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Everything posted by nekkichi

  1. nekkichi

  2. so tired of recent firewall div.’s uninspired-ass pivs utafumi was probably the only decent exception, this stuff looks like they threw it together only to fill record store screens with something, and expect blond mama’s hair to do all the selling
  3. can u even imagine if they're in fact co-producing a vocaloid band or something equally awful
  4. nekkichi

  5. literally chocked on my oolong over the kpop thread and could hardly breathe for a while

    blame/praise herpes when i die reading mh

  6. nekkichi

    yasss kween!!!!! yasss @ the only black k-pop member that matters being an unofficial one
  7. ya I don't think caked on makeup and dry like fucc hair looks that well w/o photoshop it's not even the age thing, just their general rattiness. holy shit if they are in late thirties and still pull of the immature conditionally disbanding indie nonsense tbh
  8. tbh their members in the videos ITT are the opposite of good looking
  9. I take my words back, that english an cafe song is slaying 4 real 👏👏👏

  10. nekkichi

    they all need chin implants .
  11. nekkichi

    have another comment, sweatie those attention cravings must have hit u hard :'((
  12. nekkichi

    call the record studio, @kirito! they'll send u one straight off the mastering system.
  13. nekkichi

    no one gives a shit about ur english songs, cancer cafe dir en grey already made ur mistakes for u in 2009 and here we are again
  14. nekkichi

    **lesser copy yas @ Bero going against tha current trend and showcasing tha vocal talent whereas every other shit-tier band would've slapped some autotune on top of what sounds like an iphone mic record. I have a hunch they just can't afford it yet, but will catch up by their 2nd (and last) PV.
  15. Idk if cell are over officially, but members withdraw from bands on, like, 1/2 rate of disbands due to creative differences; didn't d.i.d. lose 3/5 members during their hiatus before announcing a formal kaisan? anyway, this sounds interesting; I hope he'll amp their sound up.
  16. nekkichi

    ^ p. sure it's going to be an album opener, once they compose enough material (and secure a label deal, if they plan on going major soon.)
  17. nekkichi

    ughhh is it just different make-up/lighting, or did mama get some lip fillers??? :<<< very disappointed in lack of grøwls in tha snippet. nnnnnn, this...I'm not really sure, lol!! maybe.
  18. the hi-res cover art is on their FB and it's mf fantastic tbh
  19. nekkichi

    how do u shitpost visunavi tho ***asking the important questions***
  20. nekkichi

    sle that product placement cheque, future liver-transplant cueens at least their gya seem to be legal drinking age already nhft largely same look this time though.
  21. nekkichi

    creative differences, man ott but does the voice-over guy really spell DT name as Debile Kitty?????
  22. nekkichi

    my dear, I'm not referring to actual trans/agender people, the more or less socially integrated type; I specifically outline the obnoxious vocal tumblr stereotype that had a brief moment of raise to the internet fame, which is still not really over. thank you for your input tho!
  23. nekkichi

    this to oshare kei is what a multiple myeloma is to a cheek pimple I can see this becoming tha sound of 2017's bands-that-conditionally-disband-after-releasing-their-first-5-tracks-mini
  24. nekkichi

    I love how they splurged on a trip to NY to take a photo in Azealia's chicken closet!!
  25. nekkichi

    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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