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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. lmao Goat just can't sink lower with his money milking ways. at least composing a half-assed b-side or two could give this release a valid reason to be published outside of an anime soundtrack CD.
  2. that's p. much what they did!
  3. I want hibari to crawl out from w/e rock he's hiding under atm and make vk gr8 again ((cc. mako))

  4. nekkichi

    I'm occasionally very good at cooking up drama and stirring shit likewise
  5. nekkichi

    yasss mama I bet u looking smokin' hot in this WERRRRRK. have u tried melatonin i's otc in any pharmacy in the vitamins/supplements corner & 3 mg taken before sleep should kick you out for next 6 hours at very least
  6. nekkichi

    praying 4 @YuyoDrift
  7. nekkichi

    looks like every other release of them turns out mediocre a.f., but they already saved jpop with 等身大グレー for this year so idk lukewarm titillated to this.
  8. nekkichi

    that 4th sample sounds like gazette for heterosexual males, what kind of pussial straight magic realness
  9. Me. I am Kisaki.... The Elusive Contribuable — feat. Hitomi
  10. nekkichi

    http://oriconv.seesaa.net/article/165528048.html Diru album/single sales, ending with hageshisato ( oricon charts for comparison, with no digital downloads accounted for). also voted XJapan because yoshiki was blessed enough to have a career before annoying western metalhead neckbeards discovered bijuarukei
  11. nekkichi

    are you working in an entirely all male environment, or what? teaming up with a fellow m'lady who will be blunt enough to tell that person to stop ignoring showering could help. or maybe consider approaching this as guys do, and drench yourself in axe bodyspray until your eyes start tearing before your get out to work. this will ~inspire~ the other side to take a trip to the pharmacy and oh look at all those wonders! the soaps, the sponges, the loofas, the showering gels, the scrubs and sweat ointments, all right there, in the coveted axe isle and a shampoo two steps away
  12. nekkichi

    I c&p'ed lyrics below - Perfana Crescent Moon Frosty Rain
  13. nekkichi

    stanning nigu's mini album so much r.n.
  14. nekkichi

    she leaked, and this is not a good album monstrous screeching on diamond heart is one of her worst ideas ever. nothing sounds even remotely ~fresh, ~authentic, or ~interesting that when she's not reusing her old tricks to make new and underwhelming material - maybe with an exception for john wayne, idk. I'll give this track a few listens ltr. I wonder how shitty all the screaming and vocal layering is going to sound once she starts touring.
  15. nekkichi

    album he refers to has an... interesting cover
  16. nekkichi

    cutting wrists to MBHI >>>>>>>>>>>>> I never expected him to be any kind of intelligent, but those tweets are in Akane's mankind is fool territory tbh what kind of authentic vk persona realness
  17. nekkichi

    I don't think there's that much to navigate through tho yohimbe probably added that to his ✨twitter moments✨ and ordered take out to celebrate being talked about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. nekkichi

    burn that sage, Maya don't let the browless demon get to u
  19. ✨let✨2017✨be✨tha✨year✨of✨Initial✨'L✨ ✨y✨'✨a✨l✨l✨
  20. nekkichi

    *sprinkles holy water to cleanse this thread of further minazi talk*
  21. camera obscura came packed with (pretty mediocre) electronic SEs, it's literally more of the same in the trailer.
  22. shrugging at the thought of yohimbe vanity searching himself on twitter like 24/7 #smh

    1. nekkichi


      I'd say google alerts, but the thought of him manually, personally self-searching on twitter is more realistic.

  23. nekkichi

    like Mia gives a fuck about his life on twitter?... I appreciate ha taking time to copy & paste a direct link to your tweet instead of @-replying messy delusional bitch who lives for drama knows how to milk twitter so that ha followers notice your reaction (and supposedly chime in?)
  24. ummm personal impression, dude? every time they try to sound ~quirky~, it comes off as an ensoku knock off (with a hearty dose of mediocre tenten, now that I've given that sampler a second listen.)
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