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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

    I think the only thing I really can't complain about gazette is the actual PV production since they signed with sony tbh awwwwww https://www.facebook.com/venomousc/photos/a.564832613574334.1073741825.560513134006282/911725558885036/?type=1 slay, kings of major label visual kei videos of 2015
  2. it's like that 6 minutes long satsuki solo pv with a little bit of gazette taion/chizuru teas on top, v. boring and uninspired, pls dont come back tbh, bye
  3. nekkichi

    I don't like where this is going so far
  4. nekkichi

    interesting, so there's one more PV on top of at least 2 or 3 different ones that previous CM featured. probably intro + outro + 2 album PVs than?.... excited for visual side of this album, sony marketing/production is srsly the best atm
  5. nekkichi

    I lost track of ex-brq member shifts and changes at this point tbh, boogieman had a much better line up and overall better music than this. good to down that they're downscaling the venue size intentionally, explain cheap autotune on the record and overall lack of giving fucks about this album tbh. I hope the brilliant kings of creative autotune use in visual kei, ZORO, will come back with something slaying later tbh
  6. nekkichi

    lmao this is complete garbage except for tracks 6 and 7, they autotuned the fuck out of it to make sure vo. bae doesn't strain himself too much during touring another 4 albums of this shit coming soon tbh, while baroque ~name~ is still big enough to get milked off this is awful, just disband already and reform boogieman tbh #justice-4-madygrain
  7. not feeling the whole megaromania/lycaon over the top fanservice game on two left ones, and eriza also was a better band name, but idk....music?... I have a weird feeling they either won't last too long, or will shift a couple members, and change their name again. this is too weird atm. king yuuki looks good, tho.
  8. nekkichi

    bless u 4 this food
  9. nekkichi

    oh wow, that fukai performance is slaying for real, i want a dvd or smth
  10. nekkichi

    exactly. I really wonder how many people don't realize that touring itself is a minor part of a pretty disgusting business, visual kei in heavily christian areas? sure, but it will look like like this, this is what miyavi was trying to do, and left for a movie career and gospel trash no one cares about back in japan. by the way, anyone else can watch this miyavi PV on Canadian youtube? it's wiped off my search results, never was an issue in europe or asia before.
  11. nekkichi

    :3 watch "funeral parade of roses" put ur jock son on cocaine and estrogen pills #concerned_mom_advice #soccer_momager_goals <3 :3
  12. nekkichi

    venomous cell FB is pure gold, thanks!
  13. nekkichi

    do you really think north america (as in the US and Canada) is drastically better than Brazil in this regard? you guys have more buying power when it comes to art rock and videogames and shit compared to Canada, for example, and have more VK acts than an average EU country gets per year. it's a bit more complicated than hitting "preorder" button and get e-ticket printed out at home. breaking news - tour organizers have to combat church/government regulations, and yeeey!!!!! crime affiliation also does a huge reputation damage. same church most of brazilian mushroom heads are subscribing so intensely towards doesn't allow cultural imports and shit. sorry for another sick with flu rambling comment, tho.
  14. nekkichi

    ummm who cares, they barely released anything and like honestly i won't even mind not hearing from them until a first full LP drops, w/e. his artpop is annoying as ever since kurt disbanded anyway.
  15. nekkichi

    go back to sleep, 2015 is kaya year
  16. nekkichi

    ughhhhh good drummer choice idk
  17. nekkichi

    the geisha wig is one of best kyo decisions in so many years tbh, I love it
  18. do u think Generation Dee will protect nationwide american megamasso tour if organizing a dir en grey export is a big deal #Important-questions-of-now
  19. it is a good day when u wake up to DAD jerking off @ your music itunes cover folder <3

    1. nekkichi


      awwww it's like #ADORABLE when they switch from obsessing over m'ley sairus

    2. Shmilly
    3. beni


      Just another normal morning~

    4. Show next comments  441 more
  20. nekkichi

    thank u. we always appreciate a quality insight from otaku converts <3 I'm LOVING the influx of weird new members around certain dates here btw.
  21. this actually sounds p. decent, I'm glad they got funding and got the f. out of ps company. tomomi needs to hire-produce a lot of new talent asap tbh
  22. lol, had my first ~visual kei~ themed dream in almost ten years, this time it was kaya going through death-metal era with femme fatale's next album, this was adorable <3

    1. emmny


      surprise! kaya does guest vocals on the new nocturnal bloodlust single!!

    2. nekkichi


      LMAO is this real???? I can not stand nokubura, but Save Them, QUEEN

    3. emmny


      lolz no kaya would ruin their career and send cockturnal fucklust into indiefag bandomen hell! stop this collab at all costs

  23. https://soundcloud.com/mssingno/cashmere-cat-adore-feat-ariana-grande-mssingno-remix i wish gazette stole this sound for some of their electronic arrangements tbh
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