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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. she's still trying, duh? sle those 130 youtube views cueen
  2. beautiful cgi, love the city scenes (except for the idiotic giant head prop) fuck their neckbeard pandering (lesbion kiss with tha exotique chick!! I wish they were my mates!! I'll get my doritos stat) fuck 90 % white cast (either shoot it in north america or don't bring that much mayo at all) fuck the "azn gangsta mob breaking into tha scene" trope fuck this shit if this is what they are showing in the first trailer proper fuck the pretense with the 8 seconds teasers (this ain't utafumi marketing, piss off) will wait for first reviews, so far not here for the shit script writing either
  3. Re:incarnation sounds like it is not a single band, but the entire 1996-2003 indie scene simultaneously dissing Dir en grey ca. dum spiro spiro, love kiyouka sfm r.n.

  4. I don't understand what kind of trauma visual kei retirees undergo throughout their career so they intentionally avoid the magics of foundation makeup and mineral powders and go straight to pornstache tbh
  5. nekkichi

  6. nekkichi

    they had a few lucid moments to be fair, and I'm forever stanning that epic bear neighbour story (real shame they deleted it so quickly) (((Canadian people are precious and special, must be protected at all costs)))
  7. nekkichi

    2002 nostalgia delivered √
  8. made an mp3 rip out of that initi*l'L demo live, wish I knew how to split shit into separate tracks (too lazy to google r.n., looking for a mac flv converter was 2 much for today)

  9. nekkichi

  10. nekkichi

    ^ found Kiwamu's MH account!
  11. am I the only person faintly remembering the kawaii one who shall not be named reminiscing about spending social support money on kiryu imports?

    idk about intricacies of montreal govmnt allowance, but this entire recent frenzy becomes even more bizzare if my memory, indeed, serves me right this time.

    1. suji


      m'kawaii was harassing people & then threatening to take down the forum, which is why the dl section is gone

    2. herpes
    3. nekkichi



      oh - so it's basically starting here a few days ago -

      (scroll till you hit tha pink text for context), and escalated around late yesterday i guess?  I feel I missed MOST of fun this time

    4. Show next comments  378 more
  12. nekkichi

    I just saw these 2 threads simultaneously and lost it for a moment @Tokage 2nd definition might be the one they meant idk
  13. this new song better come packed with some quality b-sides, I'm not feeling it at all.
  14. nekkichi

    what a great line, I believe it also could be attributed to Harambe! (((I'll see myself out)))
  15. it's overproduced to hell and back tbh. I hate the abuse of electronic beats and autotune and yuuki's overemotional vocal gymnastics on that song (it actually sounded better live because electronic parts were toned down a lot and he didn't use same vocal filters while performing.) I can say I should have watched the live prior to PV, opening song gives me so much life I've had it on repeat since first listening to; there's a noticeable number of filler tracks, which is not good; I appreciate them lifting dir en grey's dozing green opening for one of the songs mid-live, and I legit lold a few times when high pitched chanteuse occasionally went full banshee (I think it was okuribi? where his tenor just goES OFF, totes ridiculous.) did Yuuki call moonlight down a demo single before performing it? so chances are they are also using it to woo a bigger record deal w. major distribution and all that? (still doesn't excuse the horrific lead track, but still.)
  16. they can help it by releasing better music. I wouldn't have a problem if moonlight down was a b-side and type a bonus tracks never left the studio.
  17. I wasn't talking to you, and I wasn't really looking for any extra outside input to form my opinion. keep stanning mama.
  18. their sound changed, moonlight (and entire type A) sounds weirdly bland; the extra reverb, or whatever they are using on his vocals in the title track, sounds really out of place. I don't like his current face/his make up (it legit feels like he had some work done and uses bleached eyebrows as a distraction.) at least they are still giving us some bops, idk what they'll end up sounding like in a year from now.
  19. I feel like once Karma starts releasing music under new label, half of this board will be moaning about tha golden days of shimizuya records tbh

  20. nekkichi

    well static x only had 4 real bops to steal from in their discog, can't really blame Ai for that!
  21. it's trash. type B&C b-sides are a lot more interesting, it's basically lycaon sound all over again. moonlight down is awful though.
  22. nekkichi

    this sounds like every deathgaze lead single
  23. nekkichi

    anyway, seks talk aside is anyone else secretly anticipating tha queen signing with midi:nette? I want ha to shine where wakeshima kanon ended up flopping.
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