette, but if they can manage to include so much as a memorable/catchy riff (think: 'DISTRESS AND COMA'), then I'll be happy, hahahaha. ; )
  18. CAT5

    FORBIDDEN BEAVER - a "chuggingly hardcore" outcry expressing Ruki's anguish about not being able to sleep with women that aren't attracted to pale, effiminate, emaciated, and poorly-endowed Japanese rocker types.
  19. CAT5

    Awesome thread!
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